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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > adaptiveの意味・解説 > adaptiveに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 306

such as Lifelong Planning A* (LPA*), D* Lite, Adaptive A* (AA*) and Fringe-Saving A* (FSA*).
the adaptive adjustment of the current search area;
Libertini also suggests benefits for adaptive ageing.
This species is highly adaptive, and thrives in such urban areas as Puerto Va
ional Analysis is that cognition is optimally adaptive, and precise estimates of cognitive functions
rsity of Ghent, known chiefly for his work on adaptive and paraconsistent logics.
n civilian and military aircraft that is both adaptive and fault tolerant.
It involves adaptive array processing algorithms to aid in target
Chagnon, N. A. (1970), "Ecological and Adaptive Aspects of California Shell Money", Annual Re
on of idealization, both in its defensive and adaptive aspects.
ic nervosa patients may be associated with an adaptive attempt towards optimal exploitation of the l
note, “In AET, affection is thought of as an adaptive behavior that is helpful to long-term human s
would not be able to provide any insight into adaptive behaviors and strategies due to the dynamic n
itive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that appears before adulthood.
The concept encompasses complex adaptive behaviour shown by single cells, and altruist
The indirect adaptive benefits of such acts can surpass certain cos
information hypothesis is used to explore how adaptive biases relate to cultural evolution within th
It has geometry Conformal Adaptive Binary-Tree mesh generation tool which create
s challenge, Vattenfall has outlined a global adaptive burden-sharing model for a low carbon emittin
on between populations, suggesting an extreme adaptive capability in the plants.
Adaptive case management
Wizard is an adaptive caster.
Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint (ACBC)
A (full) adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack is an attack in whic
Adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack
L protocol were vulnerable to a sophisticated adaptive chosen-ciphertext attack which revealed SSL s
Adaptive chosen-message attack for digital signatures
Adaptive chosen-plaintext attack, where the cryptanaly
se of Bayesian methods to develop innovative, adaptive clinical trials.
Practical adaptive codes for erasure channels have been invented
ink drawings) can be found in his book titled Adaptive colouration in animals (London: Methuen, 1940
The adaptive compilation system uses a cost-benefit analys
Adaptive compilation then recompiles code with an opti
Adaptive connectionist model of cognitive dissonance
ral thesis was entitled Producer Learning: An Adaptive Control Process.
is known for his early work in nonlinear and adaptive control, particularly on gain scheduling, rob
WeldComputer Corp. : Designs and manufactures adaptive controls for critical resistance welding appl
ity Program, run in conjunction with the U.S. Adaptive Cross Country Ski Team.
In Europe, Adaptive Cruise Control became available as an option.
uence through beam requests for each track at adaptive data rates and performs multifunctional roles
s Graphic overview of problem solving process Adaptive decision making Managing by exception Thinkin
of these traits has proved elusive, but their adaptive design features do suggest that they evolved
vascular surgeon and the principal creator of Adaptive Design(r).
ciation of Drilling Contractors (IADC) as “an adaptive drilling process used to more precisely contr
sadness, or in other ways appear emotionally adaptive during REM dream tests, they would be selecte
The Knoxville Adaptive Education Center, a special school for studen
darker dorsally, is often thought to have an adaptive effect of reducing conspicuous shadows cast o
This may be achieved with use of adaptive equipment or the use of energy conservation t
Masatoshi Nei - Adaptive evolution
", an evolutionary mechanism and a process of adaptive evolution that leads to the development of a
ion: the distribution of factors fixed during adaptive evolution", Evolution
atural selection in determining the course of adaptive evolution".
In 1996 he formed a company, Adaptive Eyecare, to develop these adaptive ophthalmic
The adaptive filter would take input both from the patient
The general updating rule of a kernel adaptive filter is
figure, serves as a foundation for particular adaptive filter realisations, such as Least Mean Squar
It is a natural generalization of linear adaptive filtering in reproducing kernel Hilbert space
Kernel adaptive filters include kernel least mean square, ker
Kernel adaptive filters are online kernel methods, closely re
doubts about whether the thrifty phenotype is adaptive for human offspring.
Some are presumably adaptive, for example, because they lead to more effec
eserved by natural selection because of their adaptive function in a given environment.
The adaptive function of accepting a lower rank is twofold
The adaptive function of the depression is to change behav
robable complexity, species universality, and adaptive functionality.
t of allopatric speciation, hypothesized that adaptive genetic changes that accumulate between allop
Adaptive Governance and Water Conflicts: The Case Stud
Adaptive governance studies how the different aspects
of the research into the formal properties of adaptive grammars was uncoordinated between researcher
ayLink VGC software is based on a proprietary adaptive graphics technology.
