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On the performance of optimal double circulant even codes
On primitive constant dimension codes and a geometrical sunflower bound
In this paper we study subspace codes with constant intersection dimension (SCIDs). We investigate the largest possible dimension spanned by such a code that can yield non-sunflower codes, and classify the examples attaining equality in that bound as one of two infinite families. We also construct a new infinite family of primitive SCIDs.
- Subspace codes,
- constant intersection dimension codes,
- rank codes,
- finite geometry,
- Galois geometry.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 05B25, 51E20, 94B60.Citation: -
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Figure 1. The
$(k,k-t)$ -SCID described in Example 1 -
Figure 2. The
$(k,k-t)$ -SCID described in Example 2