The purpose of the present study was to review the degree to which current iPhone apps targeting symptoms of worry and anxiety incorporate content consistent with evidence-based cognitive-behavioral therapy interventions for anxiety and worry. Searches for content-relevant iPhone apps for anxiety and worry were conducted in April 2015 and subsequently coded based on evidence-based treatment components for generalized anxiety (N = 361). Most freely available iPhone apps marketed toward decreasing symptoms of anxiety or worry were largely inconsistent with evidence-based treatments. More than half of apps (n = 269) failed to contain any content from cognitive-behavioral therapies. Only 46 (13%) apps were rated as “Consistent”; 87% of apps were rated as “Not Consistent” (n = 280) or “Partially Consistent” (n = 35). Furthermore, the most popular apps for anxiety as indexed by user ratings (n = 25) failed to include any content consistent with evidence-based treatments. Overall, if a user were to select a freely available iPhone app for anxiety management, the odds of selecting an app consistent with evidence-based treatments are very low. Implications and future directions are discussed. A list of CBT-consistent apps is included.
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We wish to thank Devon Ruhde for her supportive assistance with the project. We would also like to thank Corey Zadik for his assistance collecting app attribute data.
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Kertz, S.J., MacLaren Kelly, J., Stevens, K.T. et al. A Review of Free iPhone Applications Designed to Target Anxiety and Worry. J. technol. behav. sci. 2, 61–70 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41347-016-0006-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41347-016-0006-y