Вильнюс, Европейский гуманитарный университет, 2013
В монографии исследуются способы репрезентации и кодирования различного социального опыта в медиа... more В монографии исследуются способы репрезентации и кодирования различного социального опыта в медиа. В частности, советское кино рассматривается не только как искусство или пропаганда, но как способ определить проективный смысл настоящего (посредством памяти о прошлом (войне, травме) и как культурная политика Утопии. Схожим образом телевидение рассматривается не столько как средство массовой коммуникации, сколько как форма реорганизации всего поля знания в соответствии с практиками потребления.
This chapter offers a close reading of Tarkovsky’s diary from a Lacanian perspective by focusing ... more This chapter offers a close reading of Tarkovsky’s diary from a Lacanian perspective by focusing on the director’s recurrent use of those key words which symbolically epitomize and organize the major thematic layers of his biography and cinema as well: namely, grass (or trava in Russian), persecution from the state authorities (travlia), and expense (trata). Phonetically consonant and etymologically derived from the same root tra- (or proto-Slavic ter), these words make up a coherent cluster of signifiers (trava-trata-travlia) which are centred around the director’s primal fantasy of the house. As the author argues, the signifying constellation “trava-trata-travlia” in Tarkovsky’s diary could be viewed as a psychobiographical code to the internal dynamics of his visual imagery
Russian Formalism and Anglo-American New Criticism: From the Poetics of Form to the Anthropology Of Text", in Problemos, 2004, (66) 1, pp.40 - 49
The problem of the General and the Particular seems to be the pure philosophical one. The Notion ... more The problem of the General and the Particular seems to be the pure philosophical one. The Notion or ldea seems to be the privileged and self-sufficient subject of reflection. The article outlines the possibility to place these problems simultaneously in aesthetical and social-anthropological perspectives thus re vealing something like the genealogy or background ofthe metaphysical preoccupation with the Unity and Multiplicity.
Деполитизация войны// Топос. Журнал философии и культурных исследованийю No. 1-2, (2016 (2017), сс.230 – 260, 2016
The phenomenon of information warfare can be better understood in a broader historical perspectiv... more The phenomenon of information warfare can be better understood in a broader historical perspective and political-economical context. The collapse of the original democratic institutions and the 'ascent of money' in the 16-17 centuries gave birth to an arms race. The latter supports a stable demand for money on a political level. Capital and war make up a circle in which they engender each other. Transference of the new value of money from a political-economic level of macro-cycles of capital accumulation to the micro-level of individual desires is made by an apparatus of advertising. The combination of advertising, capital and war generates the phenomenon of information warfare. The largest enclaves of production of capital have been sources of global exports of the war from the outset. This causes the dismantling of political structures of direct democracy in the urban communities. Over time, the war returns from inside of western cities, militarizing the relationship between authorities and population. The very power becomes a depoliticized permanent special operation against the enemy who can hardly be determined as external or internal. Keywords: information warfare, capital, advertising, depoiticization, social order and military array.
О фетишизации звука // Топос, No. 1, 2018, cc. 46 -65
Our perception of sound is transformed in the social and
economic field of late capital. The audi... more Our perception of sound is transformed in the social and economic field of late capital. The audiophilic approach to sound demonstrates how the melodic nature of musical sound (which corresponded to the historical era of living collective forms) gives way to the «visualization» of sound – its disintegration into autonomous «bright» fragments. Moreover, sound becomes an object of consumption – an investment activity, the logic of which is the extraction of surplus pleasure by means of money. However, there is also a counter tendency towards sound as an object of «common sense» in a community of judgment.
Keywords: commodity fetishization, collective forms and individual experience, the visual and the audial, late capitalism, audiophilia.
