Hotman is a drama based on manga that was originally written in 1997. Takashi Sorimachi plays school art teacher, Enzo Furiya who takes care of his 5-year-old daughter (Nanami Furia) of whom he has no idea who her mother is. He also lives with his four siblings whose fathers are all different. Enzo’s daughter suffers from severe atopic dermatitis, so he throws himself into managing her diet to alleviate her condition. He is so determined to raise the little daughter well, he doesn’t appear to have any spare time for a girlfriend. And yet Enzo finds himself drawn to Misuzu Kaneko (Akiko Yada) a health teacher at his school. Enzo pursues life passionately for his little girl and his family. This is a story about how desperately enzo tries to hold his family together inspite of all the hardships. The second season starts with all the family members segregated and then they meet again and begin to make a family.