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Reasoning about temporal relations: a maximal tractable subclass of Allen's interval algebra

Published: 03 January 1995 Publication History


We introduce a new subclass of Allen's interval algebra we call “ORD-Horn subclass,” which is a strict superset of the “pointisable subclass.” We prove that reasoning in the ORD-Horn subclass is a polynomial-time problem and show that the path-consistency method is sufficient for deciding satisfiability. Further, using an extensive machine-generated case analysis, we show that the ORD-Horn subclass is a maximal tractable subclass of the full algebra (assuming P ≠ NP). In fact, it is the unique greatest tractable subclass amongst the subclasses that contain all basic relations.


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cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 42, Issue 1
Jan. 1995
289 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 03 January 1995
Published in JACM Volume 42, Issue 1


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  1. constraint satisfaction
  2. interval algebra
  3. qualitative reasoning
  4. temporal reasoning


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