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Wiktionary英語版での「cuppes」の意味 |
cuppēs m (genitive cuppēdis); third declension
- (hapax) sweet tooth, glutton, one with a taste for delicacies
- c. 195 BCE, Plautus, Trinummus 240:
- numquam Ámor quemquam nisi cúpidum hominem / postulát se in plagas conícere: / eos cúpit, eos consectátur; / súbdole blanditur ab re cónsulit, / blandíloquentulus, harpagó, mendax, / cuppés, avarus, élegans, despoliator / latebrícolarum hominum córruptor, / [blandus] inops célatum indagátor. / nam quí amat quod amat quom éxtemplo / saviís sagittatis pérculsust, / ílico rés foras lábitur, líquitur.
- Love never expects any but the willing man to throw himself in his toils; these he seeks for, these he follows up, and craftily counsels against their interests. He is a fawning flatterer, a rapacious grappler, a deceiver, a sweet-tooth, a spoiler, a corrupter of men who court retirement, a pryer into secrets. For he that is in love, soon as ever he has been smitten with the kisses of the object that he loves, forthwith his substance vanishes out of doors and melts away.― The Comedies of Plautus. Henry Thomas Riley. London. G. Bell and Sons. 1912. Perseus
- numquam Ámor quemquam nisi cúpidum hominem / postulát se in plagas conícere: / eos cúpit, eos consectátur; / súbdole blanditur ab re cónsulit, / blandíloquentulus, harpagó, mendax, / cuppés, avarus, élegans, despoliator / latebrícolarum hominum córruptor, / [blandus] inops célatum indagátor. / nam quí amat quod amat quom éxtemplo / saviís sagittatis pérculsust, / ílico rés foras lábitur, líquitur.
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