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Wiktionary英語版での「archrogue」の意味 |
archrogue (複数形 archrogues)
- An infamous or particularly egregious rogue.
- The chief of a band of thieves or gypsies.
- 1863, Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles I.:
- The Whelp lighed on a pirate at Milford Haven, who had newly opened shop and seized upon a Plymouth bark in Youghal harbour. He was trading for powder and muskets with some knaves on shore; but his market was marred, and four of the principals delivered up to justice. The archrogue's name is Gosman.
arch rogue
- Grose, Francis, The Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue / Lexicon Balatronicum: A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence: altered and enlarged (London; 1811)
arch-rogue (複数形 arch-rogues)
- Alternative form of archrogue
1623, William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale:
2016, Robert William Chambers, Cardigan, ISBN 1465608753:
- The Governor laughed at them, asserting that I was notorious; but as the days passed, so serious became the demands from Mr. Rever, Mr. Hancock, and Mr. Otis that the Governor sent Walter Butler to assure these gentlemen that he knew Mr. Cardigan well, and that the rogue in prison, who pretended to that name, was, in fact, a notorious felon named the Weasel, who had for years held the highway with the arch-rogue, Mount.
2017, Todor Bombov, Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code—Socialism with a Human Face, ISBN 1681819651:
- It is obvious that Popper was either with low intelligence, not understanding anything, a layman, who was occupied with activity extrinsic to him, speculating on Marx's creative work, or he was an arch-rogue in the science that was boosted into a position in the society by his likes.
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