"Внутренний враг в информационной войне (Донбасский идеологический палимпсест)// Топос. Журнал философии и культурных исследований. No. 2, 2018, cc.148 – 170, 2018
What if the information war is not just a smoke screen behind which the
true intentions of a side... more What if the information war is not just a smoke screen behind which the true intentions of a side are concealed, but an imaginary veil that establishes reality for that side? According to Žižek, social reality is based on such key fantasies: “Fantasy is the original form of narrative, the purpose of which is to hide a hopeless situation”. This kind of questioning makes us look at the example of Donbass as an instructive ideological palimpsest. The most important layers of which are the realities of the Soviet catch-up modernization: the struggle against the backwardness of the Soviet workers (laxity) and flirting with the petty bourgeoisie (fashion for money). “Enemies of the people”, “fascists”, and its contemporary analogue “ukro-fascists” to a considerable degree function as fantasmatic projections of an internal enemy inscribed in the complex ideological palimpsest of the original laxity reinforced by the fashion for money.
Keywords: information war, ideological fantasies, internal enemy, projection, cinema, dialectics of the Soviet catch-up modernization.
"Капитализм и тревога"//Топос . Журнал философии и культурных исследований (тематический номер - Марксизм в эпоху позднего капитализма"), No. 2 (2013), cc. 12-30., 2013
The article delineates a critical approach to libidinal microphysics
of the capital. The anxiety ... more The article delineates a critical approach to libidinal microphysics of the capital. The anxiety is considered to be one of the core element for understanding of the late capitalism. The former is defined in a wide historical and anthropological perspective, on the one hand, and within the detailed psychoanalytical framework, on the other. The analysis of different dimesions of anxiety allows to correlate basic structures of economic activity and subject formation. The article comes to the conclusion about the «bad» economy of anxiety causing lack of desire in the age of late capitalism and describes some cultural practices that reproduce it. Keywords: late capitalism, anxiety, Lacan, Freud, the other.
"О началах философии в связи c её очередным концом" // Топос, журнал философии и культурных исследований. #1 (2012), pp. 43-52. , 2012
The author addresses historical sources of philosophy in order to reveal social functions which p... more The author addresses historical sources of philosophy in order to reveal social functions which philosophy has initially carried out and those cultural preconditions which made its emergence possible. Different versions of a natural philosophical question «on principles» are reinterpreted by the author as after-images of reflection of social community concerning the grounds of own unity. Political organizational principles of polis-democracy , equality, agonism, publicity, dialectics of the private and the public interest-are described in the article in their inseparable connection with the philosophical thought, where ontology and the social thought, ethics appear to be two sides of Mobius band. The reasons of a modern crisis of philosophy are connected with the decline of city communities and dissemination of social con-nectivity as such.
In the article the author reflects on the vocation of the intellectuals as a specific social grou... more In the article the author reflects on the vocation of the intellectuals as a specific social group in the East-European historical context. The polemical thrust of the reflection is to outline possible forms of collective project of a new city class in its opposition to authoritarian Belarusian regime as well as anti-communist essence of the latter.
"Вещь на экране: исторический сенсориум Андрея Тарковского (размышления по поводу книги Роберта Берда «Андрей Тарковский. Элементы кино"//Философский журнал 2017. Т. 10. № 1. С. 163–172, 2017
Кинематографическая «натурфилософия» Тарковского-его "кино элементов" (Земли, Огня, Воды, Воздуха... more Кинематографическая «натурфилософия» Тарковского-его "кино элементов" (Земли, Огня, Воды, Воздуха)-рассматривается Робертом Бердом как эффект "элементов кино". Такими элементами, прежде всего, являются «поток» и «пленка». Потоки Тарковского-это потоки его знаменитой кинематографической воды, но также и визуализируемые атмосферные «волны» и «флюидные» движения постоянно дрейфующей камеры. Эти потоки, сливаясь друг с другом, образуют «экран» для материализации протекания времени в конкретных сообществах зрителей. Пленка-это материальный носитель фильма (кинопленка), сам фильм (кинолента). Но также и та «водная» пленка кинообъектов, которая возникает как эффект потоков, и та невидимая «пелена», которая создается вокруг предметов флюидной камерой Тарковского. Специфические кинематографические техники советского кинорежиссера, элементы его киностиля порождают особую вещественность кинопредметности. Эта вещественность может быть «прочитана» как эстетический горизонт исторического воображаемого оттепельного поколения. С одной стороны, в качестве утопического импульса обретения эстетического коллективного единства (сообщества с одинаковым опытом протекания времени) в противовес сталинской тоталитарной утопии. С другой, как специфическое проявление общего симптома модерна-угасания Энергии, стирания вещей и опустошения человека, эстетической реакцией на которые и выступает кинематограф Тарковского.
