This study is the third and final research in the "Chronic Coal Turkey" series. In this research,... more This study is the third and final research in the "Chronic Coal Turkey" series. In this research, an estimation is made for Turkey's future electricity generation. The starting point of the research is to determine the external costs associated with air pollution by continuing the current policies for electricity generation in Turkey. The focus of the research is calculating the benefits of an alternative electricity generation would bring; it aims to identify the health problems and associated cost that can be prevented by 2030 by increasing the share of renewables in electricity generation.
Similar to the other two data-heavy researches in this series, this study also presents projections at the plant level for the first time, aiming to provide a baseline for future researchers.
In this second research of the "Chronic Coal Pollution Turkey" series, we conducted a projection ... more In this second research of the "Chronic Coal Pollution Turkey" series, we conducted a projection to estimate the external costs caused by coal-fired power plants in Turkey from the past to the present. In other words, to estimate the health costs and health effects caused by air pollution from these plants. This research focuses on the still operational coal power plants that have been in operation since 1965 and provides estimations on a plant-by-plant basis.
The results of this research consist of a 2-page brief infographic available on the website, as well as four briefing notes containing detailed analyses for coal-fired power plants located in Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Muğla, and Iskenderun Bay (Adana and Hatay).
This study, which examines the air pollution caused by coal-fired electricity generation on a pla... more This study, which examines the air pollution caused by coal-fired electricity generation on a plant basis in Turkey and the resulting health problems and costs, was published in 2021. This research is the first study in Turkey to generate estimates specifically for power plants. The study was prepared to ensure data transparency and to discuss the issue of "external costs" when making resource preferences in energy production.
Lignite - the most polluting and health-harming form of coal In 2016, 65% of the global electrici... more Lignite - the most polluting and health-harming form of coal In 2016, 65% of the global electricity was generated by the burning of fossil fuels, with 38% coming from hard coal and lignite. Lignite, also called brown coal, is the most health-harming type of coal. European countries are major contributors in terms of both production and consumption of lignite coal despite governments’ commitments on tackling climate change and improving air quality. In Europe, every year 50% of all global lignite is produced and consumed. This HEAL briefing provides an overview of the features of lignite and hard coal, and what their health impacts are. It also puts a spotlight on the individual, particularly polluting coal power plants in Turkey, Germany, Poland and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bu çalışma, "Kronik Kömür Türkiye" serisinin üçüncü ve son araştırmasıdır. Bu araştırmada, Türkiy... more Bu çalışma, "Kronik Kömür Türkiye" serisinin üçüncü ve son araştırmasıdır. Bu araştırmada, Türkiye'nin gelecekteki elektrik üretimi için bir tahmin yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın çıkış noktası, Türkiye'de elektrik üretiminin mevcut politikaların devam etmesi durumunda neden olacağı ve hava kirliliğine bağlı dışsal maliyetlerin belirlenmesidir. Araştırmanın merkezinde ise alternatifin yaratacağı rahatlama yer almaktadır; Türkiye'nin mevcut elektrik üretim politikaların devam etmesi yerine yenilenebilir kaynakların payının arttırıldığı bir elektrik üretimi biçimine geçilmesi stratejisiyle, 2030'a kadar önlenebilecek sağlık sorunları ve bu sağlık sorunlarının yaratacağı maliyetler ortaya konulmaktadır.
Bu serideki diğer iki veri ağırlıklı araştırmaya benzer şekilde, bu çalışmada da tesis düzeyinde projeksiyonlar ilk defa ortaya konulmuş, böylece gelecekteki araştırmacılara bir temel sağlamayı amaçlanmıştır.
