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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > recognisesの意味・解説 > recognisesに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 116

In this firman, Sultan Murad I recognises a decree created by his father Sultan Orhan
This link recognises a historical foreign exchange control role o
ite process to that used when parsing, which recognises a string based on some collection of rules.
Sridhar is very idealistic, principled and recognises a deep sense of belonging with the society h
The wife, Lisa, recognises a Polish woman onboard, Marta, as a former i
He escapes when he recognises a passing bear-keeper, Gregor, as his father
The award recognises achievements in balanced reporting on the Mi
The Confederation of Australian Motor Sport recognises Alan Jones as the winner of the "1982 Austra
fiding in Doris, the Doctor confirms that he recognises Alistair as one of his oldest friend despite
women and work for a society that genuinely recognises and upholds women's rights.
The Holy See recognises as fully legitimate the preference that many
ship lands on a planet the Doctor eventually recognises as Dido, a world he has visited before.
Finally, in a duel with Carlo, the latter recognises Ascanio as his lost nephew by a birthmark on
The WOCD recognises Chinese individuals that can act as role mod
esident of Parthenon Productions, he quickly recognises Creamy Mami as future sensation, and tries t
The name change recognises Cycle & Carriage's distinguished 104-year op
Living Enterprising Rural Women Award which recognises excellence in rural-based businesses.
It also recognises Farmers' Rights: to freely access genetic re
The Royal Mail no longer recognises Fulwell as a place name but it survives as p
TLR8 recognises G-rich oligonucleotides.
one of the soldiers from the previous patrol recognises Gingy from the previous checkpoint.
The Constitution recognises Government at Federal and State levels, but
are a class of riboswitches that selectively recognises guanine and adenine, the riboswitch becomes
Raoul recognises her as his mysterious beauty.
fool everyone except, of course, Horace who recognises her from the ball a year ago.
Somehow, Susan recognises him as her grandfather and he also knows her
On Liangshan, Wu Yong recognises him and learns that Song Jiang has been arre
Liu Gao's wife recognises him when he is touring the fort later and sh
Nissim immediately recognises his old friend, even though twenty-five year
He is subdued by Will, and only recognises his son after seeing Jones stab Will and cat
The decoration recognises his valuable "contribution to the developmen
om the imperial succession after the Emperor recognises his daughter's legitimacy.
istice, the Australian government officially recognises Honey as having first raised the idea in the
The Big Issue recognises, however, that for many people, being housed
The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) recognises IGNOU conferred degrees as on par with the d
ommander of the Royal Victorian Order, which recognises important service to the Sovereign.
view of a woman in a relationship which she recognises is not great, but which she admits is "the b
International (and hence the IUCN Red List) recognises it as a species, on evidence that it is morp
ra Applegate's name on the in-patient lists, recognises it and decides to investigate, though he doe
8 July O.S. - Spain recognises Jamaica and the Cayman Islands as English po
The Guinness Book of records recognises John Bennett as the first scuba diver to div
Harold is about to reprimand her but soon recognises Kerry.
The following day, Peter recognises Lexi while she and Coop were discussing abou
Chao Gai's village later for a rest and Chao recognises Liu Tang.
perimentation with American music styles and recognises many of their musical influences.
"harmonisation" agreement with the ANF which recognises members of the QNU as members of the Queensl
ith the chromodomain, a protein domain which recognises methylated lysine residues in histone tails.
e couple leave and the lay brother thinks he recognises Mona Lisa in the woman.
The UOCN recognises Mongolia as Chinese territory.
Currently, the Western Australian Herbarium recognises only two informal subspecies known tentative
The award recognises outstanding research by a young biochemist o
ssing the same sex relationships bill (which recognises same sex relationships in Tasmania under com
roteins are localised by cell machinery that recognises signal peptide sequences (similar to a posta
TLR7 recognises single stranded RNA in endosomes, which is a
Li Jun recognises Song Jiang as the famous philanthropist and
The flag also recognises St. Wite, a female Dorset saint who is burie
d for Sustainability Entrepreneurship, which recognises success in commercialising new sustainabilit
The academy recognises superior literary works through its annual l
Ultimately, he recognises that it is the truth which sets us free.
