This paper presents a theoretical development and critical analysis of the burst frequency equations for capillary valves on a microfluidic compact disc (CD) platform. This analysis includes background on passive capillary valves and the governing models/equations that have been developed to date. The implicit assumptions and limitations of these models are discussed. The fluid meniscus dynamics before bursting is broken up into a multi-stage model and a more accurate version of the burst frequency equation for the capillary valves is proposed. The modified equations are used to evaluate the effects of various CD design parameters such as the hydraulic diameter, the height to width aspect ratio, and the opening wedge angle of the channel on the burst pressure.

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This research is financially supported by University of Malaya, Ministry of Higher Education High Impact Research (UM/HIR/MOHE/ENG/05), and University of Malaya Research Grant (UMRG: RG023/09AET).
The first author would like to thank Chua Huang Shen for participating in the initial study of the mathematical models, and Chung Wei Ning, Tiffany for the compilation of the various mathematical models from the literature.
MM, SS and LK would like to acknowledge support of the National Institute of Health (grant 1 R01 AI089541-01). MM also acknowledges support of WCU (World Class University) program (R32-2008-000-20054-0) through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.
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Thio, T.H.G., Soroori, S., Ibrahim, F. et al. Theoretical development and critical analysis of burst frequency equations for passive valves on centrifugal microfluidic platforms. Med Biol Eng Comput 51, 525–535 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-012-1020-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-012-1020-7