Antonio Gurrieri è attualmente ricercatore senior per il settore scientifico-disciplinare L-LIN/04 Lingua e Traduzione Francese, presso l’Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara” – Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne. È stato ricercatore junior per il settore scientifico-disciplinare L-LIN/04 Lingua e Traduzione Francese, presso l’Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”. È titolare di Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni di professore universitario di II fascia nel Settore Concorsuale 10/H1 - Lingua, Letteratura E Cultura Francese. Ha insegnato a contratto Lingua e Traduzione francese, presso la Struttura didattica speciale di Lingue e letterature straniere di Ragusa, dell’Università degli Studi di Catania, dall’a.a. 2015/2016 all’a.a. 2021/2022.
Traditional travel guides and websites dedicated to tourist destinations influence
readers with t... more Traditional travel guides and websites dedicated to tourist destinations influence readers with their informative content. The Antilles and French Polynesia are tourist destinations that attract a great deal of interest due to their exotic nature, fame and special features. However, these French overseas territories are often presented in a male-centred erotic tourism discourse, highlighting the stereotypes of the male tourist and his supposed fantasies. This study focuses on the introductory texts, as they attract the attention of travellers. Unfortunately, tourism discourse often relies on the eroticization of the landscape and the personification of the island as a beautiful woman to be conquered, thus fuelling a form of macho eroticization.
The Function of the Paratext in La Traversata della mangrovia by Maryse Condé ABSTRACT: Maryse Co... more The Function of the Paratext in La Traversata della mangrovia by Maryse Condé ABSTRACT: Maryse Condé is a famous writer from Antilles, who has been praised by academic critics for her novels, short stories, plays and essays. Eliana Vicari is the Italian translator of her texts. The novel Traversata della mangrovia is one of the most interesting translations, especially for the importance given to the paratextual apparatus. The paratext plays an important role in postcolonial texts, as it helps to understand the cultural and linguistic challenges present in the original text and the attempts to transpose them into the translated text. Translation is not only about the linguistic aspect, but requires reflection that embraces all aspects of the translation act. The paratext is therefore a valuable support tool that helps the translator and the reader to have a clear view of the reality represented in the text.
Raphaël Confiant est un écrivain antillais qui s'engage, oeuvre après oeuvre, à promouvoir sa cul... more Raphaël Confiant est un écrivain antillais qui s'engage, oeuvre après oeuvre, à promouvoir sa culture d'origine et le mouvement littéraire de la créolité. Dans son texte autobiographique Ravines du devant-jour, il se livre sur son identité de chabin créole, en un français créolisé et coloré qui réussit le tour de force de conserver et de restituer toute la richesse culturelle des Antilles. Cela va sans dire : traduire tout cela en italien est une vraie gageure. Il faut faire des choix, et fournir un travail continu de recherche linguistique et culturelle. Tout l'enjeu pour la traductrice, Anna Devoto, sera donc de trouver le juste compromis pour préserver le métissage linguistique du texte source, et, en véritable médiatrice linguistique, conduire le lecteur sur les chemins d'une nouvelle réalité culturelle.
The theme of eroticism in the literary production of René Depestre is a constant that touches alm... more The theme of eroticism in the literary production of René Depestre is a constant that touches almost all of his work. The image of the woman is central in her poems and takes on original meanings. We chose the text Éros dans un train chinois, because it allows us to analyse the theme of erotic discourse. The research particularly deepens the study of the erotic lexicon and the lexical creativity of the author. This study of erotic discourse reveals how the writer’s linguistic choices possess a creative and persuasive force that can change the point of view on erotic writing.
Assia Djebar published in 2003 an interesting novel that focuses on a male protagonist Berkane. T... more Assia Djebar published in 2003 an interesting novel that focuses on a male protagonist Berkane. The recurring themes are those of the land of origin, the recovery of memory and the theme of language. The French and Arabic languages distinguish the sonorous universe of the protagonist and generate a strongly erotic language that links three elements: language, body and memory. An erotic language that allows to express not only strong sensations related to physical pleasure. Such language is functional to the recovery of the memory and to the identity search of the protagonist.
