Noun Phrase is such a phrase that has generally a noun or a pronoun as the head word (the obligatory element) and it may have one or more modifiers ( such as adjective, determiner, PP, Rcl etc) as optional element. The subject part in all the following clauses signify a noun phrase : I. Boys are here. II. The boys are here. III. All the boys are here. IV. All the good boys are here. V. All the good boys from rural India are here. VI. All the good boys from rural India who are much ambitious are here. The subject part of all these clauses are noun phrases and "boys" is the head word in all these NPs. All other words, PP and the Rcl are the modifiers in the concerned noun phrase.
In the above clauses noun phrase has been given only for convenience . As a general rule NP can do the following functions within the clause and out of the clause.:
I. Subject
As it has been given above.
II. Subject Complement
She is a teacher.
III. Object Complement
She made me a teacher.
IV. Direct Object
He helped me.
V. Indirect object
She gave me a book.
VI. Prepositional complement
He lives in this house.
VII. Post -modifier in Noun Phrase
Ravi, my brother, is a good boy.