該当件数 : 39件
(He improvised a Chinese poem and explicated "The Book of Mencius.") 例文帳に追加
(即興の漢詩と『孟子』の解説)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The word is derived from Mencius. 例文帳に追加
『孟子』に由来する言葉である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In March, he learned The Book of Mencius from Tsunayoshi YONEHARA. 例文帳に追加
3月、米原綱善に孟子を学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
His major works include "Rongo Kogi" (Ancient Meanings of the Analects), "Moshi Kogi" (Ancient Meanings of the Mencius), "Gomo Jigi" (Philosophical Lexicography of the Analects and Mencius), "Chuyo Hakki" (Commentary on the Doctrine of the Mean), "Dojimon" (Elementary Philosophical Dialogues) and "Kogaku Sensei Bunshu" (Collected Prose Works of the Master of Ancient Learning). 例文帳に追加
主著として、『論語古義』『孟子古義』『語孟字義』『中庸発揮』『童子問』『古学先生文集』などが挙げられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
a historical fact that Mencius's mother moved house thrice for her son's better educational environment 例文帳に追加
孟子の母が孟子の教育のために三度住居を変えたという故事 - EDR日英対訳辞書
Mencius said that our longevity was determined by fate, and waiting for our fate to befall us while cultivating the mind would fulfill our duties. 例文帳に追加
孟子いわく、殀寿貳わず、身を修めて以て之を俟つは、命を立つる所以なりと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Ritsumei (立命)' originated from a line, "殀壽不貳 修身以俟之 所以立命也," by Mencius in China. 例文帳に追加
「立命」は中国の孟子の一節『殀壽不貳 修身以俟之 所以立命也』から採られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Confucianism: the shushigaku school (the doctrines of Zhu Xi), the yomeigaku school (the doctrines of Wang Yangming), the kogaku school (the study of the classics), the kogigaku school (the study of teachings of Confucius and Mencius based on their original texts), and the kobunji school (the school of Sorai OGYU) 例文帳に追加
儒学:朱子学、陽明学、古学、古義学、古文辞学 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Here, the expression 'transcends good and evil' does not mean that this idea and Mencius' 'Theory of Innate Goodness' are unconnected. 例文帳に追加
なお善悪を超えたといっても、孟子的性善説から乖離したというわけではない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Confucius spoke of giving oneself to justice, and mencius spoke of sacrificing for righteousness例文帳に追加
孔子は正義に身を ゆだねることについて話しました そして 孟子は正義の ための犠牲について話しました - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
But on the other hand, he may have been influenced by the "Bussotoki" (the Record of the Buddhist Founders) and Song-period philosophy (especially that of the 'Spring and Autumn Annals,' the 'Mencius,' and the 'I Ching') into intentionally emphasizing other virtues over Gomurakami's royal lineage. 例文帳に追加
だがその一方で、『仏祖統記』や宋学(特に「春秋」・「孟子」・「易経」)の影響を受け、血統の他に有徳を強調している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the Southern Song Dynasty, these three interpretations and an "Interpretation of Moshi" (Interpretation of Mencius) were added to the annotation and interpretation learning of Han and Tang, and the "Annotation and Interpretation Learning of Thirteen Classics" were compiled. 例文帳に追加
南宋になると、漢唐の注疏にこの三疏と『孟子疏』が加えられて『十三経注疏』がまとめられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As the heir of a Hani (doctor working at a public clinic), he had learned the Analects of Confucius, The Book of Mencius, Dutch and so on from childhood, and repeatedly read shishogokyo (the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism, the Nine Chinese Classics) at Yoro College, a hanko (domain school). 例文帳に追加