La ville de Lyon imaginaires touristiques et discours, 2021
La ville de Lyon se présente aux touristes comme la capitale de la gastronomie française et comme... more La ville de Lyon se présente aux touristes comme la capitale de la gastronomie française et comme une ville historique, avec son quartier de style Renaissance. Toutefois, une nouvelle image s’impose ; celle d’une ville moderne, en perpétuelle évolution. Notre étude vise à analyser les procédés énonciatifs et discursifs qui permettent d’édifier un imaginaire de savoir partagé. Il autorise la découverte d’un lieu historique déjà connu et permet de jeter les bases pour la description de la modernité.
Turismo e centro linguistico quale lingua per la guida turistica , 2021
La guida turistica è una figura professionale che adopera un linguaggio specialistico con proprie... more La guida turistica è una figura professionale che adopera un linguaggio specialistico con proprie caratteristiche che lo contraddistinguono dagli altri linguaggi settoriali. Una formazione pluridisciplinare è necessaria per svolgere efficacemente questo lavoro. L’università in collaborazione con i Centri linguistici di ateneo (CLA) è in grado di fornire un insegnamento trasversale. Lingua e cultura compongono la dimensione lessiculturale. Il contesto turistico siciliano con i propri usi e costumi è il punto di osservazione privilegiato per illustrare le caratteristiche di tale linguaggio. Infine, i CLA, ancorati nel territorio, sono in grado di fornire una formazione completa e mirata ai bisogni formativi specifici.
Villa Amalia de Pascal Quignard. Lexiculture et paramètre pro-drop en traduction, 2021
Villa Amalia by Pascal Quignard. Lexiculture and pro-drop parameter in translation. The publicati... more Villa Amalia by Pascal Quignard. Lexiculture and pro-drop parameter in translation. The publication of Villa Amalia marks in 2006 the returns to novel for Pascal Quignard. This is after six years of silence. The Italian translation of the novel is published in 2018 by Valentina Valente who is also a well-known classical singer. Firstly, the aim of this paper is to analyze how the translator faced the difficulties related to the translation between two similar languages but with differences about those words that Galisson calls the CCP of words or “charge culturelle partagée”. Secondly, we study the pro-drop parameter in translation and the effects produced in the target text. Finally, we evaluate if the translated text respects the author’s style.
René Maran et Joseph Zobel : une fraternité des noirs pour la cause anticolonialiste, 2020
René Maran and Joseph Zobel are two novelists who belong to the French Caribbean Literature.
In t... more René Maran and Joseph Zobel are two novelists who belong to the French Caribbean Literature. In the first half of the 20th century, René Maran published a novel Batouala and Joseph Zobel also published his Diab’là. At this era, these texts were regarded as subversive because of the anti-colonial ideas they promoted. This research work aims at analyzing how these two writers promoted anti-colonial ideas in their works. In these two novels centered on anticolonialist cause, the denunciation is made through the words and the actions of characters who revealed clearly their anger vis-à-vis colonial exploitation. These writers use the stories of their main characters to report the unfair treatment suffered and to give more strength and pride to the victims of colonial exploitation.
French Caribbean literature enjoys a fair amount of attention within the Italian
publishing marke... more French Caribbean literature enjoys a fair amount of attention within the Italian publishing market. Scientific research contributes significantly to its dissemination and stimulates the publication of translations which thus enrich the publishing market. An essential role is represented by the paratexte which allows the reader who does not know the Caribbean reality to understand a historical and cultural space, completely different from his own. If the translation is not always able to transcribe all the linguistic nuances of the source text, the translator’s note can instead instruct the reader about the translation operations present in the target text.
This essay examines the attempt to change the vision of Creole language
and culture, related to F... more This essay examines the attempt to change the vision of Creole language and culture, related to French language and culture. In linguistic terms, we will show how it is possible to overcome the situation of diglossia that characterizes the two languages in an unequal relationship between the dominant language and the subordinate language. It is the aim of literature to overcome the situation of diglossia and to present an entirely new linguistic landscape. And allow the reader to feel part of the Creole universe.