'Kronik Kömür Kirliliği Türkiye' serisindeki bu ikinci araştırmada, Türkiye'de kömürden elektrik ... more 'Kronik Kömür Kirliliği Türkiye' serisindeki bu ikinci araştırmada, Türkiye'de kömürden elektrik üretimi yapan santrallerin geçmişten günümüze neden olduğu dışsal maliyetleri, diğer bir deyişle santrallerin hava kirliliği nedeniyle neden oldukları sağlık maliyetlerini ve sağlık etkilerini tahmin etmek için bir projeksiyon yaptık. Bu araştırmada 1965'den bugüne hala faaliyette olan santralleri, santral bazında ele alıyor ve santral bazında tahminlerde bulunuyor.
Bu araştırmanın sonuçları, aşağıdaki websitesindeki 2 sayfalık kısa bir infografikten ve Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Muğla ve İskenderun Körfezi'nde bulunan (Adana ve Hatay) kömür yakıtlı elektrik santralleri için detaylı analizler içeren dört bilgilendirme notundan oluşmaktadır.
Türkiye'de kömürden elektrik üretiminin santral bazında neden olduğu hava kirliliği ve bunun yara... more Türkiye'de kömürden elektrik üretiminin santral bazında neden olduğu hava kirliliği ve bunun yarattığı sağlık sorunları ve maliyetlerinin incelendiği bu çalışma 2021 yılında yayımlanmıştır. Bu araştırma, santral özelinde tahminlerin üretildiği Türkiye'deki ilk çalışmadır. Çalışma veri şeffaflığının sağlanması ve enerji üretiminde kaynak tercihleri yapılırken, "dışsal maliyet" konusunun tartışılabilmesi için hazırlanmıştır.
The burning of fossil fuels is driving climate change with disastrous
consequences all over the w... more The burning of fossil fuels is driving climate change with disastrous consequences all over the world. But it also has major impacts on our health. Production and use of oil, coal and gas results in the release of hazardous air pollution which impact people’s health in many ways.
Every year fossil fuel combustion cuts short the lives of an estimated 6.5 million people worldwide because of respiratory infections, strokes, heart attacks, lung cancer and chronic lung disease. According to the International Energy Agency, fossil fuel energy is the main culprit for air pollution, and coal-fired energy generation causes nearly half of all ambient air pollution.
Despite a growing awareness of the climate and health harm caused by fossil fuels, and high-level commitments to lead the world on to a decarbonisation path, governments around the world continue to provide billions worth of public funds to support the production of oil, gas and coal. Back in 2009, leaders of the G20, the twenty most economically powerful countries in the world, agreed to put an end to subsidies for fossil fuels. Nearly a decade later, and after the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, policymakers still need to move from words to actions. G20 nations continue to spend valuable taxpayer money on exploration and production of health harming fossil fuel energy and thus create a high burden on health.
Gizli Maliyet: G20 üyesi ülkeler 2014 yılında fosil yakıt şirketlerine 444 milyar Amerikan doları... more Gizli Maliyet: G20 üyesi ülkeler 2014 yılında fosil yakıt şirketlerine 444 milyar Amerikan doları değerinde teşvik sağladı. Ancak fosil yakıt kullanımının yarattığı hava kirliliği bu rakamın neredeyse 6 katı, 2,76 trilyon Amerikan doları değerindeki sağlık maliyetine yol açtı. Türkiye'de ise verilen yüksek teşvikler nedeniyle, fosil yakıtlara verilen her 1 lira teşvik 10 katı sağlık maliyeti yaratıyor. .
2016 wurden 65% des weltweit erzeugten Stroms durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen pro... more 2016 wurden 65% des weltweit erzeugten Stroms durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen produziert und davon 38% durch Verbrennung von Stein- und Braunkohle. Braunkohle ist die gesundheitsschädlichste Kohlesorte. Trotz der Verpflichtungen der Regierungen, Klimaschutzmaßnahmen umzusetzen und die Luftqualität zu verbessern, spielen die europäischen Länder eine Hauptrolle bei der Herstellung und dem Verbrauch von Braunkohle. Auf Europa entfallen 50% der weltweit abgebauten und verbrauchten Braunkohle (490 Millionen Tonnen (Mt) von insgesamt 990 Mt Braunkohle). Deutschland ist der weltweit größte Braunkohleerzeuger und -verbraucher.