藩医の嫡男として、幼い頃から論語や孟子やオランダ語などを学び、藩校の養老館では四書五経を復読。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Kinga studied Kogigaku (study of pursuing ancient meanings of Confucius and Mencius based on their original texts, by Jinsai ITO's Ancient Meaning school) under Yuho and Shushigaku (Neo-Confucianism) and Kobunjigaku (the study of archaic words and phrases) under Randai, thus established a school of Secchugaku (eclecticism). 例文帳に追加
金峨は師熊峯から古義学を、師蘭台から朱子学と古文辞学を修め、折衷学を確立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Yomei-gaku is the Japanese term for the school of Confucianism established by Wang Yangming in Ming Dynasty China, which continued Mencius' doctrine that human nature is fundamentally good. 例文帳に追加
陽明学(ようめいがく)とは、中国の明代に、王陽明がおこした儒教の一派で、孟子の性善説の系譜に連なる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There are many descriptions about recluse like this in "the Analects of Confucius," as well as "the Book of Mencius." 例文帳に追加
『論語』にはこのような隠逸についての記述が多数確認でき、また『孟子』にも同様の記述が見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Among them, Moka (Moshi (Mencius)) advocated the ethical doctrine that human nature is fundamentally good, as well as humanity, which was considered the most important type of virtue by Koshi, and the thought of justice, the type of virtue which was considered actionable. 例文帳に追加
そのなかで孟軻(孟子)は性善説を唱え,孔子が最高の徳目とした仁に加え、実践が可能とされる徳目義の思想を主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Anseki O (Wang Anshi) named "Moshi" instead of "The Book of Filial Piety" and "Jiga" (Erya), and in the Southern Song Dynasty, "Annotation and Interpretation of the Book of Mencius" was compiled on the pretext of Son Seki. 例文帳に追加
王安石は科挙改革で従来の『孝経』『爾雅』に代わって『孟子』を挙げ、南宋になると孫セキ撰と仮託されて『孟子注疏』が編まれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
She loved to study, after her enthronement, she asked Arihito KARAHASHI and Tominaga TAKATSUJI who were Inji (In no tsukasa served closely to the Emperor) to teach "Moshi" (The Book of Mencius), "Jogan Seiyo" (a book written about Taiso, the second Emperor of Tang Dynasty in China) and "Haku Kyoi" (Bai Juyi (Chinese poet between 772 and 846). 例文帳に追加
学問を好み、譲位後、院伺候衆であった唐橋在熙や高辻福長に命じて、『孟子』『貞観政要』『白居易』等の進講をさせている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The name 'Ritsumeikan' was derived from 'Jinshinsho,' a statement by Mencius: "Human life is decided by destiny, but while waiting for fate you must improve yourself." 例文帳に追加
「立命館」は、孟子「盡心章(じんしんしょう)」にある「殀寿貳(ようじゅたが)わず、身を修めて以て之を俟(ま)つは、命を立つる所以(ゆえん)なり」という一節からとられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Because of that, the Chinese government donated a statue of Mencius that had been sculpted from white granite from Shandong Province, and announced at the opening ceremony of the Ritsumeikan University Confucius Institute. 例文帳に追加
これが縁となり、中国政府から学校法人立命館に対し、山東省産白御影石で彫られた「孟子像」が寄贈され、立命館孔子学院開設式典で披露された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When Kinga's father began to work in Edo, Kinga started learning Kogigaku (study of pursuing ancient meanings of Confucius and Mencius based on their original texts, by Jinsai ITO's Ancient Meaning school) under Yuho KAWAGUCHI who was Jinsai ITO's disciple and whom Kinga had been on friendly terms for a long time. 例文帳に追加
父が江戸詰となってから、かねてから親交のあった伊藤仁斎門下の川口熊峯(かわぐちゆうほう)に師事し古義学を学ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
From among the traditional discussions on Confucianism, Shushigaku took Mencius' 'Theory of Innate Goodness' and held it in high esteem, which led to the debate over "innateness" and "goodness". 例文帳に追加