Les guides touristiques sont considérés comme des textes qui donnent au
lecteur une image précise... more Les guides touristiques sont considérés comme des textes qui donnent au lecteur une image précise de la destination promue. Ce sont en effet de véritables « invitations au voyage » selon la définition de Kerbrat-Orecchioni. Il s’agit d’un genre textuel hybride qui s’apparente aux discours promotionnels. Notre propos sera d’analyser tout d’abord le discours touristique autour de la Sicile en creusant les données euphoriques et les aspects dysphoriques mis en avant par les guides du corpus. Nous illuminerons ensuite quelques phénomènes de stéréotypie discursive. Finalement, notre objectif sera de bien comprendre, dans une perspective synchronique, l’image de la Sicile qui se dégage des guides contemporains français.
Traditional travel guides and websites dedicated to tourist destinations influence
readers with t... more Traditional travel guides and websites dedicated to tourist destinations influence readers with their informative content. The Antilles and French Polynesia are tourist destinations that attract a great deal of interest due to their exotic nature, fame and special features. However, these French overseas territories are often presented in a male-centred erotic tourism discourse, highlighting the stereotypes of the male tourist and his supposed fantasies. This study focuses on the introductory texts, as they attract the attention of travellers. Unfortunately, tourism discourse often relies on the eroticization of the landscape and the personification of the island as a beautiful woman to be conquered, thus fuelling a form of macho eroticization.
The Function of the Paratext in La Traversata della mangrovia by Maryse Condé ABSTRACT: Maryse Co... more The Function of the Paratext in La Traversata della mangrovia by Maryse Condé ABSTRACT: Maryse Condé is a famous writer from Antilles, who has been praised by academic critics for her novels, short stories, plays and essays. Eliana Vicari is the Italian translator of her texts. The novel Traversata della mangrovia is one of the most interesting translations, especially for the importance given to the paratextual apparatus. The paratext plays an important role in postcolonial texts, as it helps to understand the cultural and linguistic challenges present in the original text and the attempts to transpose them into the translated text. Translation is not only about the linguistic aspect, but requires reflection that embraces all aspects of the translation act. The paratext is therefore a valuable support tool that helps the translator and the reader to have a clear view of the reality represented in the text.
Raphaël Confiant est un écrivain antillais qui s'engage, oeuvre après oeuvre, à promouvoir sa cul... more Raphaël Confiant est un écrivain antillais qui s'engage, oeuvre après oeuvre, à promouvoir sa culture d'origine et le mouvement littéraire de la créolité. Dans son texte autobiographique Ravines du devant-jour, il se livre sur son identité de chabin créole, en un français créolisé et coloré qui réussit le tour de force de conserver et de restituer toute la richesse culturelle des Antilles. Cela va sans dire : traduire tout cela en italien est une vraie gageure. Il faut faire des choix, et fournir un travail continu de recherche linguistique et culturelle. Tout l'enjeu pour la traductrice, Anna Devoto, sera donc de trouver le juste compromis pour préserver le métissage linguistique du texte source, et, en véritable médiatrice linguistique, conduire le lecteur sur les chemins d'une nouvelle réalité culturelle.
The theme of eroticism in the literary production of René Depestre is a constant that touches alm... more The theme of eroticism in the literary production of René Depestre is a constant that touches almost all of his work. The image of the woman is central in her poems and takes on original meanings. We chose the text Éros dans un train chinois, because it allows us to analyse the theme of erotic discourse. The research particularly deepens the study of the erotic lexicon and the lexical creativity of the author. This study of erotic discourse reveals how the writer’s linguistic choices possess a creative and persuasive force that can change the point of view on erotic writing.
Assia Djebar published in 2003 an interesting novel that focuses on a male protagonist Berkane. T... more Assia Djebar published in 2003 an interesting novel that focuses on a male protagonist Berkane. The recurring themes are those of the land of origin, the recovery of memory and the theme of language. The French and Arabic languages distinguish the sonorous universe of the protagonist and generate a strongly erotic language that links three elements: language, body and memory. An erotic language that allows to express not only strong sensations related to physical pleasure. Such language is functional to the recovery of the memory and to the identity search of the protagonist.