"Aesthetics of Internet and visual consumption. On the RuNet's essence and specificity”, in Control + Shift. Public and Private Usages of the Russian Internet, Eds. Henrike Schmidt, Katy Teubener, Natalja Konradova. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2006. ISBN 3-8334-4988-8. Pp.198 – 214, 2006
"Монтаж как историческая форма"// Визуальная антропология: новые взгляды на социальную реальность ( под ред. Е.Р. Ярской-Смирновой, П.В.Романова, В.Л.Круткина).Саратов "Научная книга", 2007, cc.348 - 366, 2007
В статье предпринята попытка рассмотреть социальную реальность общества модерна сквозь призму до... more В статье предпринята попытка рассмотреть социальную реальность общества модерна сквозь призму доминантной эстетической формы этой эпохи - монтажа. Эстетическая? визуальная par excellence монтажная форма ( прежде всего в кинематографе) служит той оптикой? сквозь которую глубинные и дисперсные процессы? происходящие в антропологической "толще" повседневного опыта модернизирующегося общества ( при этом затрагивается как западно-европейский, так и раннесоветский опыт модернизации), приобретают свою отчетливость не в количественном виде, но в качестве предмета понимающей социологии.
Может ли бессознательное не быть политическим? (Размышления о книге Фредрика Джеймисона "Политическое бессознательное"// Политическая наука, No 1, (2017), 311-327, 2017
Каково место университета в XXI веке, в эпоху виртуальных сетей и коммуникативных потоков? Сможет... more Каково место университета в XXI веке, в эпоху виртуальных сетей и коммуникативных потоков? Сможет ли он выжить в традиционном смысле как сообщество экспертов, культивирующих универсальное знание? Сможет ли он выжить вообще? Таков круг вопросов, очерчивающих проблемный фон, на котором Майкл Кеннеди ( подробно анализирует проблемы университета как социального института и возможные пути их решения. (рецензия на книгу - Kennedy, Michael D. Kennedy, Michael D. Globalizing knowledge: Intellectuals, universities and publics in transformation. Stanford University Press, 2015)
Вильнюс, Европейский гуманитарный университет, 2013
В монографии исследуются способы репрезентации и кодирования различного социального опыта в медиа... more В монографии исследуются способы репрезентации и кодирования различного социального опыта в медиа. В частности, советское кино рассматривается не только как искусство или пропаганда, но как способ определить проективный смысл настоящего (посредством памяти о прошлом (войне, травме) и как культурная политика Утопии. Схожим образом телевидение рассматривается не столько как средство массовой коммуникации, сколько как форма реорганизации всего поля знания в соответствии с практиками потребления.
This chapter offers a close reading of Tarkovsky’s diary from a Lacanian perspective by focusing ... more This chapter offers a close reading of Tarkovsky’s diary from a Lacanian perspective by focusing on the director’s recurrent use of those key words which symbolically epitomize and organize the major thematic layers of his biography and cinema as well: namely, grass (or trava in Russian), persecution from the state authorities (travlia), and expense (trata). Phonetically consonant and etymologically derived from the same root tra- (or proto-Slavic ter), these words make up a coherent cluster of signifiers (trava-trata-travlia) which are centred around the director’s primal fantasy of the house. As the author argues, the signifying constellation “trava-trata-travlia” in Tarkovsky’s diary could be viewed as a psychobiographical code to the internal dynamics of his visual imagery
Russian Formalism and Anglo-American New Criticism: From the Poetics of Form to the Anthropology Of Text", in Problemos, 2004, (66) 1, pp.40 - 49
The problem of the General and the Particular seems to be the pure philosophical one. The Notion ... more The problem of the General and the Particular seems to be the pure philosophical one. The Notion or ldea seems to be the privileged and self-sufficient subject of reflection. The article outlines the possibility to place these problems simultaneously in aesthetical and social-anthropological perspectives thus re vealing something like the genealogy or background ofthe metaphysical preoccupation with the Unity and Multiplicity.
