Category:Birds of Colombia
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Birds of Colombia.
Pages in category "Birds of Colombia"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 366 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Paint-billed crake
- Painted parakeet
- Pale-bellied hermit
- Pale-breasted thrush
- Pale-eyed pygmy tyrant
- Pale-headed jacamar
- Pale-tipped inezia
- Pale-vented thrush
- Palm tanager
- Panama amazon
- Pavonine cuckoo
- Pheasant cuckoo
- Pied puffbird
- Pied water tyrant
- Pinnated bittern
- Plain-brown woodcreeper
- Plain-colored tanager
- Plumbeous hawk
- Plumbeous pigeon
- Plumbeous seedeater
- Purple honeycreeper
- Purple-throated fruitcrow
- Pygmy palm swift
- Red-and-green macaw
- Red-billed emerald
- Red-billed scythebill
- Red-breasted meadowlark
- Red-crowned woodpecker
- Red-legged honeycreeper
- Red-legged tinamou
- Red-lored amazon
- Red-rumped woodpecker
- Red-throated ant tanager
- Red-throated caracara
- Ruby-topaz hummingbird
- Ruddy foliage-gleaner
- Ruddy pigeon
- Ruddy-breasted seedeater
- Ruddy-tailed flycatcher
- Rufous piha
- Rufous potoo
- Rufous-breasted hermit
- Rufous-breasted wren
- Rufous-capped warbler
- Rufous-necked wood rail
- Rufous-tailed hummingbird
- Rufous-tailed jacamar
- Rufous-vented chachalaca
- Rufous-vented ground cuckoo
- Russet-backed oropendola
- Russet-crowned crake
- Russet-throated puffbird
- Russet-winged schiffornis
- Rusty-backed spinetail
- Rusty-faced parrot
- Rusty-margined flycatcher
- Saffron-headed parrot
- Sapayoa
- Sapphire-throated hummingbird
- Scaled dove
- Scaled piculet
- Scaled pigeon
- Scaly-breasted hummingbird
- Scarlet ibis
- Scarlet macaw
- Scarlet-crowned barbet
- Scrub greenlet
- Sharp-tailed ibis
- Shining-green hummingbird
- Short-tailed pygmy tyrant
- Short-tailed swift
- Silver-throated tanager
- Sinú parakeet
- Slate-coloured seedeater
- Slate-throated gnatcatcher
- Slaty spinetail
- Slaty-headed tody-flycatcher
- Slaty-winged foliage-gleaner
- Slender-billed inezia
- Slender-billed kite
- Smooth-billed ani
- Song wren
- Sooty-headed tyrannulet
- Southern bentbill
- Southern mealy amazon
- Southern nightingale-wren
- Southern white-fringed antwren
- Speckled tanager
- Spectacled parrotlet
- Spectacled thrush
- Spot-breasted woodpecker
- Steely-vented hummingbird
- Straight-billed woodcreeper
- Streak-headed woodcreeper
- Streaked saltator
- Striolated manakin
- Stripe-backed wren
- Stripe-necked tody-tyrant
- Stripe-throated hermit
- Strong-billed woodcreeper
- Sunbittern
- Swallow tanager
- Swallow-winged puffbird
- Wedge-billed woodcreeper
- Wedge-tailed grass finch
- Western olivaceous flatbill
- Whistling heron
- White hawk
- White-bearded manakin
- White-bellied antbird
- White-bibbed manakin
- White-breasted wood wren
- White-browed gnatcatcher
- White-cheeked antbird
- White-chinned swift
- White-crowned manakin
- White-eared conebill
- White-flanked antwren
- White-fronted nunbird
- White-headed marsh tyrant
- White-lined tanager
- White-necked jacobin
- White-necked puffbird
- White-plumed antbird
- White-rumped sirystes
- White-shouldered tanager
- White-tailed goldenthroat
- White-tailed nightjar
- White-thighed swallow
- White-throated crake
- White-throated tinamou
- White-tipped sicklebill
- White-vented plumeleteer
- White-whiskered spinetail
- White-winged swallow
- Whooping motmot
- Wing-banded antbird
- Wing-barred piprites
- Wire-tailed manakin