La ville de Lyon imaginaires touristiques et discours, 2021
La ville de Lyon se présente aux touristes comme la capitale de la gastronomie française et comme... more La ville de Lyon se présente aux touristes comme la capitale de la gastronomie française et comme une ville historique, avec son quartier de style Renaissance. Toutefois, une nouvelle image s’impose ; celle d’une ville moderne, en perpétuelle évolution. Notre étude vise à analyser les procédés énonciatifs et discursifs qui permettent d’édifier un imaginaire de savoir partagé. Il autorise la découverte d’un lieu historique déjà connu et permet de jeter les bases pour la description de la modernité.
Turismo e centro linguistico quale lingua per la guida turistica , 2021
La guida turistica è una figura professionale che adopera un linguaggio specialistico con proprie... more La guida turistica è una figura professionale che adopera un linguaggio specialistico con proprie caratteristiche che lo contraddistinguono dagli altri linguaggi settoriali. Una formazione pluridisciplinare è necessaria per svolgere efficacemente questo lavoro. L’università in collaborazione con i Centri linguistici di ateneo (CLA) è in grado di fornire un insegnamento trasversale. Lingua e cultura compongono la dimensione lessiculturale. Il contesto turistico siciliano con i propri usi e costumi è il punto di osservazione privilegiato per illustrare le caratteristiche di tale linguaggio. Infine, i CLA, ancorati nel territorio, sono in grado di fornire una formazione completa e mirata ai bisogni formativi specifici.
Villa Amalia de Pascal Quignard. Lexiculture et paramètre pro-drop en traduction, 2021
Villa Amalia by Pascal Quignard. Lexiculture and pro-drop parameter in translation. The publicati... more Villa Amalia by Pascal Quignard. Lexiculture and pro-drop parameter in translation. The publication of Villa Amalia marks in 2006 the returns to novel for Pascal Quignard. This is after six years of silence. The Italian translation of the novel is published in 2018 by Valentina Valente who is also a well-known classical singer. Firstly, the aim of this paper is to analyze how the translator faced the difficulties related to the translation between two similar languages but with differences about those words that Galisson calls the CCP of words or “charge culturelle partagée”. Secondly, we study the pro-drop parameter in translation and the effects produced in the target text. Finally, we evaluate if the translated text respects the author’s style.
René Maran et Joseph Zobel : une fraternité des noirs pour la cause anticolonialiste, 2020
René Maran and Joseph Zobel are two novelists who belong to the French Caribbean Literature.
In t... more René Maran and Joseph Zobel are two novelists who belong to the French Caribbean Literature. In the first half of the 20th century, René Maran published a novel Batouala and Joseph Zobel also published his Diab’là. At this era, these texts were regarded as subversive because of the anti-colonial ideas they promoted. This research work aims at analyzing how these two writers promoted anti-colonial ideas in their works. In these two novels centered on anticolonialist cause, the denunciation is made through the words and the actions of characters who revealed clearly their anger vis-à-vis colonial exploitation. These writers use the stories of their main characters to report the unfair treatment suffered and to give more strength and pride to the victims of colonial exploitation.
French Caribbean literature enjoys a fair amount of attention within the Italian
publishing marke... more French Caribbean literature enjoys a fair amount of attention within the Italian publishing market. Scientific research contributes significantly to its dissemination and stimulates the publication of translations which thus enrich the publishing market. An essential role is represented by the paratexte which allows the reader who does not know the Caribbean reality to understand a historical and cultural space, completely different from his own. If the translation is not always able to transcribe all the linguistic nuances of the source text, the translator’s note can instead instruct the reader about the translation operations present in the target text.
This essay examines the attempt to change the vision of Creole language
and culture, related to F... more This essay examines the attempt to change the vision of Creole language and culture, related to French language and culture. In linguistic terms, we will show how it is possible to overcome the situation of diglossia that characterizes the two languages in an unequal relationship between the dominant language and the subordinate language. It is the aim of literature to overcome the situation of diglossia and to present an entirely new linguistic landscape. And allow the reader to feel part of the Creole universe.
