569 documents matched the search for J44 in JEL-codes.
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On media accountability and religious tradition: a Weberian lecture of a contemporaneous comparative study, Raluca Nicoleta Radu,
in Revista Romana de Jurnalism si Comunicare - Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication
Keywords: Accountability, journalism, religious tradition, Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Islam
Lemons Models of Professional Labor Markets Reconsidered, Jaewoo Ryoo,
in Eastern Economic Journal
Keywords: Labor Markets; Professional Labor Markets; Professionals
Characteristics and Attitudes of Australia's Finance Journalists, John Henningham,
in Economic Analysis and Policy
Keywords: Journalists, Professionals
Japanese and United States Firms as Foreign Investors: Do they march to the same tune?, Ashoka Mody and Krishna Srinivasan,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
Childcare Workers Experience Many Stressors and Little Recognition, Ludovica Gambaro, Katharina Spiess and Franz Westermaier,
in DIW Weekly Report
Keywords: Day care teacher, child care worker, life satisfaction, well-being
Berufsgruppe "Erzieherin": zufrieden mit der Arbeit, aber nicht mit der Entlohnung, Katharina Spiess and Franz Westermaier,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Keywords: Day care teacher, child care worker, life satisfaction, effort-reward-imbalance model, working time
Erzieherinnen empfinden vielfache Belastungen und wenig Anerkennung, Ludovica Gambaro, Katharina Spiess and Franz Westermaier,
in DIW Wochenbericht
Keywords: Day care teacher, child care worker, life satisfaction, well-being
Would Reducing Tenure Probabilities Increase Faculty Salaries?, Ronald Ehrenberg, Paul Pieper and Rachel A. Willis,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Analysing the Extent and Effects of Occupational Regulation in New Zealand, Simon James Greenwood and Andrea Menclova,
from University of Canterbury, Department of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Occupational regulation, licensing, wages, New Zealand
Country-specific goal-scoring in the "dying-seconds" of international football matches, Jan C. van Ours and Martin van Tuijl,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Football; Goal-scoring; National team matches
“The good, the bad, and the ugly” of professions: Overview of the theoretical developments in the sociology of professions, Ivana Cavar,
in Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems - scientific journal
Keywords: profession, sociology of professions, functionalism, interactionalism, social conflict, micro studies
The influence of occupational licensing and regulation, Morris M. Kleiner,
in IZA World of Labor
Keywords: occupational licensing, labor markets with regulation, wage determination with regulation
Immigration, the European union and the UK labour market, Jonathan Wadsworth,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: immigration; European union; UK; government policy; education; labour market; jobs; wages
Job Satisfaction within the Scottish Academic Profession, Melanie E. Ward-Warmedinger and Peter Sloane,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: gender differences, academic labour market, Job satisfaction
Your Everyday, Average Academic, Melanie E. Ward-Warmedinger,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: Academic profession, underpayment, gender, publication, average characteristics
Salary and the Gender Salary Gap in the Academic Profession, Melanie E. Ward-Warmedinger,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: gender differences, Academic labour market, salary
Country-Specific Goal-Scoring in the "Dying Seconds" of International Football Matches, Jan van Ours and Martin A. van Tuijl,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: national team matches, goal-scoring, football, full ‘A’ international matches
Incidence of Strict Quality Standards: Protection of Consumers or Windfall for Professionals?, Daiji Kawaguchi, Tetsushi Murao and Ryo Kambayashi,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: product standard, safety regulation, incidence of government regulation, labor market of professionals
Humanisterna och den svenska arbetsmarknaden, Julia Boguslaw and Eskil Wadensjö,
from Institute for Futures Studies
Keywords: humanities; labour market situation; yearly labour income
La profession de specialiste des ressources humaines et des relations de travail: transformation et perspectives d'avenir, A. Beaucage, G. Bellemare, G. Guerin, C. Labelle and T. Wils,
from Quebec a Hull - Relations industrielles
L'experience professionnelle des debutants, C. Beduwe,
from LIRHE - Universite des sciences sociales Toulouse
Artist entrepreneurship – a necessity or a privilege? (Przedsiebiorczosc artysty – przywilej czy koniecznosc?), Malgorzata Sternal,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: music entrepreneurship, artist professional development, skills