Energy and electricity generation in Turkey is still dependent on fossil fuel, when 33.8% of the ... more Energy and electricity generation in Turkey is still dependent on fossil fuel, when 33.8% of the total electricity generated from coal, 67% of it depends on fossil fuels according to 2016 statistics. Moreover, over the last ten years, coal-based power generation doubled. Running of each additional coal-fired power plant means an increase in harmful air pollutants and greenhouse gases. This report provides a summary of the latest findings on the health effects of coal power plants in three cities of Turkey; Canakkale, Izmir, and Tekirdag as well as providing a framework around air pollution levels and existing coal power plants in these cities.
High temperatures are a known public health threat. This brief information note summarizes the ef... more High temperatures are a known public health threat. This brief information note summarizes the effects of heat waves on human health with findings and explains the impacts of heat waves on water, cities, and forest fires.
One Health is an approach that emphasizes the close relationship between human health, the health... more One Health is an approach that emphasizes the close relationship between human health, the health of animals, and the health of our shared living environments. This brief information note summarizes the impact of climate change on biodiversity, animal welfare, and the potential outbreaks that may result from these effects.
Why is air pollution a public health concern? What are the associated health risks of air polluti... more Why is air pollution a public health concern? What are the associated health risks of air pollution, and who is at risk? In this briefing, we focus on these questions.
Yüksek sıcaklık bilinen bir halk sağlığı tehdididir. Bu kısa bilgi notu sıcak dalgalarının insan ... more Yüksek sıcaklık bilinen bir halk sağlığı tehdididir. Bu kısa bilgi notu sıcak dalgalarının insan sağlığına etkilerini bulgularla özetlerken, sıcak dalgalarının su, kentler ve orman yangınları üzerine etkilerini açıklıyor.
Tek sağlık insan sağlığının, hayvan ve paylaşılan ortak yaşam
alanlarımızın sağlığı ile yakından ... more Tek sağlık insan sağlığının, hayvan ve paylaşılan ortak yaşam alanlarımızın sağlığı ile yakından ilişkili olduğunu ifade eden bir yaklaşım. Bu kısa bilgi notunda iklim değişikliğinin etki ettiği biyo çeşitlilik, hayvan refahı ve bunların sonucunda ortaya çıkabilecek salgınlar özetlenmiştir.
This study is the third and final research in the "Chronic Coal Turkey" series. In this research,... more This study is the third and final research in the "Chronic Coal Turkey" series. In this research, an estimation is made for Turkey's future electricity generation. The starting point of the research is to determine the external costs associated with air pollution by continuing the current policies for electricity generation in Turkey. The focus of the research is calculating the benefits of an alternative electricity generation would bring; it aims to identify the health problems and associated cost that can be prevented by 2030 by increasing the share of renewables in electricity generation.
Similar to the other two data-heavy researches in this series, this study also presents projections at the plant level for the first time, aiming to provide a baseline for future researchers.
In this second research of the "Chronic Coal Pollution Turkey" series, we conducted a projection ... more In this second research of the "Chronic Coal Pollution Turkey" series, we conducted a projection to estimate the external costs caused by coal-fired power plants in Turkey from the past to the present. In other words, to estimate the health costs and health effects caused by air pollution from these plants. This research focuses on the still operational coal power plants that have been in operation since 1965 and provides estimations on a plant-by-plant basis.
The results of this research consist of a 2-page brief infographic available on the website, as well as four briefing notes containing detailed analyses for coal-fired power plants located in Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Muğla, and Iskenderun Bay (Adana and Hatay).
This study, which examines the air pollution caused by coal-fired electricity generation on a pla... more This study, which examines the air pollution caused by coal-fired electricity generation on a plant basis in Turkey and the resulting health problems and costs, was published in 2021. This research is the first study in Turkey to generate estimates specifically for power plants. The study was prepared to ensure data transparency and to discuss the issue of "external costs" when making resource preferences in energy production.