This designation recognises that the village is working toward the goals
Gee recognises that milk intolerance is a problem with coel
This link recognises that the majority of the Office's work relat
Risk Management" in place of "Flood Defence" recognises that managed flooding is essential to meet t
On a night out with Alys, Ceri recognises that their taxi driver is the same man who h
However, the trust recognises that agricultural change has been driven by
Additionally, it recognises that the techniques employed in some sects m
ioethics or assisted reproduction, the Court recognises that to make a definitive stance for all con
rscored that "the Church's pastoral outreach recognises that baptised persons with a homosexual incl
become world famous, yet at the same time it recognises that these individuals come from a country w
s will then be showcased on the SDF website; recognises that this is a cost-effective way of providi
Turkey is the only country that recognises the TRNC
Florestein recognises the medallion and has her arrested.
National Aboriginal Day recognises the cultures and contributions of Aboriginal
rbin's concerns about Colossus, and too late recognises the threat of Colossus.
The battle honour "Indian Ocean 1917" recognises the cruiser's wartime service.
It also recognises the diversity and value of green space to th
The WCF officially recognises the Royal Caledonian Curling Club, as the Mo
Qixotl, horrified, recognises the Doctor and tries to hide his identity fr
The Award recognises the achievements of writers and illustrators
The Institute of Carpenters recognises the following professionals working in wood
who recognises the scar left on her arm from the deer attac
t the Organization of the Islamic Conference recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
Although the academic community recognises the importance of his inventions, the Czech
It recognises the Borough's connection with the sea (fishi
The Society recognises the importance of helping the local communit
Agan Tavas recognises the validity of any form of revived Cornish
The award recognises the quality of the club set-up and its polic
This prize recognises the work as the best book published by a sch
Proctl, an apprehensive clansman who recognises the suffering of his people under the rule o
g the United Nations and the European Union, recognises the de jure sovereignty of the Republic of C
The APG II system of 2003 recognises the family, but in a new circumscription in
mhild initially declines, but ultimately she recognises the opportunity for revenge in her marriage
When Rose recognises the Cybermen from the mask in Van Statten's
The State recognises the special position of the Holy Catholic Ap
CEPA also recognises the contribution of pollution prevention and
Charles Darwin said: "[Wells] distinctly recognises the principle of natural selection, and this
These develop as the body recognises the "normal form" factor VIII as foreign, as
Capital Territory Legislative Assembly that recognises the fundamental human rights of individuals.
She also recognises the need for the history of comfort women to
2003 (unchanged from the APG system of 1998) recognises the family and places it in the order Ranunc
g back to Song Dynasty (960-1279) China that recognises the importance of the laity and lay practice
he early 20th century until 1911, but it now recognises the Royal Arch Purple as an official Order.
udents in a structured format which formally recognises the attainment of high levels of expertise w
"The Convention recognises the rights of Parties to take measures to pr
Quality Standard (TQS), an assessment which recognises the quality of industry training provision.
The State recognises the role of local government in providing a
(to which the Connexion also still adheres) recognises the essential unity of all who, by a like fa
of the Chartered Chemist (CChem) designation recognises the experienced practising chemist who has d
The State also recognises the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Chur
, but the Handbook of the Birds of the World recognises the Socotra Sparrow, Kenya Sparrow, Kordofan
ugh the Galician Statute of Autonomy of 1981 recognises them as territorial entities below the conce
s to help countries achieve development that recognises these interdependent pillars.
"Everyone involved with the club recognises this as a huge step forward."
h other Protestant denominations, the Church recognises two sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion (
A prince recognises Xuan Zan's outstanding combat abilities and
The International Paralympic Committee thus recognises Yugoslavia's participation in the Paralympic

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