Imaging of conductivity distribution based on a combined reconstruction method in brain electrical impedance tomography
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a promising technique in medical imaging. With this technique, pathology-related conductivity variation can be visualized. Nevertheless, reconstruction of conductivity distribution is a severely ill-posed inverse problem which poses a great challenge for the EIT technique. Especially in brain EIT, irregular and multi-layered head structure along with low-conductivity skull brings more difficulties for accurate reconstruction. To address such problems, a novel reconstruction method which combines Tikhonov regularization with denoising algorithm is proposed for imaging conductivity distribution in brain EIT. With the proposed method, image reconstruction of intracerebral hemorrhage in different brain lobes of a three-layer head model is conducted. Besides, simultaneous reconstruction of intracerebral hemorrhage and secondary ischemia is performed. Meanwhile, the impact of noise is investigated to evaluate the anti-noise performance. In addition, image reconstructions under head shape deformation are performed. The proposed reconstruction method is also quantitatively estimated by calculating blur radius and structural similarity. Phantom experiments are carried out to further verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Both qualitative and quantitative results have demonstrated that the proposed combined method is superior to Tikhonov regularization in imaging conductivity distribution. This work would provide an alternative for accurate reconstruction in EIT based medical imaging.
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 78A46.Citation: -
Figure 5. Reconstructed images for ICH and secondary ischemia of five models (Model 5 to Model 9). The second row displays the reconstruction based on the traditional Tikhonov method. The third row and the fourth row show the reconstructed images of ICH and secondary ischemia, respectively. The last row presents the reconstructed images of simultaneous ICH and secondary ischemia
Table 1. Comparison of computational time
Method Time/s Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Tikhonov 1.256 1.194 1.279 1.263 2.582 2.677 2.489 2.882 2.546 Proposed 2.467 2.339 2.845 2.642 3.936 4.023 3.962 4.113 3.875 Table 2. Comparison of BR and SSIM values under head shape deformation
Cases Tikhonov Proposed BR/SSIM BR/SSIM A 0.5219/0.6943 0.0884/0.8275 B 0.5844/0.5012 0.0827/0.8195 C 0.4948/0.5686 0.0834/0.8655 D 0.4876/0.6453 0.0847/0.8776 Table 3. The values of BR and SSIM for four phantoms
Phantom Tikhonov Proposed BR/SSIM BR/SSIM A 0.4196/0.7174 0.1230/0.8654 B 0.5629/0.5914 0.0629/0.8765 C 0.4882/0.5817 0.0657/0.8740 D 0.4733/0.7167 0.0729/0.8852 -
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Figure 1.
Sensor configuration in brain EIT. The colorbar represents electric potential distribution
Figure 2.
Illustration of a three-layer head model
Figure 3.
Reconstructed images for simulated ICH in different lobes. The first row displays the location of the ICH. The second and third rows are the reconstructed images with Tikhonov method and the proposed method, respectively
Figure 4.
Quantitative evaluation of four models (Model 1 to Model 4) in reconstructing ICH. (a) Blur radius; (b) Structural similarity
Figure 5.
Reconstructed images for ICH and secondary ischemia of five models (Model 5 to Model 9). The second row displays the reconstruction based on the traditional Tikhonov method. The third row and the fourth row show the reconstructed images of ICH and secondary ischemia, respectively. The last row presents the reconstructed images of simultaneous ICH and secondary ischemia
Figure 6.
Quantitative evaluation of five models (Model 5 to Model 9) in the simultaneous reconstruction. (a) Blur radius; (b) Structural similarity
Figure 7.
Reconstructed images for ICH in different lobes under the impact of noise. The first row displays the location of the ICH. The second and third rows are the reconstructed images with Tikhonov method and the proposed method, respectively
Figure 8.
Quantitative evaluation of four models (Model 1 to Model 4) under the impact of noise. (a) Blur radius; (b) Structural similarity
Figure 9.
Reconstructed images for ICH and secondary ischemia of five models (Model 5 to Model 9) under the impact of noise. The second row displays the reconstruction based on the traditional Tikhonov method. The last row presents the reconstructed images of simultaneous ICH and secondary ischemia
Figure 10.
Quantitative evaluation of five models (Model 5 to Model 9) under the impact of noise. (a) Blur radius; (b) Structural similarity
Figure 11.
Reconstructed images of ICH for four cases of head shape deformations
Figure 12.
A laboratory EIT system and phantom head model
Figure 13.
Reconstructed images based on phantom experiment