Lignite - the most polluting and health-harming form of coal In 2016, 65% of the global electrici... more Lignite - the most polluting and health-harming form of coal In 2016, 65% of the global electricity was generated by the burning of fossil fuels, with 38% coming from hard coal and lignite. Lignite, also called brown coal, is the most health-harming type of coal. European countries are major contributors in terms of both production and consumption of lignite coal despite governments’ commitments on tackling climate change and improving air quality. In Europe, every year 50% of all global lignite is produced and consumed. This HEAL briefing provides an overview of the features of lignite and hard coal, and what their health impacts are. It also puts a spotlight on the individual, particularly polluting coal power plants in Turkey, Germany, Poland and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bu çalışma, "Kronik Kömür Türkiye" serisinin üçüncü ve son araştırmasıdır. Bu araştırmada, Türkiy... more Bu çalışma, "Kronik Kömür Türkiye" serisinin üçüncü ve son araştırmasıdır. Bu araştırmada, Türkiye'nin gelecekteki elektrik üretimi için bir tahmin yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın çıkış noktası, Türkiye'de elektrik üretiminin mevcut politikaların devam etmesi durumunda neden olacağı ve hava kirliliğine bağlı dışsal maliyetlerin belirlenmesidir. Araştırmanın merkezinde ise alternatifin yaratacağı rahatlama yer almaktadır; Türkiye'nin mevcut elektrik üretim politikaların devam etmesi yerine yenilenebilir kaynakların payının arttırıldığı bir elektrik üretimi biçimine geçilmesi stratejisiyle, 2030'a kadar önlenebilecek sağlık sorunları ve bu sağlık sorunlarının yaratacağı maliyetler ortaya konulmaktadır.
Bu serideki diğer iki veri ağırlıklı araştırmaya benzer şekilde, bu çalışmada da tesis düzeyinde projeksiyonlar ilk defa ortaya konulmuş, böylece gelecekteki araştırmacılara bir temel sağlamayı amaçlanmıştır.
'Kronik Kömür Kirliliği Türkiye' serisindeki bu ikinci araştırmada, Türkiye'de kömürden elektrik ... more 'Kronik Kömür Kirliliği Türkiye' serisindeki bu ikinci araştırmada, Türkiye'de kömürden elektrik üretimi yapan santrallerin geçmişten günümüze neden olduğu dışsal maliyetleri, diğer bir deyişle santrallerin hava kirliliği nedeniyle neden oldukları sağlık maliyetlerini ve sağlık etkilerini tahmin etmek için bir projeksiyon yaptık. Bu araştırmada 1965'den bugüne hala faaliyette olan santralleri, santral bazında ele alıyor ve santral bazında tahminlerde bulunuyor.
Bu araştırmanın sonuçları, aşağıdaki websitesindeki 2 sayfalık kısa bir infografikten ve Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Muğla ve İskenderun Körfezi'nde bulunan (Adana ve Hatay) kömür yakıtlı elektrik santralleri için detaylı analizler içeren dört bilgilendirme notundan oluşmaktadır.
Türkiye'de kömürden elektrik üretiminin santral bazında neden olduğu hava kirliliği ve bunun yara... more Türkiye'de kömürden elektrik üretiminin santral bazında neden olduğu hava kirliliği ve bunun yarattığı sağlık sorunları ve maliyetlerinin incelendiği bu çalışma 2021 yılında yayımlanmıştır. Bu araştırma, santral özelinde tahminlerin üretildiği Türkiye'deki ilk çalışmadır. Çalışma veri şeffaflığının sağlanması ve enerji üretiminde kaynak tercihleri yapılırken, "dışsal maliyet" konusunun tartışılabilmesi için hazırlanmıştır.
The burning of fossil fuels is driving climate change with disastrous
consequences all over the w... more The burning of fossil fuels is driving climate change with disastrous consequences all over the world. But it also has major impacts on our health. Production and use of oil, coal and gas results in the release of hazardous air pollution which impact people’s health in many ways.
