We continue the investigations in the author’s book on cardinal arithmetic, assuming some knowledge of it. We deal with the cofinality of (S ≤ℵ 0(κ), ⊆) for κ real valued measurable (Section 3), densities of box products (Section 5,3), prove the equality cov(λ,λ,θ+,2) in more cases even when cf(λ)=ℵ0 (Section 1), deal with bounds of pp(λ) for λ limit of inaccessible (Section 4) and give proofs to various claims I was sure I had already written but did not find (Section 6).
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Done mainly 1–4/1991. I thank Alice Leonhardt for typing and retyping so beautifully and accurately. Partially supported by the Basic Research Fund, Israel Academy of Sciences. Publication number 430.
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Shelah, S. Further cardinal arithmetic. Israel J. Math. 95, 61–114 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02761035
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02761035