Computer Professionals in Canada: A Survey of Supply and Demand, C.L. Weber and A. Phillip,
from Queen's at Kingston - Sch. of Indus. Relat. Current Issues Series
Análise dos determinantes salariais dos profissionais brasileiros produtores de conteúdo musical: uma visão pela abordagem da cauda longa [Wage determinants analysis of Brazilian professionals producers of music content: a view by a long tail approach], Vinícius Barbosa Teixeira Machado dos Santos, Sandro Eduardo Monsueto and Bárbara Christina Pereira da Silva Carrijo,
in Nova Economia
Keywords: economia da cultura; indústria fonográfica; mercado de trabalho; cauda longa
The Importance of Networks in the Market for University Graduates in Japan: A Longitudinal Analysis of Hiring Patterns, Marcus Rebick,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Education; graduates; Japan; job matching; Labour Market; Network
A practical evaluation of employee productivity using a professional data base, Raquel Ortega,
from Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Zaragoza
Keywords: Employee productivity, Professional data base, expenses ratios, staffing ratios, turnover ratios
Leadership-ul si Motivatia Soldatilor - Leadership And Soldier's Motivation (Romanian version), Ph.D. Candidate Ioan Mitrea,
in Logos Universalitate Mentalitate Educatie Noutate - Sectiunea Stiinte Economice si Administrative/ Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty - Section: Economical and Administrative Sciences
Keywords: leader, solidarity, motivation, management, social cohesion, soldier
The Relationship between the Supply of Primary Care Physicians and Measures of Health, John Robst and Glenn Graham,
in Eastern Economic Journal
Keywords: Health; Physician
The Organization of the Market for Professors, Aloysius Siow,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: Higher education, research, teaching, peer review, tenure, up or out, seniority wage premium
Teaching-Track Faculty at US National Universities, Tisha L. N. Emerson and Gail M. Hoyt,
in AEA Papers and Proceedings
Джендър различия в академичната сфера в България, Alla Kirova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Higher Education; Research; Gender Equal Treatment
The Characteristics of Individual Analysts' Forecasts in Europe, Guido Bolliger,,
from International Center for Financial Asset Management and Engineering
Keywords: Financial analysts; Forecast accuracy; Local advantage; Incentives; Labour market
Two to Tango? Gender Differences in the Decisions to Publish and Coauthor, John McDowell, Larry D. Singell and Mark Stater,
in Economic Inquiry
Nonlinear relationship between income, age and criminal victimization in Brazil, E. Sant'Anna, Luiz Scorzafave and Marcelo Justus dos Santos,
in Economia
Keywords: Victimization; Crime; Income; Age; Violence
Do Physicians Quit Working at Hospitals Earlier Now than Before? Analysis Using Panel Data from Physician Notification Forms, Eiko Honda,
in Economic Review
Additional evidence on gender and language in academic economics research, Lea-Rachel Kosnik,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Gender, Sentiment, Economics, Research, Thematic analysis, Content analysis
Occupational Licensing and the Healthcare Labor Market, Marcus Dillender, Anthony T. Lo Sasso, Brian J. Phelan and Michael R. Richards,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
State Rankings of Cost of Living Adjusted Faculty Compensation, Terrance Jalbert, Mercedes Jalbert and Karla Hayashi,
in Accounting & Taxation
Keywords: cost of living, ranking, faculty compensation, higher education salaries
in International Journal of Management and Marketing Research
Keywords: cost of living, ranking, faculty compensation, higher education salaries, State ranking.
Returns to articles versus pages in academic publishing: Do salary-setters show ‘article illusion’?, John Gibson,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Academic labor market; Faculty salary; Idea splitting; Research evaluation;
What makes special-education teachers special? Teacher training and achievement of students with disabilities, Li Feng and Tim Sass,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: Special education; Teacher training;
Physician quality and payment schemes: A theoretical and empirical analysis, Renz Adrian Calub,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Physician, quality of healthcare, incentives, compensation schemes
Impacto del Covid-19 en el mercado laboral en América del Norte en 2019-2020 por sectores económicos, nivel de instrucción, género y edad: un modelo de datos panel 2013-2020, Alexis David Colin-Romero and Francisco Venegas-Martínez,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: América del Norte, mercado laboral, desempleo, Covid-19, sectores económicos, nivel de educación, edad laboral, género. / North America, labor market, unemployment, Covid-19, economic sectors, educational level, working age, gender.
