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About Tajikistan

IOM’s Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) was established in 2022 in Tajikistan. MTM is adapted to the context in Tajikistan based on IOM’s Global Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) methodology. MTM is a system that tracks and monitors displacement and population mobility. It is designed to regularly and systematically capture, process and disseminate information to provide a better understanding of the movements and evolving needs of various mobile populations, whether on site or en route.


MTM Tajikistan Team

Current Donors
  • European Union
  • Swiss (SDC)
Mobility Impact due to COVID-19 in Tajikistan

To better understand how COVID-19 affects global mobility, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been working to map the impacts on human mobility, at Global, Regional and Country level.

For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced report search page
Tajikistan - Migration Situation Report #2 (January - June 2024)

This report aims to provide an overview of the migration patterns and mobility in Tajikistan, drawing upon data from the latest available sources between January to June 2024 from national and international datasets on mi­gratory movements concentrating on the most rece

Tajikistan – Baseline Mobility Assessment (Round 4)

DTM implements the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Tajikistan to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, geographic distribution of migrant workers and return migrants, reasons for migration and countries of return.

Тоҷикистон - Арзёбии Ҳаракати Ибтидоӣ (Даври 3)

Матритсаи Пайгирии Ҳаракат (MПҲ) дар Тоҷикистон Арзёбии Ҳаракати Ибтидоиро (АҲИ) барои пайгирии ҳаракат, пешниҳод намудани маълумот дар бораи шумораи тахмини аҳолӣ, тақсимоти ҷуғрофии муҳоҷирони меҳнатӣ ва муҳоҷирони баргашта, сабабҳои муҳоҷират ва кишварҳои бозгашт амалӣ меку

Тоҷикистон - Ҳисобот Дар Бораи Вазъияти Муҳоҷират #1 (Январ - Декабри 2023)

Ҳадафи ин ҳисобот пешниҳоди шарҳи хусусиятҳои муҳоҷират ва ҳаракат дар Тоҷикистон мебошад, ки бо такя ба маълумоти манобеъи охирини дастрас то охири соли 2023 аз маҷмӯаҳои маълумотҳои миллӣ ва байналмилалӣ вобаста ба ҳаракатҳо дар доираи муҳоҷират, ки ба вазъи охирини муҳоҷират дар Тоҷикистон тав


Пурсишҳо бо истифода аз системаи матрисаи пайгирии ҳаракати СБМ дар Тоҷикистон гузаронида шудаанд. Пурсишҳо бо муҳоҷирони меҳнатии ба ватан баргашта анҷом дода шудаанд. Маконҳои пурсиш дар асоси натиҷаҳои арзёбии ибтидоии СБМ оид ба муҳоҷирони меҳнатии ба ватан баргашта интихоб карда шудаанд.

Tajikistan – Tajikistan Baseline Mobility Assessment (Round 3)

Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) implements the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Tajikistan to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, geographic distribution of migrant workers and return migrants, reasons for migration and countries of return.

Tajikistan - Migration Situation Report #1 (January - December 2023)

The report aims to provide an overview of the migration patterns and mobility in Tajikistan, drawing upon data from the latest available sources until the end of 2023 from national and international datasets on migratory movements concentrating on the most recent migration situation in Tajikistan

Tajikistan – Tajikistan Return Migrant Worker Survey (Round 2)

The surveys were conducted with return migrant workers using IOM’s Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) system in Tajikistan. The survey locations were selected based on the results of IOM’s Baseline Mobility Assessment on returning migrant workers.

Tajikistan – Tajikistan Baseline Mobility Assessment (Round 2)

DTM REMAP implements the Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) in Tajikistan to track mobility, provide information on population estimates, geographic distribution of migrant workers and return migrants, reasons for migration and countries of return.


С декабря 2022 г. по февраль 2023 г. Миссия МОМ в Таджикистане провела оценку 859 сёл в 12 районах2 , где были проведены 1875 интервью с ключевыми информантами (20% - женщин) для базовой оценки и 979 интервью (из них 12% составили женщины) с возвращающимися в страну трудовыми мигрантами.

Tajikistan – Baseline and Returning Migrant Worker Survey Round 1 (Dec 2022 - Feb 2023)

From December 2022 to February 2023, IOM Tajikistan assessed 859 villages across 12 districts with 1,875 key informant interviews (20% women) for its baseline assessment and conducted 979 surveys (12% women) with returning migrant workers in the country.

For more advanced search results, please goto the Advanced dataset search page
Tajikistan – Baseline Mobility Assessment - Round 4 (May 2024)

<p>This assessment covered <strong>948</strong> communities through focus group discussions with 3,288 key informants. Based on the key informants' estimates, <strong>1,060</strong> international migrant workers were hosted in the assessed communities in…

Mobility Tracking
Tajikistan – Baseline Mobility Assessment - Round 3 (Apr 2024)

<p>The Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) was conducted in all five provinces and all 12 districts/cities of Tajikistan (including Ismoili Somoni, Sino, Firdawsi, Shohmansur districts of Dushanbe city, Vahdat city, Rudaki district of Districts of Central Subordination, Khujand city of Sughd…

Mobility Tracking
Tajikistan – Return Migrant Worker Survey - Round 2

<p>The surveys were conducted with return migrant workers using IOM’s Mobility Tracking Matrix (MTM) system in Tajikistan. The survey locations were selected based on the results of IOM’s Baseline Mobility Assessment on returning migrant workers. The report includes findings on socio-economic…

Mobility Tracking
Tajikistan – Baseline Mobility Assessment - Round 2 (Oct 2023)

<p>Baseline Mobility Assessment (BMA) was conducted in all five provinces and all 12 districts/cities (including Khujand and Khorugh cities, and Rudaki, Kulob, Panj, Vanj, Vahdat, Bokhtar, Firdawsi, Sino, Shohmansur and Ismoili Somoni dsitricts). This assessment covered <strong>919</…

Mobility Tracking

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