Деполитизация войны// Топос. Журнал философии и культурных исследованийю No. 1-2, (2016 (2017), сс.230 – 260, 2016
The phenomenon of information warfare can be better understood in a broader historical perspectiv... more The phenomenon of information warfare can be better understood in a broader historical perspective and political-economical context. The collapse of the original democratic institutions and the 'ascent of money' in the 16-17 centuries gave birth to an arms race. The latter supports a stable demand for money on a political level. Capital and war make up a circle in which they engender each other. Transference of the new value of money from a political-economic level of macro-cycles of capital accumulation to the micro-level of individual desires is made by an apparatus of advertising. The combination of advertising, capital and war generates the phenomenon of information warfare. The largest enclaves of production of capital have been sources of global exports of the war from the outset. This causes the dismantling of political structures of direct democracy in the urban communities. Over time, the war returns from inside of western cities, militarizing the relationship between authorities and population. The very power becomes a depoliticized permanent special operation against the enemy who can hardly be determined as external or internal. Keywords: information warfare, capital, advertising, depoiticization, social order and military array.
О фетишизации звука // Топос, No. 1, 2018, cc. 46 -65
Our perception of sound is transformed in the social and
economic field of late capital. The audi... more Our perception of sound is transformed in the social and economic field of late capital. The audiophilic approach to sound demonstrates how the melodic nature of musical sound (which corresponded to the historical era of living collective forms) gives way to the «visualization» of sound – its disintegration into autonomous «bright» fragments. Moreover, sound becomes an object of consumption – an investment activity, the logic of which is the extraction of surplus pleasure by means of money. However, there is also a counter tendency towards sound as an object of «common sense» in a community of judgment.
Keywords: commodity fetishization, collective forms and individual experience, the visual and the audial, late capitalism, audiophilia.
"Внутренний враг в информационной войне (Донбасский идеологический палимпсест)// Топос. Журнал философии и культурных исследований. No. 2, 2018, cc.148 – 170, 2018
What if the information war is not just a smoke screen behind which the
true intentions of a side... more What if the information war is not just a smoke screen behind which the true intentions of a side are concealed, but an imaginary veil that establishes reality for that side? According to Žižek, social reality is based on such key fantasies: “Fantasy is the original form of narrative, the purpose of which is to hide a hopeless situation”. This kind of questioning makes us look at the example of Donbass as an instructive ideological palimpsest. The most important layers of which are the realities of the Soviet catch-up modernization: the struggle against the backwardness of the Soviet workers (laxity) and flirting with the petty bourgeoisie (fashion for money). “Enemies of the people”, “fascists”, and its contemporary analogue “ukro-fascists” to a considerable degree function as fantasmatic projections of an internal enemy inscribed in the complex ideological palimpsest of the original laxity reinforced by the fashion for money.
Keywords: information war, ideological fantasies, internal enemy, projection, cinema, dialectics of the Soviet catch-up modernization.
"Капитализм и тревога"//Топос . Журнал философии и культурных исследований (тематический номер - Марксизм в эпоху позднего капитализма"), No. 2 (2013), cc. 12-30., 2013
The article delineates a critical approach to libidinal microphysics
of the capital. The anxiety ... more The article delineates a critical approach to libidinal microphysics of the capital. The anxiety is considered to be one of the core element for understanding of the late capitalism. The former is defined in a wide historical and anthropological perspective, on the one hand, and within the detailed psychoanalytical framework, on the other. The analysis of different dimesions of anxiety allows to correlate basic structures of economic activity and subject formation. The article comes to the conclusion about the «bad» economy of anxiety causing lack of desire in the age of late capitalism and describes some cultural practices that reproduce it. Keywords: late capitalism, anxiety, Lacan, Freud, the other.
"О началах философии в связи c её очередным концом" // Топос, журнал философии и культурных исследований. #1 (2012), pp. 43-52. , 2012
The author addresses historical sources of philosophy in order to reveal social functions which p... more The author addresses historical sources of philosophy in order to reveal social functions which philosophy has initially carried out and those cultural preconditions which made its emergence possible. Different versions of a natural philosophical question «on principles» are reinterpreted by the author as after-images of reflection of social community concerning the grounds of own unity. Political organizational principles of polis-democracy , equality, agonism, publicity, dialectics of the private and the public interest-are described in the article in their inseparable connection with the philosophical thought, where ontology and the social thought, ethics appear to be two sides of Mobius band. The reasons of a modern crisis of philosophy are connected with the decline of city communities and dissemination of social con-nectivity as such.
