独禁法(独占禁止法)に関連する法令・訴訟や手続きなどに関する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 競争法研究協会 URL http://www.jcl.gr.jp/ |
英和独禁法用語辞典 のさくいん |
- back spread
- backward vertical merger
- bad faith
- bad per se
- bait advertising
- bait and switch
- balance of payment
- Bank Holding Act
- bank holding company
- Bank Merger Act
- bank night
- bankruptcy
- bar association
- bargain
- bargain sale
- bargaining
- bargaining position
- bargaining power
- barometric price leadership
- barrier to entry
- barrister
- base price
- basing point pricing
- basing point system
- bathtub conspiracy
- before and after theory
- behaviour
- below cost bids
- below cost sales
- below fair value price
- benchmark
- beneficial interest
- beneficiary
- Better Business Bureau
- better mousetrap
- bid
- bid rigging
- bid~depository
- big business
- bilateral monopoly
- bilateral oligopoly
- bill
- billboard
- binding
- black list
- black market price
- blanket exemption
- bloc exemption
- block booking arrangement
- block licensing
- blockaded entry
- blocking patent
- board of directors
- board of trade
- body of persons
- bona fide purchaser
- bona fide transaction
- bond
- bonum commune
- bonus
- bottleneck boycott
- bottleneck monopoly
- bounded rationality
- boycott
- braek~even price
- brand loyalty
- brand name
- brand~conscious
- breach of contract
- break~even point
- bribery
- briefs
- bring to an action
- brokerage fee
- burden of proof
- burden of rebutting
- Bureau of Competition
- Bureau of Consumer Protection
- Bureau of Economics
- Bureau of Litigation
- Bureau of National Affairs
- business alliance
- Business and Industry Advisory Committee
- business entity
- business judgement rule
- business justificaion
- business or property
- business practices
- Business Record Protection Act
- business review letter
- business review procedure
- business ties
- Buy American Act
- Buy Preference
- buyer concentration