Every year fossil fuel combustion cuts short the lives of an estimated 6.5 million people worldwide because of respiratory infections, strokes, heart attacks, lung cancer and chronic lung disease. According to the International Energy Agency, fossil fuel energy is the main culprit for air pollution, and coal-fired energy generation causes nearly half of all ambient air pollution.
Despite a growing awareness of the climate and health harm caused by fossil fuels, and high-level commitments to lead the world on to a decarbonisation path, governments around the world continue to provide billions worth of public funds to support the production of oil, gas and coal. Back in 2009, leaders of the G20, the twenty most economically powerful countries in the world, agreed to put an end to subsidies for fossil fuels. Nearly a decade later, and after the landmark Paris Climate Agreement, policymakers still need to move from words to actions. G20 nations continue to spend valuable taxpayer money on exploration and production of health harming fossil fuel energy and thus create a high burden on health.
Gizli Maliyet: G20 üyesi ülkeler 2014 yılında fosil yakıt şirketlerine 444 milyar Amerikan doları... more Gizli Maliyet: G20 üyesi ülkeler 2014 yılında fosil yakıt şirketlerine 444 milyar Amerikan doları değerinde teşvik sağladı. Ancak fosil yakıt kullanımının yarattığı hava kirliliği bu rakamın neredeyse 6 katı, 2,76 trilyon Amerikan doları değerindeki sağlık maliyetine yol açtı. Türkiye'de ise verilen yüksek teşvikler nedeniyle, fosil yakıtlara verilen her 1 lira teşvik 10 katı sağlık maliyeti yaratıyor. .
2016 wurden 65% des weltweit erzeugten Stroms durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen pro... more 2016 wurden 65% des weltweit erzeugten Stroms durch die Verbrennung von fossilen Brennstoffen produziert und davon 38% durch Verbrennung von Stein- und Braunkohle. Braunkohle ist die gesundheitsschädlichste Kohlesorte. Trotz der Verpflichtungen der Regierungen, Klimaschutzmaßnahmen umzusetzen und die Luftqualität zu verbessern, spielen die europäischen Länder eine Hauptrolle bei der Herstellung und dem Verbrauch von Braunkohle. Auf Europa entfallen 50% der weltweit abgebauten und verbrauchten Braunkohle (490 Millionen Tonnen (Mt) von insgesamt 990 Mt Braunkohle). Deutschland ist der weltweit größte Braunkohleerzeuger und -verbraucher.
Energy and electricity generation in Turkey is still dependent on fossil fuel, when 33.8% of the ... more Energy and electricity generation in Turkey is still dependent on fossil fuel, when 33.8% of the total electricity generated from coal, 67% of it depends on fossil fuels according to 2016 statistics. Moreover, over the last ten years, coal-based power generation doubled. Running of each additional coal-fired power plant means an increase in harmful air pollutants and greenhouse gases. This report provides a summary of the latest findings on the health effects of coal power plants in three cities of Turkey; Canakkale, Izmir, and Tekirdag as well as providing a framework around air pollution levels and existing coal power plants in these cities.
High temperatures are a known public health threat. This brief information note summarizes the ef... more High temperatures are a known public health threat. This brief information note summarizes the effects of heat waves on human health with findings and explains the impacts of heat waves on water, cities, and forest fires.
One Health is an approach that emphasizes the close relationship between human health, the health... more One Health is an approach that emphasizes the close relationship between human health, the health of animals, and the health of our shared living environments. This brief information note summarizes the impact of climate change on biodiversity, animal welfare, and the potential outbreaks that may result from these effects.
Why is air pollution a public health concern? What are the associated health risks of air polluti... more Why is air pollution a public health concern? What are the associated health risks of air pollution, and who is at risk? In this briefing, we focus on these questions.