Les guides touristiques sont considérés comme des textes qui donnent au
lecteur une image précise... more Les guides touristiques sont considérés comme des textes qui donnent au lecteur une image précise de la destination promue. Ce sont en effet de véritables « invitations au voyage » selon la définition de Kerbrat-Orecchioni. Il s’agit d’un genre textuel hybride qui s’apparente aux discours promotionnels. Notre propos sera d’analyser tout d’abord le discours touristique autour de la Sicile en creusant les données euphoriques et les aspects dysphoriques mis en avant par les guides du corpus. Nous illuminerons ensuite quelques phénomènes de stéréotypie discursive. Finalement, notre objectif sera de bien comprendre, dans une perspective synchronique, l’image de la Sicile qui se dégage des guides contemporains français.
Il volume affronta lo studio della produzione poetica di Édouard Glissant con un’attenzione parti... more Il volume affronta lo studio della produzione poetica di Édouard Glissant con un’attenzione particolare alle seguenti raccolte: Un champ d’île, La terre inquiète, Le sel noir, Boises e Pays revé, pays réel. Il poeta si serve di una forma e di un linguaggio inedito. Si analizza nello specifico la produzione artistica del poeta tenendo conto di due poli: l’Ethos e il Pathos. Si approfondisce dunque come lo scrittore sia capace di orientare il lavoro dei critici sulla propria opera e come attraverso il proprio linguaggio possa toccare le corde più profonde dell’animo del lettore, assicurandosi la piena adesione di quest’ultimo. L’epopea creola di Les Indes si realizza attraverso una “desotizzazione” del linguaggio poetico. In Boises, invece, prosa e poesia si confondono. Infine, Pays revé, pays réel ci mostra il fascino del linguaggio barocco.
Papers by Antonio Gurrieri
readers with their informative content. The Antilles and French Polynesia
are tourist destinations that attract a great deal of interest due to their exotic nature,
fame and special features. However, these French overseas territories are often
presented in a male-centred erotic tourism discourse, highlighting the stereotypes
of the male tourist and his supposed fantasies. This study focuses on the introductory
texts, as they attract the attention of travellers. Unfortunately, tourism
discourse often relies on the eroticization of the landscape and the personification
of the island as a beautiful woman to be conquered, thus fuelling a form of
macho eroticization.
of origin, the recovery of memory and the theme of language. The French and Arabic languages distinguish the sonorous universe of the protagonist and generate a strongly erotic language that links three elements: language, body and memory. An erotic language that allows to
express not only strong sensations related to physical pleasure. Such language is functional to the recovery of the memory and to the identity
search of the protagonist.
Toutefois, une nouvelle image s’impose ; celle d’une ville moderne,
en perpétuelle évolution. Notre étude vise à analyser les procédés énonciatifs et discursifs qui permettent d’édifier un imaginaire de savoir partagé. Il autorise la découverte d’un lieu historique déjà connu et permet de jeter les bases pour la description de la modernité.
that Galisson calls the CCP of words or “charge culturelle partagée”. Secondly, we study the pro-drop parameter in translation and the effects produced in the target text. Finally, we evaluate if the translated text respects the author’s style.
In the first half of the 20th century, René Maran published a novel Batouala and Joseph Zobel
also published his Diab’là. At this era, these texts were regarded as subversive because of the
anti-colonial ideas they promoted. This research work aims at analyzing how these two writers
promoted anti-colonial ideas in their works. In these two novels centered on anticolonialist
cause, the denunciation is made through the words and the actions of characters who revealed
clearly their anger vis-à-vis colonial exploitation. These writers use the stories of their main
characters to report the unfair treatment suffered and to give more strength and pride to the
victims of colonial exploitation.
publishing market. Scientific research contributes significantly to its dissemination
and stimulates the publication of translations which thus enrich the publishing
market. An essential role is represented by the paratexte which allows the
reader who does not know the Caribbean reality to understand a historical and
cultural space, completely different from his own. If the translation is not always
able to transcribe all the linguistic nuances of the source text, the translator’s note
can instead instruct the reader about the translation operations present in the target
and culture, related to French language and culture. In linguistic terms,
we will show how it is possible to overcome the situation of diglossia
that characterizes the two languages in an unequal relationship between
the dominant language and the subordinate language. It is the aim of
literature to overcome the situation of diglossia and to present an entirely
new linguistic landscape. And allow the reader to feel part of the Creole
lecteur une image précise de la destination promue. Ce sont en effet de véritables
« invitations au voyage » selon la définition de Kerbrat-Orecchioni. Il
s’agit d’un genre textuel hybride qui s’apparente aux discours promotionnels.
