独禁法(独占禁止法)に関連する法令・訴訟や手続きなどに関する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 競争法研究協会 URL http://www.jcl.gr.jp/ |
英和独禁法用語辞典 のさくいん |
- abolish
- absolute cost advantages
- absolute defense
- absolute monopoly
- absolute territorial protection
- abuse theory
- access to market
- accused
- acquired firm
- acquisition
- Act
- act of God
- act of state principle
- act or practices
- action
- action in rem
- actionable
- active sales
- actual competitive injury
- actual potential competition
- ad hoc
- ad hoc committee
- adjudication
- adjudicative hearing
- adjudicative proceedings
- administered price
- administrative commission
- administrative expertness
- administrative fine
- administrative guidance
- administrative guidelines
- administrative law judge
- administrative letter
- administrative procedure
- Administrative Procedures Act
- administrative remedy
- admissibility of evidence
- adulteration
- advance clearance
- advance notice
- advance notification
- advance sale
- advance warning
- adversary proceeding
- adverse competitive effect
- adverse effects on competition
- advertising
- advertising agency
- advertising allowances
- advertising sales ratios
- advisory opinion
- advocate
- advocate general
- affidavit
- affiliate
- affiliated company
- affiliated concern
- affirm
- affirmation of fact
- aggregate concentration
- aggregate rebate
- agreed~upon price
- agreement
- agreement not to compete
- agricultural cooperative
- agricultural marketing agreement
- alert entrepreneur
- allegation
- alleged violation
- allocation
- allocative efficiency
- allotment of quotas
- allowance
- alter ego
- amalgation
- American Bar Association
- American Law Institute
- American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers
- amicus curiae
- ancillary agreement
- ancillary boycott
- ancillary doctrine
- ancillary restraint
- annotation
- answer
- answering defendant
- anti-dumping law
- anti-suit injunction
- anticompetitive effects
- anticompetitive potential
- Antimerger Act
- antimonopoly policy
- antitrust agency
- Antitrust Amendment Act
- Antitrust Civil Process Act
- Antitrust Division
- antitrust enforcement
- antitrust exemption