Yüksek sıcaklık bilinen bir halk sağlığı tehdididir. Bu kısa bilgi notu sıcak dalgalarının insan ... more Yüksek sıcaklık bilinen bir halk sağlığı tehdididir. Bu kısa bilgi notu sıcak dalgalarının insan sağlığına etkilerini bulgularla özetlerken, sıcak dalgalarının su, kentler ve orman yangınları üzerine etkilerini açıklıyor.
Tek sağlık insan sağlığının, hayvan ve paylaşılan ortak yaşam
alanlarımızın sağlığı ile yakından ... more Tek sağlık insan sağlığının, hayvan ve paylaşılan ortak yaşam alanlarımızın sağlığı ile yakından ilişkili olduğunu ifade eden bir yaklaşım. Bu kısa bilgi notunda iklim değişikliğinin etki ettiği biyo çeşitlilik, hayvan refahı ve bunların sonucunda ortaya çıkabilecek salgınlar özetlenmiştir.
Sağlıklı binalar nedir, yapılaşma ile iklim değişikliğinin bağlantısı nedir? Bu kısa bilgi notund... more Sağlıklı binalar nedir, yapılaşma ile iklim değişikliğinin bağlantısı nedir? Bu kısa bilgi notunda bu sorular yanıtlanmıştır.
Background: Air pollution is a major environmental health threat. Exposure to fine particles caus... more Background: Air pollution is a major environmental health threat. Exposure to fine particles causes about seven million premature deaths each year. Globally, 93% of all children live in environments with air pollution levels above the WHO (World Health Organisation) guidelines. Both ambient and household air pollution contribute to respiratory tract infections that resulted in 543,000 deaths in children under 5 years in 2016. This study analyses the health benefits of reducing PM10 pollution to WHO standards for children by analysing the mortality, hospital admissions and symptoms. Methods: In this study, 2018 annual PM10 means for eighty-one cities of Turkey were analysed, PM10 is the most commonly monitored pollutant for Turkey. PM10 means were delivered from the official online monitoring system of the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation. Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) official population statistics in 2018 were also analysed for different age groups. WHO guideline values refer to 20 μg/m3 for PM10 annual mean when Turkey's legislation adopts 40 µg/m3 from 2019 onwards. Exposure-response function (ERF) and concentration-response function (CRF) for PM10 pollutant were delivered from the ExternE 1999 study and ExternE 2005 update. Results: Our analysis showed that annual PM10 means were below the WHO guidelines only in one city out of eighty-one Turkish cities, and there are not any PM10 data in nine cities. In Turkey, 19 million children (0-14 years, 23% of the population) are exposed to 49 μg/m3 PM10 in 2018 on average. PM10 annual mean was the highest (92 μg/m3) in Kahramanmaraş city that has two of the oldest coal power plants, as emissions are not reported by sub-sectors and cities, it is hard to comment on the pollution sources. If the annual PM10 concentrations in each city were reduced to WHO limits, 8,959 hospital admissions (respiratory, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular combined), 17.8% acute mortality and 11.9% infant mortality could be prevented in 2018. Conclusions: Our results show the great health benefits with the reduction of air pollutants especially for children. However, it is limited with the health findings relevant to PM10 emission, as finer particles were not widely monitored. This study suggests decision-makers monitor finer particles and encourage national cohort studies for risk groups.
Policy Papers by Funda Gacal
Similar to the other two data-heavy researches in this series, this study also presents projections at the plant level for the first time, aiming to provide a baseline for future researchers.
The results of this research consist of a 2-page brief infographic available on the website, as well as four briefing notes containing detailed analyses for coal-fired power plants located in Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Muğla, and Iskenderun Bay (Adana and Hatay).
Bu serideki diğer iki veri ağırlıklı araştırmaya benzer şekilde, bu çalışmada da tesis düzeyinde projeksiyonlar ilk defa ortaya konulmuş, böylece gelecekteki araştırmacılara bir temel sağlamayı amaçlanmıştır.
