「斎藤和英大辞典」(斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編)は、昭和3年に初版が刊行された和英辞典の復刻新版です。日本的な言い回しや慣用表現の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 日外アソシエーツ URL https://www.nichigai.co.jp/ |
斎藤和英大辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- C
- CA
- CB
- CC
- CD
- CE
- CF
- CG
- CH
- CI
- CJ
- CK
- CL
- CM
- CN
- CO
- CP
- CQ
- CR
- CS
- CT
- CU
- CV
- CW
- CX
- CY
- CZ
- C(50音)
- C(タイ文字)
- C(数字)
- C(記号)
- Chemistry
- Chemulpo
- cheque
- chequered fortunes
- chequers
- cherish
- cherish one's memory
- cherished
- cherished ambition
- cherished design
- cherished desire
- cherished intention
- cherished object
- cherished opinion
- cherished plan
- cherished purpose
- cherry
- cherry season
- cherry-blossom
- cherry-blossoms
- Cherry-blossoms
- cherry-tree
- cherry-tree after the blossom
- Cherry-viewing
- Cherry-viewing by night
- cherry-viewing excursion
- cherub
- chess
- chessman
- chest
- chest of drawers
- chestnut
- Chestnut
- chestnut colour
- chestnut horse
- Chestnut-rice
- chestnut-tree
- Chestnuts in burrs
- cheval-glass
- Chevaux de frise
- chew
- chew the cud
- Chewing-tobacco
- chiaroscuro
- chic
- Chic
- chick
- chicken
- chicken-breast
- chicken-breasted
- chicken-hearted
- chicken-pox
- Chicken-pox
- chickweed
- chide
- chief
- Chief
- chief adviser to the Emperor
- chief attraction
- chief cause
- chief councillor of state
- chief editor
- chief engineer
- chief hotel
- chief ingredients
- Chief items
- chief magistrate
- chief manager
- chief mourner
- chief mourner at a Shinto funeral
- chief object
- chief object of worship
- chief of a bureau
- chief of a department
- chief of a hospital
- chief of wrestlers
- chief official
- chief party
- chief performer
- chief place
- chief playwright
- chief point
- chief points
- chief priest
- chief retainer
- chief secretary of the Cabinet
- chief Shinto priest
- chief support
- chief umpire
- chief vassal
- chief virtue
- chief's banner
- chief's standard
- chiefly
- Chiefly
- chieftain's banner
- chignon
- chilblain
- child
- child born in answer to prayer