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See also: traballò



Alternative forms




From Old Galician-Portuguese traballo, deverbal from traballar.





traballo m (plural traballos)

  1. (usually in the plural) travail, trouble, hardship, hard times, difficulty
    Antes pasabamos moitos traballos para criar os fillos.
    In the past we had many hard times raising our children.
    • 1390, Pensado Tomé, edited by José Luís, Os Miragres de Santiago. Versión gallega del Códice latino del siglo XII atribuido al papa Calisto I, Madrid: C.S.I.C, page 136:
      onde eu moytas chagas et deostos et pelejas et escarnos et caenturas et cãsaço et fame et frio et moytos outros traballos padeçin
      here, where I have suffered many sores and insults and fights and derision and fever and tiredness and hunger and cold and so many other travails
    • 1885, O Tío Marcos da Portela, II, 60, page 1:
      Poucos terán boas lembranzas do ano que se foi, porque escomenzou mal e non poido acabar pior. O inverno foi crúo, a primadeira esmorecida e chuviosa, o vrau abafante, o outono desleigado. Día por día pasáro-no contando os seus traballos e coitas os labregos, agardando pola súa redención os que viven escravos dos caciques d'aldea, pensando na súa terriña os emigrantes que morren lonxe dela, aduanando falcatruadas os que trunfan e medran á conta dos máis
      Few people will have good memories of last year, because it started badly and couldn't have ended worse: winter was harsh, spring rainy and faint, summer stifling, autumn sloppy. Day after day, the peasant spent their time telling about their troubles and disgraces, waiting for their redemption the ones who live enslaved by the village's richmen, longing their land the emigrants who die far away from her, plotting frauds those who trump and grow at the expense of others.
  2. struggle, effort
    Synonym: esforzo
    • 1339, Antonio López Ferreiro, editor, Galicia Histórica. Colección diplomática, Santiago: Tipografía Galaica, page 370:
      a servicio de deus et de noso señor el rey don alfonso et a prol de todo o reyno de galiza por dar a cada un o seu et refrenar a cobiza dos maos que en una ora rouban et consumen os averes que os omens ganan en gran tenpo con gran traballo
      in the service of God an of our lord the king Don Alfonso and in favor of the whole Kingdom of Galicia, to give each one his own, to restrain the greed of the bad ones who in an hour rob and consume the assets and properties that men gain in a long time and with great effort
  3. work
    Synonyms: choio, labor
  4. job
    Synonyms: emprego, ocupación, oficio, profesión
  5. (physics) work




  1. first-person singular present indicative of traballar






  • IPA(key): /traˈbal.lo/
  • Rhymes: -allo
  • Hyphenation: tra‧bàl‧lo




  1. first-person singular present indicative of traballare