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Constructions of optimal balanced $ (m, n, \{4, 5\}, 1) $-OOSPCs

  • * Corresponding author: Dianhua Wu

    * Corresponding author: Dianhua Wu

The second author is supported in part by Guangxi Nature Science Foundation (No. 2018GXNSFA138038). The third author is supported by the Project of Basic Ability Improvement of Young and Middle-Aged Teachers of Universities in Guangxi (No. 2017KY1301). The last author is supported in part by NSFC (No. 11671103, 11801103), Guangxi Nature Science Foundation (No. 2017GXNSFBA198030), and Foundation of Guangxi Key Lab of Multi-Source Information Mining and Security (No. 18-A-03-01)

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • Kitayama proposed a novel OCDMA (called spatial CDMA) for parallel transmission of 2-D images through multicore fiber. Optical orthogonal signature pattern codes (OOSPCs) play an important role in this CDMA network. Multiple-weight (MW) optical orthogonal signature pattern code (OOSPC) was introduced by Kwong and Yang for 2-D image transmission in multicore-fiber optical code-division multiple-access (OCDMA) networks with multiple quality of services (QoS) requirements. Some results had been done on optimal balanced $ (m, n, \{3, 4\}, 1) $-OOSPCs. In this paper, it is proved that there exist optimal balanced $ (2u, 16v, \{4, 5\}, 1) $-OOSPCs for odd integers $ u\geq 1 $, $ v\geq 1 $.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 05B40; Secondary: 94C30.


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