Research article Special Issues

Multimedia IoT-surveillance optimization model using mobile-edge authentic computing

  • Received: 13 August 2023 Revised: 21 September 2023 Accepted: 24 September 2023 Published: 13 October 2023
  • Smart technologies are advancing the development of cutting-edge systems by exploring the future network. The Internet of Things (IoT) and many multimedia sensors interact with each other for collecting and transmitting visual data. However, managing enormous amounts of data from numerous network devices is one of the main research challenges. In this context, various IoT systems have been investigated and have provided efficient data retrieval and processing solutions. For multimedia systems, however, controlling inefficient bandwidth utilization and ensuring timely transmission of vital information are key research concerns. Moreover, to transfer multimedia traffic while balancing communication costs for the IoT system, a sustainable solution with intelligence in real-life applications is demanded. Furthermore, trust must be formed for technological advancement to occur; such an approach provides the smart communication paradigm with the incorporation of edge computing. This study proposed a model for optimizing multimedia using a combination of edge computing intelligence and authentic strategies. Mobile edges analyze network states to discover the system's status and minimize communication disruptions. Moreover, direct and indirect authentication determines the reliability of data forwarders and network stability. The proposed authentication approach minimizes the possibility of data compromise and increases trust in multimedia surveillance systems. Using simulation testing, the proposed model outperformed other comparable work in terms of byte delivery, packet overhead, packet delay, and data loss metrics.

    Citation: Faten S. Alamri, Khalid Haseeb, Tanzila Saba, Jaime Lloret, Jose M. Jimenez. Multimedia IoT-surveillance optimization model using mobile-edge authentic computing[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(11): 19174-19190. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023847

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  • Smart technologies are advancing the development of cutting-edge systems by exploring the future network. The Internet of Things (IoT) and many multimedia sensors interact with each other for collecting and transmitting visual data. However, managing enormous amounts of data from numerous network devices is one of the main research challenges. In this context, various IoT systems have been investigated and have provided efficient data retrieval and processing solutions. For multimedia systems, however, controlling inefficient bandwidth utilization and ensuring timely transmission of vital information are key research concerns. Moreover, to transfer multimedia traffic while balancing communication costs for the IoT system, a sustainable solution with intelligence in real-life applications is demanded. Furthermore, trust must be formed for technological advancement to occur; such an approach provides the smart communication paradigm with the incorporation of edge computing. This study proposed a model for optimizing multimedia using a combination of edge computing intelligence and authentic strategies. Mobile edges analyze network states to discover the system's status and minimize communication disruptions. Moreover, direct and indirect authentication determines the reliability of data forwarders and network stability. The proposed authentication approach minimizes the possibility of data compromise and increases trust in multimedia surveillance systems. Using simulation testing, the proposed model outperformed other comparable work in terms of byte delivery, packet overhead, packet delay, and data loss metrics.


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