Supports adaptive halftoning.
Bi-Xenon high-intensity discharge (HID) adaptive headlights which swivel around corners compli
The adaptive heap sort is a sorting algorithm that is simi
Adaptive heap sort is a part of the adaptive sorting f
The first adaptive heapsort was Dijkstra's Smoothsort.
ernal conditions in various environments) but adaptive, if they are to survive.
uggested that it evolved in parallel with the adaptive immune system.
arly ubiquitous appearance in species with an adaptive immune system demonstrates that IgD is as anc
way plays an essential role in the innate and adaptive immune response.
An adaptive immune response is specific to the antigen th
guide cells of both innate immune system and adaptive immune system.
essary for the innate immunity and subsequent adaptive immunity.
rtant signalling roles in inflammation and in adaptive immunity.
Therefore, traits that were at one time adaptive in a certain environment, are now "mismatched
tions between the distressing memory and more adaptive information contained in other semantic memor
modelling physical devices, architectures for adaptive intelligent systems, and expert systems for s
Many of these variants are adaptive k-d trees.
assist the Department in how to implement his Adaptive Leader Methodology.
isk-takers willing to experiment and excel at adaptive leadership and at the art of command.
res and fosters a better understanding of the adaptive leadership model.
rticipants with a deeper understanding of the adaptive leadership model.
based management, a spam-filtering engine and adaptive learning technology”.
PrepMe uses adaptive learning technology to provide students with
nt Ministry is considering the approval of an adaptive management plan for the Pallikaranai marshlan
ecology and evolution, including resilience, adaptive management, the adaptive cycle, and panarchy.
It supports SAP's adaptive manufacturing strategy.
This adaptive mechanism is beneficial, because it diminishe
n entomologist, co-author of Insect Defenses: Adaptive Mechanisms and Strategies of Prey and Predato
s pioneered methods of radiative transfer and adaptive mesh refinement applied to computational astr
It fully supports block structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) meshes by way of mesh b
Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) as a numerical method h
Christopher McKee to develop the technique of adaptive mesh refinement for numerical simulations of
ting, plasma and radiation hydrodynamics, and adaptive mesh refinement.
numerical methods for low Mach number flows, adaptive mesh refinement, interface tracking and paral
Some computer analyses require adaptive mesh, which is made finer (using stronger par
Jen Klapper - 2009 US National Team member ( Adaptive Mixed Four)
hich model wireless propagation environments, adaptive modulation systems exhibit great performance
Adaptive modulation systems improve rate of transmissi
Adaptive modulation systems invariably require some ch
Suppression of environment noise -- adaptive MTI filter
Adaptive Multiple Consecutive - Will give smoother mot
His current research interests include adaptive multiuser detection, array processing and int
data repositories to function as dynamically adaptive, on-demand systems that can change configurat
010 Willem de Bruijn (Vrije Universiteit) for Adaptive Operating System Design for High Throughput I
The complementary observations using adaptive optic observations on 8-10m class telescopes
tist for the Gemini Planet Imager, an extreme adaptive optics instrument that is on schedule to begi
The adaptive optics system, being built at LLNL, uses a ME
adaptive optics module (SAM, CTIO)
14, 2003 by Jean-Luc Margot using the Keck II adaptive optics telescope at Mauna Kea.
The Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics is at the forefront of developments in
PUEO, an adaptive optics bonette, is still offered to users, wh
oven in 2008 when the star was resolved using adaptive optics as a system of two near-equal-mass sta
They can be used as components in adaptive optics systems.
ADONIS (an acronym for ADaptive Optics Near Infrared System) was a second-gen
science teams studying the star used the NACO adaptive optics facility at the Very Large Telescope i
e analytic foundations for the development of adaptive optics systems, and that resulted in the defi
They are commonly used in adaptive optics systems, lens testing and increasingly
ies in the Northern Hemisphere, including the adaptive optics corrected Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope
The secondary mirror will be equipped with adaptive optics to compensate for atmospheric turbulen
It is a wavefront sensor commonly used in adaptive optics systems.
for her contributions to the theory of laser adaptive optics and the applications of adaptive optic
ADONIS is the final version of diverse Adaptive Optics (AO) prototypes named Come-on and Come
Adaptive optics (AO) systems require a wavefront refer
tificial star created for use in astronomical adaptive optics imaging.