Bu araştırmanın sonuçları, aşağıdaki websitesindeki 2 sayfalık kısa bir infografikten ve Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Muğla ve İskenderun Körfezi'nde bulunan (Adana ve Hatay) kömür yakıtlı elektrik santralleri için detaylı analizler içeren dört bilgilendirme notundan oluşmaktadır.
consequences all over the world. But it also has major impacts on our health. Production and use of oil, coal and gas results in the release of hazardous air pollution which impact people’s health in many ways.
Every year fossil fuel combustion cuts short the lives of an estimated 6.5 million people worldwide because of respiratory infections, strokes, heart attacks, lung cancer and chronic lung disease. According to the International Energy Agency, fossil fuel energy is the main culprit for air pollution, and coal-fired energy generation causes nearly half of all ambient air pollution.
Despite a growing awareness of the climate and health harm caused by fossil fuels, and high-level commitments to lead the world on to a decarbonisation path, governments around the world continue to provide billions worth of public funds to support the production of oil, gas and coal.
Back in 2009, leaders of the G20, the twenty most economically powerful
countries in the world, agreed to put an end to subsidies for fossil fuels. Nearly a decade later, and after the landmark Paris Climate Agreement,
policymakers still need to move from words to actions. G20 nations continue to spend valuable taxpayer money on exploration and production of health harming fossil fuel energy and thus create a high burden on health.
Briefings by Funda Gacal
alanlarımızın sağlığı ile yakından ilişkili olduğunu ifade eden bir yaklaşım. Bu kısa bilgi notunda iklim değişikliğinin etki ettiği biyo çeşitlilik, hayvan refahı ve bunların sonucunda ortaya çıkabilecek salgınlar özetlenmiştir.
Similar to the other two data-heavy researches in this series, this study also presents projections at the plant level for the first time, aiming to provide a baseline for future researchers.
The results of this research consist of a 2-page brief infographic available on the website, as well as four briefing notes containing detailed analyses for coal-fired power plants located in Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Muğla, and Iskenderun Bay (Adana and Hatay).
Bu serideki diğer iki veri ağırlıklı araştırmaya benzer şekilde, bu çalışmada da tesis düzeyinde projeksiyonlar ilk defa ortaya konulmuş, böylece gelecekteki araştırmacılara bir temel sağlamayı amaçlanmıştır.
Bu araştırmanın sonuçları, aşağıdaki websitesindeki 2 sayfalık kısa bir infografikten ve Zonguldak, Çanakkale, Muğla ve İskenderun Körfezi'nde bulunan (Adana ve Hatay) kömür yakıtlı elektrik santralleri için detaylı analizler içeren dört bilgilendirme notundan oluşmaktadır.
consequences all over the world. But it also has major impacts on our health. Production and use of oil, coal and gas results in the release of hazardous air pollution which impact people’s health in many ways.
Every year fossil fuel combustion cuts short the lives of an estimated 6.5 million people worldwide because of respiratory infections, strokes, heart attacks, lung cancer and chronic lung disease. According to the International Energy Agency, fossil fuel energy is the main culprit for air pollution, and coal-fired energy generation causes nearly half of all ambient air pollution.
Despite a growing awareness of the climate and health harm caused by fossil fuels, and high-level commitments to lead the world on to a decarbonisation path, governments around the world continue to provide billions worth of public funds to support the production of oil, gas and coal.
Back in 2009, leaders of the G20, the twenty most economically powerful
countries in the world, agreed to put an end to subsidies for fossil fuels. Nearly a decade later, and after the landmark Paris Climate Agreement,
policymakers still need to move from words to actions. G20 nations continue to spend valuable taxpayer money on exploration and production of health harming fossil fuel energy and thus create a high burden on health.
alanlarımızın sağlığı ile yakından ilişkili olduğunu ifade eden bir yaklaşım. Bu kısa bilgi notunda iklim değişikliğinin etki ettiği biyo çeşitlilik, hayvan refahı ve bunların sonucunda ortaya çıkabilecek salgınlar özetlenmiştir.