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policies writtenとは 意味・読み方・使い方
意味・対訳 新契約
「policies written」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 7件
of a country, to issue a written document stating its political policies to another country in accordance with international law発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
(自国の意向などを)文書で相手国に通知する - EDR日英対訳辞書
Respective policies include the number of write passes to be execute at the place of the media with data volume stored therein and a pattern to be written at the place of the media.例文帳に追加
それぞれのポリシー・エントリは、データ・ボリュームが格納されたメディアの場所で実行される書き込みパスの数およびメディアの場所で書き込むパターンを含む。 - 特許庁
Nobunaga implemented various policies to stabilize social and economic infrastructure such as the integration of units by sealing a brand or Kao (written seal mark) on the masu (a measure) which Nobunaga admitted officially, and the declaration of the ordinance of selection of coins to use good-quality coins instead of bad-quality.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
信長が公認した枡のそれぞれに焼印や花押を押すことによる単位の統合、質の悪い貨幣ではなく良い貨幣を使うよう呼びかける選銭令を発令したりと、社会・経済の基盤を安定させる政策を行った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
For example, according to "Kaitoshokokuki" (literally, descriptions of various countries across the sea) written by Sukchu SIN, a secretary of the envoy dispatched in 1428, the survey included 15 items including the following: identifying base-places of wako together with a request of prohibiting wako (Japanese pirates) actions, observing Japan's power, such as relationships among wako, shugo daimyo (shugo, which were Japanese provincial military governors, that became daimyo, which were Japanese feudal lords), dominant Kokujin (local samurai) and local clans, states of progress in urban areas, and monetary policies, and checking the states of progress of Buddhism in Japan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
例えば1428年(正長元年)派遣の使節に同行した書記官の申叔舟が著した『海東諸国紀』によると、倭寇禁圧要請と併せて倭寇の根拠地の特定、倭寇と守護大名、有力国人、土豪との関係、都市部の発展状況や通貨政策など国力状況の観察、日本での仏教の展開状況をはじめ15項目の調査内容があったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(9) The auditor shall obtain from a management a written representation, which acknowledges the management’s responsibility for fair presentation of the financial statements, states the basis of presentation in the financial statements, specifies the significant accounting policies selected by management, affirms that management has made all relevant information available to the auditor, and includes any other matters which the auditor believes are necessary.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
9 監査人は、適正な財務諸表を作成する責任は経営者にあること、財務諸表の作成に関する基本的な事項、経営者が採用した会計方針、経営者は監査の実施に必要な資料を全て提示したこと及び監査人が必要と判断した事項について、経営者から書面をもって確認しなければならない。 - 金融庁
We also had the "Development and Strengthening of A System of Support for Mid-sized to Large Companies' and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Entry into the Asian Region, etc. under A Partnership between Japanese Financial Institutions, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), the Japanese External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Others," which was not written up much (in newspapers and other media). This represents an approach of utilizing JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation) and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization), which is overseen by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), and this is a quite revolutionary initiative unprecedented in the history of economic and fiscal policies and financial policies in the 65 years in post-war Japan.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
それから、これはあまり(新聞に)書いていただけなかったのですけれども、中堅・中小企業のアジア地域への進出等の整備・強化を盛り込んだ金融資本市場及び金融活性化のためのアクションプラン、これはJBIC(国際協力銀行)だとか、経産省が所管しているJETRO(日本貿易振興機構)、昔は輸出促進で一時輸入を増やすことに変えた有名なJETROとJBIC活用した方法でして、これは皆さん方にも地域の商工会、商工会議所にぜひこういった特集でも組んでいただきたいと思います。これは日本の戦後65年の経済財政、金融政策の中でこんなことをしたことはなく、多分かなり革命的なことです。 - 金融庁
(i) if the Limited Partner reasonably determines that the contribution under the Capital Call Notice for such Portfolio Investment probably will result in its violation of any law, rule or regulation or its internal investment policies (limited to those policies that it has notified the General Partner of at the time of its admission to the Partnership) or any other material adverse effect on it and such Limited Partner requests that the General Partner discharge it from the obligation to make such contribution; provided that the Limited Partner shall (I)(a) give a written notice of its request under item (i) of this paragraph and (b) submit an opinion of legal counsel (such legal counsel and contents of its opinion shall be reasonably satisfactory to the General Partner and address the Limited Partner’s determination under item (i) of this paragraph), to the General Partner within [__] days from receipt of the Capital Call Notice (or any later date as the General Partner determines in its discretion), and (II) provide any other information regarding the probability of a material adverse effect as the General Partner reasonably requests; or発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
① 当該有限責任組合員が、当該ポートフォリオ投資に係る追加出資請求通知において示された出資をなすことが、当該有限責任組合員に対し、法令又は投資に関する内部規則(但し、本組合加入時に無限責任組合員に通知されたものに限る。)の違反その他の重大な悪影響を生じさせる蓋然性があると合理的に判断し、無限責任組合員に対して出資義務の免除を請求した場合。但し、当該有限責任組合員が出資義務を免れるためには、当該有限責任組合員は、(ⅰ)無限責任組合員に対し、当該追加出資請求通知の到達の日から[ ]日以内(又はその後の日で無限責任組合員がその裁量により決定する日まで)に、(1)本項第①号に基づく請求を行う旨書面により通知し、(2)法律顧問の意見書(当該法律顧問及び意見書の内容は無限責任組合員が合理的に満足できるもので、本項第①号に定める趣旨の、有限責任組合員の判断に関するものでなければならない。)を提出し、かつ、(ⅱ)無限責任組合員が合理的に要求する、当該重大な悪影響を生じさせる蓋然性についてのその他の情報を提供しなければならない。 - 経済産業省
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