特に朱子学が従来の儒学議論の中から、孟子の「性善説」を取り出し、極端に尊崇したことから、「性」「善」の内容をめぐって議論を呼ぶことになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
"I Ching" (The Book of Changes), "Shosho" (Classic of History), Shi Jing (the oldest pieces of Chinese literature), "Shurei" (Rites of Zhou), "Raiki" (Book of Rites), "The Zuo Zhuan" (The Chronicle of Zuo) (Shunjukoyoden, Shunjukokuryoden), "Rongo" (Analects of Confucius), "Moshi" (Mencius), "Mozi" (a book of Chinese thought), "Hanfeizi" (a book of Chinese thought), "Shan Hai Jing" (Classic of mountains and seas), "Sonshi" (Chinese books about tactics). 例文帳に追加
『易経』、『尚書』、『詩経』、『周礼』、『礼記』、『春秋左氏伝』(春秋公羊伝・春秋穀梁伝)、『論語』、『孟子』、『墨子』、『韓非子』、『山海経』、『孫子』 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Of the Confucius scriptures among shishogokyo (the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism, the Nine Chinese Classics), all the scriptures except for "Mencius" are considered to have been edited or selected by Confucius or Shukotan. 例文帳に追加
儒教の経書について言えば、四書五経に挙げられる書物の中で『孟子』を除いた他の書物は、すべて孔子ないしは周公旦が編したあるいは撰したものとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, it is not just an adoption of Confucian thought and many of the thinkers evaluated "Moshi (Mencius)" which was emphasized as one of the "The Four Books of Confucianism" that were unsuitable for national policy. 例文帳に追加
しかし無論、儒教思想がそのまま取り入れられた訳ではなく、儒学の中では『四書』の一つとして重要視されている『孟子』を、国体にそぐわないものであると評価する思想家も多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Then, Saigyo points out that "The Book of Mencius," which advocated Ekisei Revolution, wasn't introduced to Japan, and cites a passage from 'Shoga (aristocracy)' in "Sikyo" (Chinese Poetry Book), Brothers conflict in house, but prevent downgrading outward,' succeeding in getting the truth out of In that it was from personal spite. 例文帳に追加
次に、西行は、易姓革命を唱えた『孟子』が日本に伝わらなかったこと、『詩経』「小雅」の一篇「兄弟牆(うち)に鬩(せめ)ぐとも外の侮りを禦(ふせ)げよ」という一節を説き、ついに院の、私怨がゆえである、との本音を引き出すことに成功する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In Confucianism, whether to allow the expulsion of a disqualified monarch had been a difficult problem to deal with, but the Tokugawa Shogunate adopted a position taken from the standpoint of Mencius (a Chinese thinker in the fourth century BC) concerning the teachings of Zhu Xi, and approved of the Tang-Wu revolution (the expulsions of disqualified monarchs by King Tang and King Wu) and the revolution (change of dynasty) decreed by Heaven (when the incumbent emperor is found lacking in moral virtue). 例文帳に追加
儒教では、放伐を認めるかどうかが難題とされてきたが、徳川幕府は朱子学について孟子的理解に立ち、湯武放伐、易姓革命論を認めていたが、それを認めると天皇を将軍が放伐してよいことになり、山崎闇斎を始祖とする崎門学派が湯武放伐を否定して、体制思想としての朱子学を反体制思想へと転化させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This is a part of translator's note: original "按するに、虎哥か此の論、孟子の性善良知の説を本とし、終に王陽明か心を師とするの論に帰着す" (translation by Yasutsugu SHIGENO: the theory of Grotius has theories of Mencius as the ground such as the ethical doctrine that human nature is fundamentally good and human nature that is ability to judge good or bad and the theory finally achieves to the theory of Yangming WANG that considers mind itself is the law); as seen above, among the such notes, there is a part that explains the explanation about international law by Grotius seems the same as Yomei-gaku (neo-Confuciasnism based on teaching of Yangming WANG). 例文帳に追加
中には「按するに、虎哥か此の論、孟子の性善良知の説を本とし、終に王陽明か心を師とするの論に帰着す」(加筆者訳:思うにグロチウスのこの論は孟子の性善説・良知の説を基礎として、最終的には王陽明が説く心即理の説へと到達するものである。〔注:原文の片仮名は平仮名に変換〕)というように、グロチウスの自然法に関する説明は陽明学と同一視する部分すらある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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