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該当件数 : 3件
Please call us and let us know when you’ll be home to receive your gift. - Weblio英語基本例文集
同社には、都会の環境に田舎の生活を取り入れたいと思う中流階級の都会人の間に数多くの支持者がおり、最高経営責任者のByron Coxによると、「住宅設計や建設は弊社のような企業にとって当然の結果だ。弊社のお客様は、彼らが所有するPatioの商品と調和する建物を求めている」とのことだ。例文帳に追加
The company has a large following among middle-class urbanites who want to incorporate country living in an urban environment, and according to CEO Byron Cox, “home design and construction is the natural outcome for a company like ours. Our customers want a structure in tune with the Patio products they own.” - Weblio英語基本例文集
In order to promote the supply of emergency provisional housings, the following points were communicated and requested, by citing the actual cases: 1) Fees for borrowing land can be covered by the public funding as stipulated in the Disaster Relief Act, when it is difficult to secure construction sites for the housings; 2) The construction of the emergency provisional housings can be commissioned to municipalities, if no problem stands in the way; 3) When orders are placed, the specification standards can be made public, with the idea of concluding contracts with local construction companies; 4) Attention should be paid as much as possible to construct the emergency provisional housings to barrier-free specifications (e.g. setting up handrails); 5) "Welfare Provisional Housings" for the elderly can be constructed by setting up ramps and support staff rooms; and 6) the decision of moving in shall not be automatically made by lot so that the communities that existed before is maintained. Moreover, assuming that the life in the evacuation camps can be prolonged, attention should be paid so that the elderly and disabled are not concentrated in one place. (April 15, 2011) - 厚生労働省
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