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Landscape Boolean functions

  • * Corresponding author: Pantelimon Stănică

    * Corresponding author: Pantelimon Stănică
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this paper we define a class of generalized Boolean functions defined on $ {\mathbb F}_2^n $ with values in $ {\mathbb Z}_q $ (we consider $ q = 2^k $, $ k\geq 1 $, here), which we call landscape functions (whose class contains generalized bent, semibent, and plateaued) and find their complete characterization in terms of their Boolean components. In particular, we show that the previously published characterizations of generalized plateaued Boolean functions (which includes generalized bent and semibent) are in fact particular cases of this more general setting. Furthermore, we provide an inductive construction of landscape functions, having any number of nonzero Walsh-Hadamard coefficients. We also completely characterize generalized plateaued functions in terms of the second derivatives and fourth moments.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94C10; Secondary: 06E30, 11A07.


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