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Both Kamitoba Kaiko-cho (established in 1969) and Kamitoba Kaiko (established in 1931) exist.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
His kaimyo (posthumous Buddhist name) is Bunshoinden Junrensha Seiyokakunen Dai Koshi.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Further, he learned the doctrine of Esoteric Buddhism from Gensho and was granted Bosatsukai (Bodhisattva Precepts) by Enchin.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Zenkai OMORI (1871- February 4, 1947) was a priest of the Soto Sect who had lived from the Meiji period to the Showa period.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1286, he entered the Buddhist priesthood and received Buddhist precepts at Kofuku-ji Temple Ichijo-in in Nara and thereafter, he was called 'Kakunyobo Soshu' and he further studied under Gyokaku.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(Established in 1969) Daimotsu-cho, Kamichoshi-cho, Minami Karato-cho, Kita Nakanotsubo-cho, Minami Nakanotsubo-cho, Kita Tonomoto-cho, Minami Tonomoto-cho, Kita Hanana-cho, Minami Hanana-cho, Kita Shimada-cho, Minami Shimada-cho, Kita Murayama-cho, Minami Murayama-cho, Kaiko-cho, Kita Kaiko-cho発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
五 国家公務員法(昭和二十二年法律第百二十号)、国会職員法(昭和二十二年法律第八十五号)又は地方公務員法(昭和二十五年法律第二百六十一号)の規定により懲戒免職の処分を受け、当該処分の日から三年を経過しない者例文帳に追加
(v) A person who has received a disposition of dismissal by disciplinary action pursuant to the provisions of the National Public Officers Act (Act No. 120 of 1947), the Diet Secretariats Personnel Act (Act No. 85 of 1947) or the Local Public Officers Act (Act No. 261 of 1950) and for whom three years have yet to elapse from the date of said disposition発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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Kokuchu-kai (before the defeat in World War II), Nichiren Shohu and Soka Gakkai (during the post-war period from 1955 to 1965), Fuji Taiseki-ji Kensho-kai and others endeavored to finalize a proposition for a national kaidan (although Nichiren Shohu and Soka Gakkai eventually withdrew the proposition for a national kaidan a few years before the construction of Shohon-do).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This mistake was discovered after the Second World War when the Kurodani Pure Land Sect centered around Konkaikomyo-ji Temple and the Honpa Pure Land Sect centered around Chion-in Temple separated from the Pure Land Sect before the Honpa Pure Land Sect returned in 1961 and the Kurodani Pure Land Sect returned in 1977.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
二 弁護士法(昭和二十四年法律第二百五号)、司法書士法(昭和二十五年法律第百九十七号)又は土地家屋調査士法(昭和二十五年法律第二百二十八号)の規定による懲戒処分により、弁護士会からの除名又は司法書士若しくは土地家屋調査士の業務の禁止の処分を受けた者でこれらの処分を受けた日から三年を経過しないもの例文帳に追加
(ii) a person who was expelled from a bar association or prohibited from practicing as a juridical scrivener or a land and house investigator as a disciplinary action under the Attorney Act (Act No. 205 of 1949), the Juridical Scrivener Act (Act No. 197 of 1950) or the Land and House Investigator Act (Act No. 228 of 1950), respectively, where three years have not elapsed from the day on which such action was taken against him/her; or発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第四十八条 懲戒権者(捕虜収容所長又は捕虜収容所に勤務する幹部自衛官(防衛省設置法(昭和二十九年法律第百六十四号)第十五条第一項に規定する幹部自衛官をいう。)であって政令で定める者をいう。以下同じ。)は、被収容者が次の各号のいずれかの行為をしたときは、当該被収容者に対し、懲戒処分を行うことができる。例文帳に追加
Article 48 In case where a detainee commits any of the acts in the following items, the officer having disciplinary authority (i.e. prisoner of war camp commanders, or Self-Defense Forces officers (Self-Defense Forces officers prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 15 of the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Defense (Act No. 164 of 1954)) assigned to prisoner of war camps and provided in the Cabinet Order. The same shall apply hereinafter) may take disciplinary actions against said detainee:発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第四条の二 大規模地震対策特別措置法(昭和五十三年法律第七十三号)第九条第一項の規定に基づく地震災害に関する警戒宣言(以下この条において「警戒宣言」という。)が発せられたときは、同法第三条第一項の規定により地震防災対策強化地域として指定された地域のうち当該警戒宣言に係る地域内に所在する保険の目的については、保険会社等は、当該警戒宣言が発せられた時から同法第九条第三項の規定に基づく地震災害に関する警戒解除宣言が発せられた日(当該警戒宣言に係る大規模な地震が発生するに至つた場合にあつては、財務大臣が地震保険審査会の議を経て告示により指定をする日)までの間、政府の再保険契約に係る地震保険契約(政令で定めるものを除く。)を新たに締結することができない。例文帳に追加