In the article the author reflects on the vocation of the intellectuals as a specific social grou... more In the article the author reflects on the vocation of the intellectuals as a specific social group in the East-European historical context. The polemical thrust of the reflection is to outline possible forms of collective project of a new city class in its opposition to authoritarian Belarusian regime as well as anti-communist essence of the latter.
"Вещь на экране: исторический сенсориум Андрея Тарковского (размышления по поводу книги Роберта Берда «Андрей Тарковский. Элементы кино"//Философский журнал 2017. Т. 10. № 1. С. 163–172, 2017
Кинематографическая «натурфилософия» Тарковского-его "кино элементов" (Земли, Огня, Воды, Воздуха... more Кинематографическая «натурфилософия» Тарковского-его "кино элементов" (Земли, Огня, Воды, Воздуха)-рассматривается Робертом Бердом как эффект "элементов кино". Такими элементами, прежде всего, являются «поток» и «пленка». Потоки Тарковского-это потоки его знаменитой кинематографической воды, но также и визуализируемые атмосферные «волны» и «флюидные» движения постоянно дрейфующей камеры. Эти потоки, сливаясь друг с другом, образуют «экран» для материализации протекания времени в конкретных сообществах зрителей. Пленка-это материальный носитель фильма (кинопленка), сам фильм (кинолента). Но также и та «водная» пленка кинообъектов, которая возникает как эффект потоков, и та невидимая «пелена», которая создается вокруг предметов флюидной камерой Тарковского. Специфические кинематографические техники советского кинорежиссера, элементы его киностиля порождают особую вещественность кинопредметности. Эта вещественность может быть «прочитана» как эстетический горизонт исторического воображаемого оттепельного поколения. С одной стороны, в качестве утопического импульса обретения эстетического коллективного единства (сообщества с одинаковым опытом протекания времени) в противовес сталинской тоталитарной утопии. С другой, как специфическое проявление общего симптома модерна-угасания Энергии, стирания вещей и опустошения человека, эстетической реакцией на которые и выступает кинематограф Тарковского.
"Aesthetics of Internet and visual consumption. On the RuNet's essence and specificity”, in Control + Shift. Public and Private Usages of the Russian Internet, Eds. Henrike Schmidt, Katy Teubener, Natalja Konradova. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2006. ISBN 3-8334-4988-8. Pp.198 – 214, 2006
"Монтаж как историческая форма"// Визуальная антропология: новые взгляды на социальную реальность ( под ред. Е.Р. Ярской-Смирновой, П.В.Романова, В.Л.Круткина).Саратов "Научная книга", 2007, cc.348 - 366, 2007
В статье предпринята попытка рассмотреть социальную реальность общества модерна сквозь призму до... more В статье предпринята попытка рассмотреть социальную реальность общества модерна сквозь призму доминантной эстетической формы этой эпохи - монтажа. Эстетическая? визуальная par excellence монтажная форма ( прежде всего в кинематографе) служит той оптикой? сквозь которую глубинные и дисперсные процессы? происходящие в антропологической "толще" повседневного опыта модернизирующегося общества ( при этом затрагивается как западно-европейский, так и раннесоветский опыт модернизации), приобретают свою отчетливость не в количественном виде, но в качестве предмета понимающей социологии.
Может ли бессознательное не быть политическим? (Размышления о книге Фредрика Джеймисона "Политическое бессознательное"// Политическая наука, No 1, (2017), 311-327, 2017
Каково место университета в XXI веке, в эпоху виртуальных сетей и коммуникативных потоков? Сможет... more Каково место университета в XXI веке, в эпоху виртуальных сетей и коммуникативных потоков? Сможет ли он выжить в традиционном смысле как сообщество экспертов, культивирующих универсальное знание? Сможет ли он выжить вообще? Таков круг вопросов, очерчивающих проблемный фон, на котором Майкл Кеннеди ( подробно анализирует проблемы университета как социального института и возможные пути их решения. (рецензия на книгу - Kennedy, Michael D. Kennedy, Michael D. Globalizing knowledge: Intellectuals, universities and publics in transformation. Stanford University Press, 2015)
Books by Andrei Gornykh
Papers by Andrei Gornykh
Keywords: information warfare, capital, advertising, depoiticization, social order and military array.
