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Command Line Interface (CLI)

dprint <SUBCOMMAND> [OPTIONS] [--] [files]...

Installing and Setup/Initialization

See Install and Setup.


In versions >= 0.30, you can upgrade to the latest version by running dprint upgrade.


The information outlined here will only be for the latest version, so dprint help or dprint help <SUBCOMMAND> (ex. dprint help fmt) will output information on how to use the CLI and give more detail about some of the flags not mentioned here.

Formatting Files

After setting up a configuration file, run the fmt command:

dprint fmt

To format a subset of the files the configuration file matches, you may specify the file paths to format or not format:

dprint fmt **/*.js --excludes **/data

A rare use case, but to override/ignore the patterns in the config file, use the --includes-override and --excludes-override flags:

dprint fmt --includes-override **/*.js --excludes-override **/data

Formatting only git staged files

Requires dprint >= 0.47.0

To format only files that are staged use the --staged flag:

dprint fmt --staged

Note: This requires that git is installed and that you use git for source control.

Formatting Standard Input

Use dprint fmt --stdin <file-path/file-name/extension> and provide the input file text to stdin. The output will be directed by the CLI to stdout.

Provide a full file path to format with inclusion/exclusion rules of your dprint configuration file or provide only a file name or extension to always format the file.

Checking What Files Aren't Formatted

Instead of formatting files, you can get a report of any files that aren't formatted by running:

dprint check

Example output:

Example of dprint check output.

If you wish to only output the file paths and not any diffs, dprint 0.42 and above supports the --list-different flag.

Incremental Formatting

By default, dprint will only format files that have changed since the last time you formatted the code in order to drastically improve performance.

If you want to disable this functionality, you may specify --incremental=false on the CLI:

dprint fmt --incremental=false

Alternatively, specify the following in your dprint configuration file:

  "incremental": false
  // etc...

Using a Custom Config File Path or URL

Instead of the default dprint configuration paths you may specify a path to a configuration file via the --config or -c flag.

dprint fmt --config path/to/my/config.json
# or specify a URL
dprint fmt --config https://dprint.dev/path/to/some/config.json

This flag is more useful for one-off commands. It is recommended to use the default configuration file location and name as that will lead to a better user experience.

Exit codes

  • 0 - Success
  • 1 - General error
  • 10 - Argument parsing error
  • 11 - Configuration resolution error
  • 12 - Plugin resolution error
  • 13 - No plugins found error
  • 14 - No files found error (or suppress to 0 with --allow-no-files in dprint >= 0.43)
  • 20 - dprint check found non-formatted files

Shell completions

Shell completions can be generated by running dprint completions <shell> in dprint 0.39+.

Supported shells:

  • bash
  • elvish
  • fish
  • powershell
  • zsh

Example (bash):

dprint completions bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/dprint.bash
source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/dprint.bash

Diagnostic Commands and Flags

Outputting file paths

Sometimes you may not be sure what files dprint is picking up and formatting. To check, use the output-file-paths subcommand to see all the resolved file paths for the current plugins based on the CLI arguments and configuration.

dprint output-file-paths

Example output:


Outputting resolved configuration

When diagnosing configuration issues it might be useful to find out what the internal lower level configuration used by the plugins is. To see that, use the following command:

dprint output-resolved-config

Example output (JSON):

  "typescript": {
    "arguments.preferHanging": true,
    "arguments.preferSingleLine": false,
    "arguments.trailingCommas": "onlyMultiLine",
    "arrayExpression.preferHanging": true,
    "arrayExpression.preferSingleLine": false,
    "arrayExpression.trailingCommas": "onlyMultiLine",
    "arrayPattern.preferHanging": true,
    // ...etc...
    "whileStatement.singleBodyPosition": "nextLine",
    "whileStatement.spaceAfterWhileKeyword": true,
    "whileStatement.useBraces": "preferNone"
  "json": {
    "commentLine.forceSpaceAfterSlashes": true,
    "indentWidth": 2,
    "lineWidth": 160,
    "newLineKind": "lf",
    "useTabs": false

Outputting format times

It can be useful to know what files take a long time to format as you may consider skipping them. To see this information, use the following command:

dprint output-format-times

Example output:

0ms - C:\dev\my-project\dprint.json
0ms - C:\dev\my-project\README.md
1ms - C:\dev\my-project\other-file.md
2ms - C:\dev\my-project\package.json
2ms - C:\dev\my-project\my-markdown-file.md
4ms - C:\dev\my-project\test.ts
5ms - C:\dev\my-project\docs\info.md
16ms - C:\dev\my-project\my-file.ts
46ms - C:\dev\my-project\docs\overview.md
54ms - C:\dev\my-project\build.js

Log Level

To adjust your logging level, use the --log-level flag (defaults to --log-level=info).

  • silent - Outputs nothing.
  • error - Outputs fatal error messages.
  • warn - Additionally outputs warnings.
  • info - Additionally outputs informational messages.
  • debug - Additionally outputs debug messages.

Debug Logging

Take note that --log-level=debug is very useful to see what's going on under the hood.

For example:

dprint check --log-level=debug

Example output:

[DEBUG] Getting cache directory.
[DEBUG] Reading file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Dprint\Dprint\cache\cache-manifest.json
[DEBUG] Checking path exists: ./dprint.json
[DEBUG] Reading file: V:\dev\my-project\dprint.json
[DEBUG] Globbing: ["**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx,json}", "!website/playground/build", "!scripts/build-website", "!**/dist", "!**/target", "!**/wasm", "!**/*-lock.json", "!**/node_modules"]
[DEBUG] Finished globbing in 12ms
[DEBUG] Reading file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Dprint\Dprint\cache\typescript-0.19.2.compiled_wasm
[DEBUG] Reading file: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Dprint\Dprint\cache\json-0.4.1.compiled_wasm
[DEBUG] Creating instance of dprint-plugin-typescript
[DEBUG] Creating instance of dprint-plugin-jsonc
[DEBUG] Created instance of dprint-plugin-jsonc in 9ms
[DEBUG] Reading file: V:\dev\my-project\website\playground\tsconfig.json
[DEBUG] Reading file: V:\dev\my-project\website\assets\schemas\v0.json
[DEBUG] Reading file: V:\dev\my-project\dprint.json
[DEBUG] Formatted file: V:\dev\my-project\website\assets\schemas\v0.json in 2ms
[DEBUG] Formatted file: V:\dev\my-project\dprint.json in 0ms
[DEBUG] Formatted file: V:\dev\my-project\website\playground\tsconfig.json in 0ms
[DEBUG] Created instance of dprint-plugin-typescript in 35ms
[DEBUG] Reading file: V:\dev\my-project\website\playground\public\formatter.worker.js
[DEBUG] Reading file: V:\dev\my-project\website\assets\formatter\v1.js
[DEBUG] Reading file: V:\dev\my-project\website\playground\src\plugins\getPluginInfo.ts
[DEBUG] Formatted file: V:\dev\my-project\website\playground\public\formatter.worker.js in 22ms
[DEBUG] Formatted file: V:\dev\my-project\website\assets\formatter\v1.js in 6ms
[DEBUG] Formatted file: V:\dev\my-project\website\playground\src\plugins\getPluginInfo.ts in 4ms

This may be useful for finding files that are taking a long time to format and maybe should be excluded from formatting.

Clearing Cache

Internally, a cache is used to avoid re-downloading files. It may be useful in some scenarios to clear this cache by running:

dprint clear-cache