New discrete logarithm computation for the medium prime case using the function field sieve
The present work reports progress in discrete logarithm computation for the general medium prime case using the function field sieve algorithm. A new record discrete logarithm computation over a 1051-bit field having a 22-bit characteristic was performed. This computation builds on and implements previously known techniques. Analysis indicates that the relation collection and descent steps are within reach for fields with 32-bit characteristic and moderate extension degrees. It is the linear algebra step which will dominate the computation time for any discrete logarithm computation over such fields.
- Finite field,
- discrete logarithm,
- function field sieve.
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11Y16; Secondary: 94A60.Citation: -
Table 1. A comparison of the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms for the medium prime case using the function field sieve algorithm
Table 2. A comparison of the difficulty of computing discrete logarithms for the medium prime case using the function field sieve algorithm for Kummer extensions, i.e., for fields
satisfying$\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$ $n\mathrel| (p-1)$ -
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