- 絞込み
- C
- CA
- CB
- CC
- CD
- CE
- CF
- CG
- CH
- CI
- CJ
- CK
- CL
- CM
- CN
- CO
- CP
- CQ
- CR
- CS
- CT
- CU
- CV
- CW
- CX
- CY
- CZ
- C(50音)
- C(タイ文字)
- C(数字)
- C(記号)
- central region
- central regulatory electronic stenographic system
- Central Reliability Data Organization
- central reseach
- central research laboratories
- central reservation
- Central reticular nucleus
- central retinal artery
- Central retinal artery
- central retinal artery occlusion
- Central retinal artery, intraocular part
- central retinal vein
- Central retinal vein
- central retinal vein occlusion
- central retinal vein thrombosis
- Central retinal vein, intraocular part
- central retinitis
- central role
- Central Sales Department
- central scotoma
- central seat
- Central seat belt
- Central seat, front seat
- Central Secretariat
- central series
- central serous
- central serous chorioretinopathy
- central serous choroidopathy
- central serous retinopathy
- Central Serous Retinopathy
- central server model
- central service
- central shopping area
- central shopping streets
- central shunt
- central similarity
- central simple algebra
- Central simple algebra
- central site
- central site operator
- Central Solenoid
- central speckled corneal dystrophy
- central spindle
- central standard time
- Central Standard Time
- central star
- Central Star
- central station
- Central station
- Central Station
- Central Station Electrical Protective Association
- central sterile and supply department
- central stimulant
- central stitch control system
- central strand
- central sulcus
- Central sulcus
- central sulcus of insula
- Central sulcus of insula
- Central superior mesenteric lymph nodes
- Central superior mesenteric nodes
- central supply
- central surveillance
- central surveillance data
- central symptom
- central syphilitic retinochoroiditis
- central system
- central tegmental tract
- Central tegmental tract
- Central Telegraph Office building
- central telephone exchange
- central tendency
- Central Tendency
- central tendon of diaphragm
- Central tendon of diaphragm
- central tendon of the diaphragm
- central terminal
- central terminal unit
- central thai
- Central thalamic radiation
- CeNtral Thermal Shield
- central thickness
- central thrust load
- central time
- Central Time
- central Tokyo
- Central Tokyo
- central tolerance
- Central tolerance
- central tooth
- central town area activation meeting
- central treatment room
- Central Treaty Organization
- CeNtral ts
- central tube
- central tubercle
- Central tubes
- central tubular member
- central tubules
- central type
- central unit
- Central Unit
- Central vacuum cleaning installations
- central vacuum cleaning system
- Central Vacuum Cleaning System
- central valley
- Central Valley
- central value
- central vein
- Central vein
- central vein of retina
- central vein of suprarenal gland
- Central vein of suprarenal gland
- central veins of liver
- Central veins of liver
- central venous access catheter
- central venous catheter
- Central venous catheter
- central venous catheterization
- central venous pressure
- Central venous pressure
- central venous pressure ; CVP
- central ventilation
- central vertigo
- central vesticular nystagmus
- central village
- central vision
- central visual acuity
- central visual field
- central vowel
- central wage council
- central washer
- central water
- central wavelength
- central wholesale market
- central wholesale markets
- central zone
- central-bearing device
- central-bearing point
- central-bearing tracing device
- central-limit theorem
- central-local
- central-local relations
- centrale
- Centrale
- Centrales
- centralis
- centralisation
- Centralisation
- centralise
- centralised
- centralish
- centralising
- centralism
- centralist
- centralistic
- centrality
- Centrality
- centralization
- centralization of capital
- centralization of power
- Centralization of power
- centralize
- centralized
- centralized alarm buzzer
- centralized automatic message accounting
- centralized computer network
- Centralized Conference Control Protocol
- centralized control
- centralized control system
- centralized data base
- centralized data processing
- centralized data processing system
- centralized database
- centralized fuel cell
- Centralized Information Reference and Control
- centralized lubricating system
- centralized lubrication
- Centralized lubrication
- Centralized lubrication ECU and sensor
- Centralized lubrication indicator
- centralized lubrication system
- Centralized lubrication system
- centralized maintenance
- centralized monitor
- Centralized monitoring system
- centralized operation
- centralized payment system
- centralized planning
- centralized pressure detection port
- centralized process control computer
- centralized processing
- centralized PV system
- centralized registration model
- Centralized servo system , air assisted
- centralized smoke stack
- centralized smoke stacks
- centralized statement
- centralized supervisor and control unit
