Review Special Issues

Biofilms: Formation, drug resistance and alternatives to conventional approaches

  • Received: 14 March 2022 Revised: 09 June 2022 Accepted: 09 June 2022 Published: 04 July 2022
  • Biofilms are aggregates of bacteria, in most cases, which are resistant usually to broad-spectrum antibiotics in their typical concentrations or even in higher doses. A trend of increasing multi-drug resistance in biofilms, which are responsible for emerging life-threatening nosocomial infections, is becoming a serious problem. Biofilms, however, are at various sensitivity levels to environmental factors and are versatile in infectivity depending on virulence factors. This review presents the fundamental information about biofilms: formation, antibiotic resistance, impacts on public health and alternatives to conventional approaches. Novel developments in micro-biosystems that help reveal the new treatment tools by sensing and characterization of biofilms will also be discussed. Understanding the formation, structure, physiology and properties of biofilms better helps eliminate them by the usage of appropriate antibiotics or their control by novel therapy approaches, such as anti-biofilm molecules, effective gene editing, drug-delivery systems and probiotics.

    Citation: Ruba Mirghani, Tania Saba, Hebba Khaliq, Jennifer Mitchell, Lan Do, Liz Chambi, Kelly Diaz, Taylor Kennedy, Katia Alkassab, Thuhue Huynh, Mohamed Elmi, Jennifer Martinez, Suad Sawan, Girdhari Rijal. Biofilms: Formation, drug resistance and alternatives to conventional approaches[J]. AIMS Microbiology, 2022, 8(3): 239-277. doi: 10.3934/microbiol.2022019

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  • Biofilms are aggregates of bacteria, in most cases, which are resistant usually to broad-spectrum antibiotics in their typical concentrations or even in higher doses. A trend of increasing multi-drug resistance in biofilms, which are responsible for emerging life-threatening nosocomial infections, is becoming a serious problem. Biofilms, however, are at various sensitivity levels to environmental factors and are versatile in infectivity depending on virulence factors. This review presents the fundamental information about biofilms: formation, antibiotic resistance, impacts on public health and alternatives to conventional approaches. Novel developments in micro-biosystems that help reveal the new treatment tools by sensing and characterization of biofilms will also be discussed. Understanding the formation, structure, physiology and properties of biofilms better helps eliminate them by the usage of appropriate antibiotics or their control by novel therapy approaches, such as anti-biofilm molecules, effective gene editing, drug-delivery systems and probiotics.



    This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.


    G.R. conceived the idea of this review article. G.R. took the lead in writing the manuscript and prepared the illustrating figures. R.M, T.S and H.K. contributed to the writing. All other authors provided information related to the manuscript, provided critical feedback and contributed to the final version of the manuscript.

    Ethics declarations

    The authors declare no competing interests.

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