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On the polycyclic codes over $ \mathbb{F}_q+u\mathbb{F}_q $

  • *Corresponding author: Wei Qi

    *Corresponding author: Wei Qi
Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(0) / Table(2) Related Papers Cited by
  • In this article, we mainly study the polycyclic codes over $ S $, where $ S = \mathbb{F}_q+u\mathbb{F}_q $ with $ u^2 = u $. First, the annihilator self-dual codes, annihilator self-orthogonal codes and annihilator $ {{{\rm{LCD}}}} $ codes over $ S $ are also introduced and studied. Next, we define a Gray map from $ S^n $ to $ \mathbb{F}^{2n}_q $ and investigate the structure properties of polycyclic codes over $ S $ using the decomposition method. The Hamming distances of the Gray images are also determined by their decompositions. Finally, we obtain some good codes based on the results.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94B15; Secondary: 94B05.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.   

    Codes Generators Parameters $C^{\circ}$ Codes Generators Parameters $C^{\circ}$
    $C_1$ $0$ $[7,0,0] $ $C_{12}$ $C_{7}$ $g_1g_3$ $[7,3,4]$ $C_6$
    $C_2$ $g_1$ $[7,6,2]$ $C_{11}$ $C_{8}$ $g_2g_3$ $[7,2,3]$ $C_5$
    $C_3$ $g_2$ $[7,5,2]$ $C_{10}$ $C_{9}$ $g_1^2g_2$ $[7,3,2]$ $C_4$
    $C_4$ $g_3$ $[7,4,3]$ $C_{9}$ $C_{10}$ $g_1^2g_3$ $[7,2,4]$ $C_3$
    $C_5$ $g_1^2$ $[7,5,2]$ $C_{8}$ $C_{11}$ $g_1g_2g_3$ $[7,1,4]$ $C_2$
    $C_6$ $g_1g_2$ $[7,4,2]$ $C_{7}$ $C_{12}$ $1$ $[7,7,1]$ $C_1$
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    Table 2.   

    Codes generators $\Phi(C)$ $C^{\circ}$ Codes generators $\Phi(C)$ $C^{\circ}$
    $C_1$ $0$ $[8,0,0] $ $C_{16}$ $C_{9}$ $Ag_2$ $[8,1,3]$ $C_8$
    $C_2$ $Bf_1$ $[8,3,2]$ $C_{15}$ $C_{10}$ $Ag_2+Bf_1$ $[8,4,2]$ $C_7$
    $C_3$ $Bf_2$ $[8,1,3]$ $C_{14}$ $C_{11}$ $Ag_2+Bf_2$ $[8,2,3]$ $C_6$
    $C_4$ $B$ $[8,4,1]$ $C_{13}$ $C_{12}$ $Ag_2+B$ $[8,5,1]$ $C_5$
    $C_5$ $Ag_1$ $[8,3,2]$ $C_{12}$ $C_{13}$ $A$ $[8,4,1]$ $C_4$
    $C_6$ $Ag_1+Bf_1$ $[8,6,2]$ $C_{11}$ $C_{14}$ $A+Bf_1$ $[8,7,1]$ $C_3$
    $C_7$ $Ag_1+Bf_2$ $[8,4,2]$ $C_{10}$ $C_{15}$ $A+Bf_2$ $[8,5,1]$ $C_2$
    $C_8$ $Ag_1+B$ $[8,7,1]$ $C_{9}$ $C_{16}$ $A+B$ $[8,8,1]$ $C_1$
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