Struktureller Wandel selbständiger Erwerbsarbeit: Analysen auf der Grundlage der Scientific Use Files der Mikrozensen, Dieter Bögenhold and Uwe Fachinger,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Unions and Managerial Pay, John DiNardo, Kevin Hallock and Jorn-Steffen Pischke,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Do Scientists Pay to Be Scientists?, Scott Stern,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Paying our Presidents: What do Trustees Value?, Ronald Ehrenberg, John L. Cheslock and Julia Epifantseva,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Stock Options for Undiversified Executives, Brian J. Hall and Kevin Murphy,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
How Much Do Medical Students Know About Physician Income?, Sean Nicholson,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Effect of Ideological Positions on Job Market Interaction, Anat Alexandron-Lavon, Gil Epstein and Renana Lindner Pomerantz,
from Global Labor Organization (GLO)
Keywords: Media, Job Market, Ideological Position
Do male managers increase risk-taking of female teams? Evidence from the NCAA, René Böheim, Christoph Freudenthaler and Mario Lackner,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Keywords: Corporate risk-taking, gender difference, success
Bulgaria in the European ratings for gender equality in the academic circles, Alla Kirova,
in Economic Thought journal
The Salaries of Ph.D.'s in Academe and Elsewhere, Albert Rees,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Tenure Issues in Higher Education, Michael S. McPherson and Morton Owen Schapiro,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
The Changing Distributions of New Ph.D. Economists and Their Employment: Implications for the Future, Ronald Ehrenberg,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
The Link from Graduate Education in Economics to the Labor Market, W. Lee Hansen,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
A Doctor Will See You Now: Physician-Patient Relationships and Clinical Decisions, Erin Johnson, M. Rehavi, David C. Chan, Jr and Daniela Carusi,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
La competitivit? del mercato forense e l?efficienza giudiziaria, Roberto Ippoliti,
How Does Provider Supply and Regulation Influence Health Care Market? Evidence from Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, Kevin Stange,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Gender Quotas on BoardroomRepresentation in Europe, Anita Fichtl and Anita Dietrich,
in ifo DICE Report
Should Doctors Run Hospitals?, Amanda Goodall,
in ifo DICE Report
Occupational Licensing in the European Union: Coverage and Wage Effects, Mario Pagliero and Maria Koumenta,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Occupational regulation; Licensing
Social Networks in the Boardroom, Francis Kramarz and David Thesmar,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Social Networks; Corporate governance; Board of directors
Implications of the Labor Market for Graduate Education in Economics, Anne O. Krueger,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Job satisfaction among US Ph.D. graduates: the effects of gender and employment sector, Philippe Moguérou,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Ph.D., job satisfaction, professional labor markets
The Growth of Extended 'Entry Tournaments' and the Decline of Institutionalised Occupational Labour Markets in Britain, David Marsden,
from Centre for Economic Performance, LSE
Keywords: Wage Level and Structure, Wage Differentials by Skill, Training, Professional Labor Markets and Occupations
Under pressure: How faculty gender and contract uncertainty impact students’ grades, Amanda L. Griffith and Veronica Sovero,
in Economics of Education Review
Keywords: Faculty contracts; Student grades; Gender differences;
The growth of extended 'entry tournaments' and the decline of institutionalised occupational labour markets in Britain, David Marsden,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Wage Level and Structure; Wage Differentials by Skill; Training; Professional Labor Markets and Occupations
It's Better Being an Economist (But Don't Tell Anyone), Richard Freeman,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Unraveling Reduces the Scope of an Entry Level Labor Market: Gastroenterology With and Without a Centralized Match, Muriel Niederle and Alvin Roth,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Publications, Citations, Position, and Compensation of Economics Professors, Yifei Lyu and Alexis Akira Toda,
in Econ Journal Watch
Keywords: faculty salary, Google Scholar citations, job rank, nonlinearity
Futures of work and skills: some foresight exercises in Europe and USA, Margarida Paulos,
in Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies
Keywords: Foresight, Work, Skills, Future
Efficienza Giudiziaria e Mercato Forense, Roberto Ippoliti,
from Institute of Public Policy and Public Choice - POLIS
Keywords: Efficienza giudiziaria; Avvocati; Mercato dei servizi legali; Competitivita'; judicial efficiency; lawyers; market of legal services; competitiveness
How does provider supply and regulation influence health care markets? Evidence from nurse practitioners and physician assistants, Kevin Stange,
in Journal of Health Economics
Keywords: Health care workforce; Occupational licensing;
Too few doctors or too low wages? Labor supply of health care professionals in China, Xuezheng Qin, Lixing Li and Chee-Ruey Hsieh,
in China Economic Review
Keywords: Health care professionals; Labor supply; Wage elasticity; China;
How Much Do Tradespersons Really Earn?, Tom Karmel and Ben Braysher,
in Australian Journal of Labour Economics (AJLE)