Notre propos sera d’analyser tout d’abord le discours touristique autour
de la Sicile en creusant les données euphoriques et les aspects dysphoriques
mis en avant par les guides du corpus. Nous illuminerons ensuite quelques
phénomènes de stéréotypie discursive.
Finalement, notre objectif sera de bien comprendre, dans une perspective
synchronique, l’image de la Sicile qui se dégage des guides contemporains
readers with their informative content. The Antilles and French Polynesia
are tourist destinations that attract a great deal of interest due to their exotic nature,
fame and special features. However, these French overseas territories are often
presented in a male-centred erotic tourism discourse, highlighting the stereotypes
of the male tourist and his supposed fantasies. This study focuses on the introductory
texts, as they attract the attention of travellers. Unfortunately, tourism
discourse often relies on the eroticization of the landscape and the personification
of the island as a beautiful woman to be conquered, thus fuelling a form of
macho eroticization.
of origin, the recovery of memory and the theme of language. The French and Arabic languages distinguish the sonorous universe of the protagonist and generate a strongly erotic language that links three elements: language, body and memory. An erotic language that allows to
express not only strong sensations related to physical pleasure. Such language is functional to the recovery of the memory and to the identity
search of the protagonist.
Toutefois, une nouvelle image s’impose ; celle d’une ville moderne,
en perpétuelle évolution. Notre étude vise à analyser les procédés énonciatifs et discursifs qui permettent d’édifier un imaginaire de savoir partagé. Il autorise la découverte d’un lieu historique déjà connu et permet de jeter les bases pour la description de la modernité.
that Galisson calls the CCP of words or “charge culturelle partagée”. Secondly, we study the pro-drop parameter in translation and the effects produced in the target text. Finally, we evaluate if the translated text respects the author’s style.
In the first half of the 20th century, René Maran published a novel Batouala and Joseph Zobel
also published his Diab’là. At this era, these texts were regarded as subversive because of the
anti-colonial ideas they promoted. This research work aims at analyzing how these two writers
promoted anti-colonial ideas in their works. In these two novels centered on anticolonialist
cause, the denunciation is made through the words and the actions of characters who revealed
clearly their anger vis-à-vis colonial exploitation. These writers use the stories of their main
characters to report the unfair treatment suffered and to give more strength and pride to the
victims of colonial exploitation.
publishing market. Scientific research contributes significantly to its dissemination
and stimulates the publication of translations which thus enrich the publishing
market. An essential role is represented by the paratexte which allows the
reader who does not know the Caribbean reality to understand a historical and
cultural space, completely different from his own. If the translation is not always
able to transcribe all the linguistic nuances of the source text, the translator’s note
can instead instruct the reader about the translation operations present in the target
and culture, related to French language and culture. In linguistic terms,
we will show how it is possible to overcome the situation of diglossia
that characterizes the two languages in an unequal relationship between
the dominant language and the subordinate language. It is the aim of
literature to overcome the situation of diglossia and to present an entirely
new linguistic landscape. And allow the reader to feel part of the Creole
lecteur une image précise de la destination promue. Ce sont en effet de véritables
« invitations au voyage » selon la définition de Kerbrat-Orecchioni. Il
s’agit d’un genre textuel hybride qui s’apparente aux discours promotionnels.
Notre propos sera d’analyser tout d’abord le discours touristique autour
de la Sicile en creusant les données euphoriques et les aspects dysphoriques
mis en avant par les guides du corpus. Nous illuminerons ensuite quelques
phénomènes de stéréotypie discursive.
Finalement, notre objectif sera de bien comprendre, dans une perspective
synchronique, l’image de la Sicile qui se dégage des guides contemporains