Article 4-2 (1) When a warning declaration about an earthquake disaster under the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 9 of the Act on Special Measures for Large-scale Earthquakes (Act No. 73 of 1978) (hereinafter referred to as "warning declaration" in this Article) is issued, insurance companies, etc. may not enter into any new earthquake insurance contract to be covered by the reinsurance contract of the government (excluding those prescribed by a Cabinet Order) for subjects located in areas pertaining to said warning declaration and designated as areas for intensified countermeasures against the earthquake by the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 3 of the same Act from the time when the warning declaration is issued until the day when the warning declaration is withdrawn under the provision of paragraph (3) of Article 9 of the same Act (or, where the large scale earthquake pertaining to the warning declaration does occur, until the day designated by the Minister of Finance in a public notice after consultation with the Earthquake Insurance Council).発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
七 弁護士法(昭和二十四年法律第二百五号)若しくは外国弁護士による法律事務の取扱いに関する特別措置法(昭和六十一年法律第六十六号)、公認会計士法(昭和二十三年法律第百三号)又は税理士法(昭和二十六年法律第二百三十七号)の規定による懲戒処分により、弁護士会からの除名、公認会計士の登録の抹消又は税理士の業務の禁止の処分を受けた者でこれらの処分の日から三年を経過しないもの例文帳に追加
(vii) Any person who has been subjected to exclusion from membership in a bar association, deletion of registration as a certified public accountant, or prohibition of business as a tax accountant through disciplinary action pursuant to provisions of the Attorney Act (Act No. 205 of 1949) or the Act on Special Measures concerning the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers (Act No. 66 of 1986), the Certified Public Accountancy Act (Act No. 103 of 1948) or the Tax Accountant Act (Act No. 237 of 1951), and has not yet passed three years from the date of such a disposition;発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
After World War, Kurodani Jodoshu, based in Konkaikonmyo-ji Temple, and Honpa Jodoshu (Jodoshu Honpa), based in Chion-in, became independent, but in 1961, when a memorial ceremony for the 750th anniversary of Honen's death was held, Jodoshu Honpa returned and Kurodani Jodoshu also returned 16 years later.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
第八十三条 第七条の規定の適用については、従前の計理士法(昭和二年法律第三十一号)の規定により業務の禁止の処分を受けた者は、懲戒の処分により公認会計士の登録を抹消された者とみなし、従前の税務代理士法(昭和十七年法律第四十六号)の規定により税務代理士の許可を取り消された者は、懲戒の処分により税理士の登録を取り消されたものとみなし、官吏懲戒令(明治三十二年勅令第六十三号)により免官の処分を受けた者は、公務員であつて懲戒の処分により免職された者とみなす。例文帳に追加
Article 83 In the application of Article 7, a person who has been prohibited from practicing pursuant to the prior Accountant Law (Keirishi-ho, Act No.31 of 1927) shall be deemed to have had his/her registration as a certified public accountant revoked from the register of certified public accountants as a result of such disciplinary action, a person whose license was revoked pursuant to the prior Tax Accountants Law (Zeimu-dairishi-ho, Act No.46 of 1942) shall be deemed to have had his/her registration as a tax accountant revoked as a result of such disciplinary action, and a person who has been dismissed from his/her office as a government official under the order of the disciplinary action for public officials (Imperial Ordinance No. 63 of 1899) shall be deemed to have been discharged from his/her office as a public officer as a result of such disciplinary action.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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