Gamified Physical Exercise and Mental Health




Gamification, Mental Health, Well-Being, Video Games, Physical Exercise


Introduction: the incorporation of gamification into physical exercise has facilitated the exploration of its mental health benefits. Analysing the nexus between gamified physical exercise and mental well-being has yielded substantial and promising outcomes. The creation of applications to enhance adherence to physical exercise presents a multifaceted challenge, necessitating a multidisciplinary and innovative approach that encompasses psychological, motivational, and physiological factors pertinent to physical exercise. Gamified physical exercise emerges as an innovative strategy for addressing public health challenges. 
Objective: this study aims to evaluate the relationship and impact of gamified physical exercise on mental health, through an analysis of published empirical studies. 
Method: an exhaustive literature search was conducted in the SCOPUS and Web of Science databases, spanning from 2017 to 2022, adhering to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. 
Results: the search yielded 8 articles providing empirical evidence on the interplay between gamified physical exercise and mental health. 75 % of these studies ascertain a positive correlation, indicating enhancements in self-efficacy, stress levels, sleep quality, depression, mood, life satisfaction, and, in some instances, increased engagement in physical exercise. 
Conclusions: gamified physical exercise exhibits a favourable impact on mental health, accompanied by ancillary benefits such as enhanced social relationships, motivation for ongoing exercise, enjoyment, and adherence


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Systematic reviews or meta-analyses

How to Cite

Ariño-Mateo E, García-Carretero J, Alonso-Rodríguez I, Olmos-Raya E. Gamified Physical Exercise and Mental Health. Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];4:1063. Available from: