Editing Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Soti Triantafyllou
Administrator instructions
Welcome to the deletion discussion for Soti Triantafyllou. All input is welcome, though valid arguments citing relevant guidelines will be given more weight than unsupported statements; discussion guidelines are available. Be aware that using multiple accounts to reinforce a viewpoint is considered a serious breach of community trust, and that commenting on other users rather than the article is also considered disruptive.When discussing an article, remember to consider alternatives to deletion. If you think the article could be a disambiguation page, redirected or merged to another article, or moved to draftspace for incubation, then consider recommending "Disambiguate", "Redirect", "Merge", or "Draftify" instead of deletion. Similarly, if another editor has proposed an alternative to deletion but you think the article should be deleted instead, please elaborate why. |
Content that violates any copyrights will be deleted. Encyclopedic content must be verifiable through citations to reliable sources.