該当件数 : 38件
the closing day - 斎藤和英大辞典
The foreign mail closes today. - 斎藤和英大辞典
December 31 is the deadline for applications - 日本語WordNet
Applications submitted after the closing date will not be accepted. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
What day is the deadline for the application for that exhibit? - Weblio Email例文集
2 前項の期間は、賃金締切日がある場合においては、直前の賃金締切日から起算する。例文帳に追加
(2) When there is a fixed day for closing the wage account, the period set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated from the last such fixed day. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
The deadline for the submission of revised tax returns is the end of this month. - Weblio英語基本例文集
I feel pressed for time as the deadline is drawing near. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
The May 31 due date is approximately 150 days after the calendar year end, which is consistent with a commentator’s suggested due date for an issuer to provide us with its conflict minerals information. - 経済産業省
She took great pains to get the job done before the deadline. - Tanaka Corpus
She took great pains to get the job done before the deadline. - Tatoeba例文
Supplier terminals 5a to 5c display the time of day calculated as the bidding end time of day. - 特許庁
The worker receives wages of 200,000 yen per month, with end of month when the wage calculation closes. The accident occurs in October. - 厚生労働省
残念ながら、締切日を過ぎたお申し込みをお受けすることはできません。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加
Unfortunately we cannot accept your application because it was sent after the deadline. - Weblio Email例文集
In an orderer terminals 4a and 4b, an orderer specifies a temporay ending time of day which is before an ending time of day when bidding ends. - 特許庁
Approximately 5,000 enterprises were randomly selected from a database of private enterprises nationwide, and the survey was conducted by mail (The survey was sent out on October 31, 2003 and the deadline for accepting responses was November 14.). - 経済産業省
To provide a good fortune inviting box keeping a person from forgetting a winning date and a deadline date by housing a good fortune inviting ticket in a housing portion having a good fortune model and mounting a notice board on which information about an announcement day of winning, deadline day or the like is indicated. - 特許庁
Each of the feet may change his/her amount of bidding money with unlimited times before the closing date and opening of the bid of each term of the association. - 特許庁
This demand storage device 400, on receiving transfer demand data to each agency from a key system of the user company, holds it for a certain period in consideration of the deadline of banking establishment, and collectively transmits the transfer request data according to the timing of the deadline of the banking establishment. - 特許庁
When a predetermined deadline comes, the server 1 provides privilege to the members constituting the group based on point data at new member registration. - 特許庁
When a purchase is specified from a terminal device 11 of a person who wishes to buy through a communication line S, that is stored in a storage device 3 up to the closing date of an auction. - 特許庁
To provide a data broadcast receiver with which a viewer can recognize whether a displayed article is an article whose closing date has expired, even if the viewer views information with an application deadline, such as on-line shopping several days after date of the video recording. - 特許庁
(1) The proxy client notifies the proxy agency of accounts payable accumulated up to a closing date in a certain period of time, and the agency provides payment information to a supplier. - 特許庁
六 出来高払制その他の請負制によつて定められた賃金については、その賃金算定期間(賃金締切日がある場合には、賃金締切期間、以下同じ)において出来高払制その他の請負制によつて計算された賃金の総額を当該賃金算定期間における、総労働時間数で除した金額例文帳に追加
(vi) When wages are determined at piece rates or on some other contract basis, the basis shall be obtained by dividing the total amount of wages calculated accordingly (when the closing day for wage calculation is fixed, it is the period up to the date; hereinafter the same shall apply) by the total number of working hours during the period subject to the wage calculation - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Based on a time zone code of a time zone to which the orderer belongs and a time zone code of a time zone to which a supplier belongs, a bid management system 3 calculates the time of day in the time zone to which the nominated contractor belongs at the time of the temporay ending time of day specified by the orderer. - 特許庁
Compensation points totalized in the closing day are converted to the amount of money by a compensation point management device cooperating with a credit card management center, and it is sent to the credit management center and is applied to the payment of the charge for use of the credit card of the user member. - 特許庁
On a display sheet A, a shop by genre (e.g. health food shop) is displayed and its corner, an article name field 1, an article number field 2, a sale quantity field 3, a starting price field 4, an application deadline field 6, and an applicant quantity field 7 are provided. - 特許庁
The sales mediation device holds lot sales information specifying at least merchandise to perform the lot sales, an application deadline date for the merchandise and a minimum sales quantity transmitted from the seller terminal and provides the purchaser terminal with the lot sales information. - 特許庁
Also, the application result of the merchandise corresponding to the lot sales information applied from the purchaser terminal is stored, whether or not the application result satisfies the minimum sales quantity is judged on the application deadline date of the lot sales information and the establishment or non- establishment of a transaction is reported to the seller terminal and the purchaser terminal. - 特許庁
Otherwise, if the due date of the Conflict Minerals Report was tied to an issuer’s fiscal year end, as proposed, component suppliers could have to provide reports regarding the conflict minerals in their components on a continuous basis throughout the year because their customers may have different fiscal year ends. - 経済産業省
The Ministers of Health, Labour and Welfare and of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in their joint names requested the following to the main economic organizations (258 organizations): 1) To let new graduates who had been given job offers join companies as much as possible on the scheduled starting date of work 2) To flexibly deal with the starting date of work for the students in the affected areas and the deadlines of the job applications 3) To cooperate in hiring students whose job offers were withdrawn due to the disaster. (March 22, 2011) - 厚生労働省
Regarding the revised Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, which will be put into effect on December 17, I would like to confirm some points related to the flow of procedures from the application to the capital injection. Are you considering setting a deadline for accepting applications as the United States does under the TAAP (capital injection program) or screening applications as they come at random times? If the fund-raising situation at the end of the calendar and fiscal years is taken into consideration, I think that it may be reasonable to set a deadline. - 金融庁
The application deadline under this scheme is March 2012. First of all, the FSA, together with Local Finance Bureaus - we held an emergency meeting of Local Finance Bureau Directors-General today - will hold briefings for financial institutions across Japan to ensure in-depth understanding of the contents, purpose and usage method of this scheme. At the same time, as the end of the year is approaching, we will ask financial institutions to exercise their financial intermediary function and make special efforts to facilitate year-end financing. - 金融庁
※この記事は「日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム」の2010年9月現在の情報を転載しております。 |
Copyright(C) 2025 金融庁 All Rights Reserved. |
Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved. 「斎藤和英大辞典」斎藤秀三郎著、日外アソシエーツ辞書編集部編 |
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved. |
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