- centralized supervisory and control system
- centralized supervisory control
- centralized system
- centralized traffic control
- Centralized traffic control
- Centralized Traffic Control
- centralized traffic control device
- Centralized traffic control devices
- centralized train control
- Centralized Train Control
- centralized ventilation
- centralized warning lamp
- centralizer
- centralizes
- centralizing
- centrally
- centrally acting
- centrally acting adjuvant
- centrally acting drug
- centrally acting muscle relaxant
- Centrally Acting Muscle Relaxant
- centrally determined route guidance
- centrally fixing eye
- centrally planned economy
- centrally-acting
- centranthus
- Centranthus
- centranthus ruber
- centrarch
- centrarchid
- centrarchidae
- Centrarchidae
- centrate
- centration
- Centrauthus
- centre
- Centre
- CenTRe
- centre bearing flexible support
- centre bearing housing
- centre bearing rubber support cover
- centre bearing support bracket
- centre bearing thrust ring
- centre bit
- centre bolt gland seal
- centre bore
- centre box-pillar
- centre carpet
- centre circle
- Centre d'Etude Nucleaire de Fonteney-aux-Roses
- Centre d'Etudes pour les Applications de l'Energie Nucleaire Belgium
- Centre de Compilation de Donnees Neutroniques
- Centre de Recherches et d'Irradiations Chamipany France
- Centre de Recherches pour Combustibles Atomiques Paris interested in nuclear fuels
- centre deviation of chisel edge
- centre distance
- centre distance modification coefficient
- centre drill
- centre filler
- Centre for Information and Documentation
- centre for international crime prevention
- Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
- centre girder
- centre grinding
- centre grinding attachment
- centre guide
- centre half
- centre height
- centre hole grinding machine
- Centre International de Promotion de la Qualite
- centre keelson
- centre lathe
- centre line
- Centre Line
- centre multi-plate clutch
- Centre médian de Luys
- Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
- Centre National de Recherches Metallurgiques Liege Belgium
- Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales
- centre of a seismic disturbance
- centre of attention
- centre of buoyancy
- centre of curvature
- centre of flotation
- centre of gravity
- centre of immersion
- centre of inertia
- centre of mass
- centre of pressure
- centre of the wheel
- centre of the whorl of hair on the head
- centre of traffic
- centre on
- centre panel
- centre pillar facing
- centre pillar trim panel
- centre pillar upholstery
- centre pin
- centre pivot
- centre pivot bush
- centre pivot liner
- centre pivot wearing plate
- centre plate
- centre plate load
- centre punches
- Centre punches
- centre rib
- centre selvedge apparatus
- centre sill
- centre spindle
- centre spread
- centre square
- Centre Square
- centre stage
- Centre Stage
- centre ventilator grille
- centre washer
- centre wing
- centre-bit
- centre-board
- centre-half
- centre-left
- Centre-left
- centre-of-gravity
- centre-of-gravity mounting system
- centre-piece
- centrebit
- centreboard
- centred
- centredness
- centrefold
- centreless grinding
- centreless grinding machine
- centreline
- centrepiece
- centrepunches
- centres
- CentReS
- Centreville
- centrex
- Centrex
- centri-cleaner
- centric
- centric axial load
- centric bite
- centric constriction
- centric dental occlusion
- centric fusion
- centric mandibular position
- centric occlusion
- Centric occlusion
- centric position
- centric relation
- Centric relation
- centric vertical projection
- centrical
- centrically
- centriciput
- centricity
- Centricity
- centrifugal
- Centrifugal
- centrifugal advance
- centrifugal analysis
- centrifugal androecium
- centrifugal artificial heart
- centrifugal atomizer
- centrifugal balancing machine
- centrifugal blasting machine
- centrifugal blood pump
- centrifugal blower
- centrifugal brake
- centrifugal cast
- centrifugal cast-iron pipe
- centrifugal casting
- Centrifugal casting
- Centrifugal Casting
- Centrifugal casting instruments
- centrifugal casting machine
- centrifugal casting tube
- centrifugal charging pump
- centrifugal clarification
- centrifugal clarifier
- centrifugal classification
- centrifugal classifier
- centrifugal clutch
- Centrifugal clutch
- centrifugal collector
- centrifugal compression
- centrifugal compressor
- Centrifugal compressor
- centrifugal compressors
- centrifugal concentration
- centrifugal concentration apparatus
- centrifugal concentration equipment
- centrifugal concentrator
- centrifugal control
- centrifugal dehydration
- centrifugal dehydrator
- centrifugal deposit
- centrifugal detearing
- centrifugal dewatering
- centrifugal dirt collector
- centrifugal discharge elevator
- centrifugal discharge type bucket
- centrifugal discharge type bucket elevator
- centrifugal distortion
- centrifugal dryer
- Centrifugal Drying Equipment
- centrifugal dust collector
- centrifugal dust removal
- centrifugal dust separator
- centrifugal effect