Keywords: Wage level and structure, professional labour markets, occupational licensing
Impacto da redução dos encargos trabalhistas sobre a formalização e o salário das empregadas domésticas, Maria Theodoro and Luiz Scorzafave,
from Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto
Keywords: Housekeep Job, Informality, Wages, Women
Testing for R&D´rents in skilled workers´wages in the manufacturing industry of Colombia, Ivan Darío Hernández,
in Revista de Economía del Rosario
Keywords: Research and Development, skilled workers, wages, quasi rents
A Guide (and Advice) for Economists on the U. S. Junior Academic Job Market, John Cawley,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: junior academic economics job market guide advice
Do male managers increase risk-taking of female teams? Evidence from the NCAA, René Böheim, Christoph Freudenthaler and Mario Lackner,
from CESifo
Keywords: corporate risk-taking, gender difference, success
Working paper 06-07 - Potential ICT-enabled Offshoring of Service Jobs in Belgium, Bernhard Klaus Michel,
from Federal Planning Bureau, Belgium
Keywords: ICT
Gender Differences in Managerial Compensation - Evidences from Denmark, Mette Lausten,
from University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Economics
Keywords: Managerial compensation; Gender wage gap; Corporate governance
Superstars versus Celebrities - Big Man or Big Name?, Egon Franck and Stephan Nuesch,
from University of Zurich, Center for Research in Sports Administration (CRSA)
Keywords: Superstars, celebrities, popularity, bandwagon effect
The Effect of Ideological Positions on Job Market Interaction, Anat Alexandron-Lavon, Gil Epstein and Renana Lindner Pomerantz,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: ideological position, job market, media
Do Male Managers Increase Risk-Taking of Female Teams? Evidence from the NCAA, René Böheim, Christoph Freudenthaler and Mario Lackner,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: corporate risk-taking, gender difference, success
Raising the Bar: Causal Evidence on Gender Differences in Risk-Taking from a Natural Experiment, René Böheim, Mario Lackner and Wilhelm Wagner,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: gender differences, risk-taking, competitiveness
Why Does the U.S. Have the Best Research Universities? Incentives, Resources, and Virtuous Circles, W. Bentley Macleod and Miguel Urquiola,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: personnel economics, human capital, education
Working from Home during a Pandemic – A Discrete Choice Experiment in Poland, Piotr Lewandowski, Katarzyna Lipowska and Mateusz Smoter,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: working from home, discrete choice, information provision experiment, occupational exposures, COVID-19
Grease or Grit? International Case Studies of Occupational Licensing and Its Effects on Efficiency and Quality, Morris M. Kleiner and Maria Koumenta,
from W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Keywords: occupational regulation, occupational licensing, labor market efficiency, Uber, international case studies
Citations or Journal Quality: Which is Rewarded More in the Academic Labor Market?, John Gibson, David L. Anderson and John Tressler,
from University of Waikato
Keywords: academic salary; citations; h-index; journal rankings; research evaluation
On Random Matching Markets: Properties and Equilibria, Joana Pais,
from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: Matching Markets; Stability; Random Mechanism.
Incentives in Decentralized Random Matching Markets, Joana Pais,
from ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, Universidade de Lisboa
Keywords: Matching Markets; Stability; Random Mechanisms.
Cyclical Occupational Choice in a Model with Rational Wage Expectations and Perfect Occupational Mobility, Bernhard Felderer and André Drost,
from Institute for Advanced Studies
Keywords: Occupational choice, Rational expectations, Occupational mobility, Linear dynamics
Life Cycle Wages of Doctors - An Empirical Analysis of the Earnings of Norwegian Physicians, Knut Fjeldvig,
from University of Oslo, Health Economics Research Programme
Keywords: Physicians; age-earnings; income; mincer function; gender; empirical analysis; Norway
Working from home during a pandemic – a discrete choice experiment in Poland, Piotr Lewandowski, Katarzyna Lipowska and Mateusz Smoter,
from Instytut Badan Strukturalnych
Keywords: labour market, homeoffice, pandemic, others
Mismatch in preferences for working from home – evidence from discrete choice experiments with workers and employers, Piotr Lewandowski, Katarzyna Lipowska and Mateusz Smoter,
from Instytut Badan Strukturalnych
Keywords: working from home, willingness to pay, discrete choice experiment
Corporate Job Ladders in Europe: Wage Premia for University vs. High School Level Positions, Erik Mellander and Per Skedinger,
from Research Institute of Industrial Economics
Keywords: Returns to education; Company wage policies
The Stairways to Heaven: A Model of Career Choice in Sports and Games, with an Application to Chess, Kenn Ariga, Giorgio Brunello, Roki Iwahashi and Lorenzo Rocco,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: occupational choice, sports and games
Why Do Women Leave Science and Engineering?, Jennifer Hunt,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: science and engineering workforce, gender
Fame and the Fortune of Academic Economists: How the Market Rewards Influential Research in Economics, Christiana E. Hilmer, Michael J. Hilmer and Michael Ransom,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: academic labor markets, professor's salaries