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New bound and constructions for geometric orthogonal codes and geometric 180-rotating orthogonal codes

  • *Corresponding author: Zihong Tian

    *Corresponding author: Zihong Tian

The first author is supported by IPFHB under Grant CXZZBS2021067. The second author is supported by the Key R & D Program of Guangdong province under Grant 2020B030304002 and NSFC under Grant 11901210. The last author is supported by NSFC under Grant 11871019

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  • Geometric orthogonal codes (GOCs) and geometric 180-rotating orthogonal codes (RGOCs) were introduced by Doty and Winslow for their application in DNA origami. So far, only a few classes of GOCs and one class of RGOCs are known. In this paper, we provide the combinatorial descriptions, present the upper bounds for the number of codewords and establish some recursive constructions for GOCs and RGOCs, respectively. As a consequence, the number of codewords in an optimal $ (n\times m, k, k-1) $-GOC and $ (n\times m, k, $ $ k-1) $-RGOC are determined for any positive integers $ n, m $ and $ k $. Some infinite families of $ (n\times m, k, \lambda) $-GOCs and $ (n\times m, k, \lambda) $-RGOCs for $ \lambda<k-1 $ are also obtained.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 05B10, 05B40; Secondary: 94C30.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  Some existential results of $ (n\times m, k, \lambda) $-GOCs

    Parameters Conditions Size Reference
    $ (n \times m, 3,1)$ $n\equiv0\pmod {3}, m\equiv3, 6\pmod {12}$
    or $m\equiv0\pmod {3}, n\equiv3, 6\pmod {12}$
    $(n\times m, 3, 1)$
    or $m\equiv0\pmod {3}, n\equiv3, 6\pmod {12}$
    or $m\equiv0\pmod {3}, n\equiv3, 6\pmod {12}$
    $\frac{2nm-n-m}{3}-1$ (optimal) [5,30]
    otherwise $\lfloor\frac{2nm-n-m}{3}\rfloor$ (optimal)
    $(n\times m, 3, 2)$ $\Phi(n\times m, 3, 2)$ (optimal) Theorem 3.5
    $(n\times m, 4, 1)$ $n, m \equiv1\pmod {6}, n, m\leq6001$ and $n, m\neq13, 19$ $\frac{2nm-n-m}{6}$ (optimal) Lemma 4.7
    $(n\times m, 4, 1)$ $n \equiv1\pmod {6}, n\leq6001, n\neq13, 19$ and $m\geq4, m\not\equiv2\pmod {4}$ $\frac{m(n-1)}{6}$ Corollary 4.19
    $(2^x\times 2^y, 4, 2)$ $n\geq3$ and $n=x+y$ $2*J(2^{n}, 4, 2)$ Corollary 4.14
    $(2^n\times m, 4, 2)$ $n\geq3$ $2m^2*J(2^n, 4, 2)$ Corollary 4.20
    $(n\times m, 4, 3)$ $\Phi (n\times m, 4, 3)$ (optimal) Theorem 3.5
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    Table 2.  Some existential results of $ (n\times m, k, \lambda) $-RGOCs

    Parameters Conditions Size Reference
    $(n\times m, 3, 2)$ $\Psi(n\times m, 3, 2)$ (optimal) Theorem 3.13
    $(n\times m, 4, 2)$ $n \equiv1\pmod {6}, n\leq6001, n\neq13, 19$ $\frac{m^2(n-1)}{6}$ Corollary 4.23
    $(n\times m, 4, 3)$ $\Psi(n\times m, 4, 3)$ (optimal) Theorem 3.13
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