economic field of late capital. The audiophilic approach to sound
demonstrates how the melodic nature of musical sound (which
corresponded to the historical era of living collective forms) gives
way to the «visualization» of sound – its disintegration into autonomous
«bright» fragments. Moreover, sound becomes an object
of consumption – an investment activity, the logic of which is
the extraction of surplus pleasure by means of money. However,
there is also a counter tendency towards sound as an object of
«common sense» in a community of judgment.
Keywords: commodity fetishization, collective forms and
individual experience, the visual and the audial, late capitalism,
true intentions of a side are concealed, but an imaginary veil that establishes reality for that side? According to Žižek, social reality is based on such key fantasies: “Fantasy is the original form of narrative, the purpose of which is to hide a hopeless situation”. This kind of questioning makes us look at the example of Donbass as an instructive ideological palimpsest. The most important layers of which are the realities of the Soviet catch-up modernization: the struggle against the backwardness of the Soviet workers (laxity) and flirting with the petty bourgeoisie (fashion for money). “Enemies of the people”, “fascists”, and its contemporary analogue “ukro-fascists” to a considerable degree function as fantasmatic projections of an internal enemy inscribed in the complex ideological palimpsest of the original laxity reinforced by the fashion for money.
Keywords: information war, ideological fantasies, internal enemy, projection, cinema, dialectics of the Soviet catch-up modernization.
of the capital. The anxiety is considered to be one of the
core element for understanding of the late capitalism. The former
is defined in a wide historical and anthropological perspective,
on the one hand, and within the detailed psychoanalytical framework,
on the other. The analysis of different dimesions of anxiety
allows to correlate basic structures of economic activity and subject
formation. The article comes to the conclusion about the
«bad» economy of anxiety causing lack of desire in the age of late
capitalism and describes some cultural practices that reproduce it.
Keywords: late capitalism, anxiety, Lacan, Freud, the other.
Book Reviews by Andrei Gornykh
Keywords: information warfare, capital, advertising, depoiticization, social order and military array.
economic field of late capital. The audiophilic approach to sound
demonstrates how the melodic nature of musical sound (which
corresponded to the historical era of living collective forms) gives
way to the «visualization» of sound – its disintegration into autonomous
«bright» fragments. Moreover, sound becomes an object
of consumption – an investment activity, the logic of which is
the extraction of surplus pleasure by means of money. However,
there is also a counter tendency towards sound as an object of
«common sense» in a community of judgment.
Keywords: commodity fetishization, collective forms and
individual experience, the visual and the audial, late capitalism,
true intentions of a side are concealed, but an imaginary veil that establishes reality for that side? According to Žižek, social reality is based on such key fantasies: “Fantasy is the original form of narrative, the purpose of which is to hide a hopeless situation”. This kind of questioning makes us look at the example of Donbass as an instructive ideological palimpsest. The most important layers of which are the realities of the Soviet catch-up modernization: the struggle against the backwardness of the Soviet workers (laxity) and flirting with the petty bourgeoisie (fashion for money). “Enemies of the people”, “fascists”, and its contemporary analogue “ukro-fascists” to a considerable degree function as fantasmatic projections of an internal enemy inscribed in the complex ideological palimpsest of the original laxity reinforced by the fashion for money.
Keywords: information war, ideological fantasies, internal enemy, projection, cinema, dialectics of the Soviet catch-up modernization.
of the capital. The anxiety is considered to be one of the
core element for understanding of the late capitalism. The former
is defined in a wide historical and anthropological perspective,
on the one hand, and within the detailed psychoanalytical framework,
on the other. The analysis of different dimesions of anxiety
allows to correlate basic structures of economic activity and subject
formation. The article comes to the conclusion about the
«bad» economy of anxiety causing lack of desire in the age of late
capitalism and describes some cultural practices that reproduce it.
Keywords: late capitalism, anxiety, Lacan, Freud, the other.