Adaptive optics using natural guide stars has been in
solution observations and will soon deploy an adaptive optics module to help support such observatio
Thanks to an adaptive optics system, in operation since spring 2000
m in 2010 using the MMT telescope fitted with adaptive optics failed to detect a planetary companion
The use of speckle imaging using adaptive optics at the WIYN Observatory in Arizona and
16, 2009, at 13:36 UT, the Keck Observatory's adaptive optics system revealed that the asteroid 93 M
pheric distortion of incoming light, known as adaptive optics (AO).
piral galaxy NGC 1097, obtained with the NACO adaptive optics on the VLT.
AEOS is equipped with an adaptive optics system, the heart of which is a 941-ac
Similar laser adaptive optics systems based on LAO have been install
The laser is part of the Lick Adaptive Optics (LAO) program, a joint project of the
ed the team that designed and constructed the Adaptive Optics Coronagraph, which led to the discover
known for her contributions to the theory of adaptive optics as a technique for reducing the optica
f multiple components, including a high-order adaptive optics system, a coronagraph, a calibration i
Existing adaptive optics instruments become ineffective at smal
laser beam in the upper atmosphere to permit adaptive optics to undo atmospheric distortions.
lso used to test internally-developed optical adaptive optics (AO) systems, using tip-tilt and defor
s announced that using the Keck Observatory's adaptive optics system, they had discovered two moons
re Sensing and Compensation: A New Concept in Adaptive Optics".
e (and also of ground-based instruments using adaptive optics) has rapidly improved in recent years,
inter than is required for natural guide star adaptive optics, which means many more stars are suita
By using a coronagraph and adaptive optics, Graham hopes to overcome both difficu
to develop this technology at the Center for Adaptive Optics, she now uses adaptive optics to study
Active optics is not to be confused with adaptive optics, which operates at a shorter timescale
Other features include the use of adaptive optics, acousto optical devices, in-orbit foc
d the Keck II telescope, which is fitted with adaptive optics, to photograph Davida.
of atmospheric laser back scatter to control adaptive optics-a concept which now goes by the name o
The telescope will make use of adaptive optics.
intenance; and early experiments in co-phased adaptive optics.
elescope) can reduce atmospheric effects with adaptive optics.
ields of infrared astronomy instrumention and adaptive optics.
y limits the usefulness of natural guide star adaptive optics.
opening up much greater amounts of the sky to adaptive optics.
Adaptive optimization is a technique in computer scien
At another level, adaptive optimization may take advantage of local data
When these assumptions prove incorrect, the adaptive optimizer can 'unwind' to a valid state and t
With a simple implementation, an adaptive optimizer may simply make a trade-off between
ng tens of thousands of deposits instead, the adaptive optimizer would recompile the assembly code t
This allows an adaptive optimizer to make risky assumptions about the
An adaptive optimizer would compile assembly code to opti
adaptive or autonomous cruise control system.
ons of intelligence but to what is considered adaptive or appropriate in a broader sense.
390) This preference for adaptive over inadaptive forces lead Stephen Jay Gould
How to make the classifier adaptive over time becomes a big issue.
SMART allows for more adaptive parkour and freerunning, similar to Prototype
tion) drive a deme population from one stable adaptive peak to another on the adaptive fitness lands
lectrically controlled attenuator can provide adaptive power optimization.
e does not want them after all, an example of adaptive preference formation, designed to reduce cogn
Utilitarianism, Nussbaum argues, ignores adaptive preferences, elides the separateness of disti
is directed toward the solution to a specific adaptive problem
EPM's tend to aid in solving specific adaptive problems, (e.g.
Generally speaking, the adaptive process involves the use of a cost function,
soderm, however, development is a dynamic and adaptive process that adjusts according to posterior b
phenotype is the consequence of three unlike adaptive processes: maternal effects, niche constructi
Space-time Adaptive Processing (STAP) is a signal processing tech
tionary purpose synesthesia, whether it is an adaptive product of natural selection or is more like
Adaptive programming tries to create applications that
He wrote the first book about adaptive programming.
occur as seed coatings for plant species; the adaptive purpose of some of these gummy coatings is to
bitrary set of DEA (either in batch and or in adaptive query model) was due to Souradyuti Paul and B
scientists have gone on to note the waves of adaptive radiation that seem to have swept the America
abiogenesis - adaptation - adaptive radiation - allele - allele frequency - allop
Schluter is the author of The Ecology of Adaptive Radiation, 2000, Oxford University Press, and
each instance was immediately followed by an adaptive radiation.
enues for evolution to explore, initiating an adaptive radiation.

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