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Priority queueing analysis of transaction-confirmation time for Bitcoin

The second author is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) No. 15H04008 and SCAT Foundation

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  • In Bitcoin system, a transaction is given a priority value according to its attributes such as the remittance amount and fee, and transactions with high priorities are likely to be confirmed faster than those with low priorities. In this paper, we analyze the transaction-confirmation time for Bitcoin system. We model the transaction-confirmation process as a queueing system with batch service, M/$ \mbox{G}^B $/1. We consider the joint distribution of numbers of transactions in system and the elapsed service time, deriving the mean transaction-confirmation time. Using the result, we derive the recursive formulae of mean transaction-confirmation times of an M/$ \mbox{G}^B $/1 queue with priority service discipline. In numerical examples, we show the effect of the maximum block size on the mean transaction-confirmation time, investigating the accuracy region of our queueing model. We also discuss how the increase in micropayments, which are likely to be given low priorities, affects the transaction-confirmation time.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 68M20, 90B22; Secondary: 60K25.


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  • Figure 1.  Comparison of analysis and simulation for basic queueing model

    Figure 2.  Comparison of analysis and simulation for priority-queueing model

    Figure 3.  Transaction-confirmation time vs. block size, 1st period (October 2013 to September 2014). $ \lambda = 0.7336929 $, $ \mu = 0.0019748858 $, and the coefficient of variation of transaction inter-arrival time: $ 3.72401599 $

    Figure 4.  Transaction-confirmation time vs. block size, 2nd period (October 2014 to September 2015). $ \lambda = 1.2081311 $, $ \mu = 0.0017009449 $, and the coefficient of variation of transaction inter-arrival time: $ 15.3250509 $

    Figure 5.  The mean transaction-arrival rate

    Figure 6.  Transaction-confirmation time vs. block size, October 2013 to September 2014. $ \lambda_H = 0.7203544 $, $ \mu = 0.0019748858 $

    Figure 7.  Transaction-confirmation time vs. block size, October 2014 to September 2015. $ \lambda_H = 1.1494675 $, $ \mu = 0.0017009449 $

    Figure 8.  Transaction-confirmation time vs. block size, October 2013 to September 2014. $ \lambda_L = 0.0133385 $, $ \mu = 0.0019748858 $

    Figure 9.  Transaction-confirmation time vs. block size, October 2014 to September 2015. $ \lambda_L = 0.0586636 $, $ \mu = 0.0017009449 $

    Figure 10.  The effects of the block size on the transaction-confirmation time

    Figure 11.  The effects of the micropayments on the transaction-confirmation time

    Figure 12.  The effect of the block size on the transaction-confirmation time of high-priority transactions

    Figure 13.  The effects of the block size on the transaction-confirmation time of low-priority transactions

    Table 1.  Mean transaction confirmation time for each priority

    Period Classless [s] Low priority [s] High priority [s]
    1st (2013/10/1-2014/9/30) 1060.67797 1947.47115 1044.25043
    2nd (2014/10/1-2015/9/30) 1171.98866 4887.56496 1070.32818
    overall (2013/10/1-2015/9/30) 1124.13286 3888.06977 1059.06133
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    Table 2.  Comparison of analysis and measurement

    Transaction Type Arrival Rate Measurement [s] Analysis[s]
    Classless 0.9709120529 1124.13286 1112.025339
    High Priority 0.9349109906 1059.06133 1108.773595
    Low Priority 0.0360010622 3888.06977 1196.469817
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    Table 3.  Coefficients of variation for transaction interarrival time

    Period 1st
    Classless 3.72401 15.32505 10.17893
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    Table 4.  Coefficients of variation for transaction interarrival time, two-priority classes

    Period 1st
    Low Priority 1.66569 3.90654 3.01387
    High Priority 3.70045 14.94895 9.99103
     | Show Table
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