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My Army

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"My Army" (Russian: Армия моя) is a Soviet marching song written in the Russian language, performed by the Alexandrov Ensemble. The lyrics were written by Soviet musician and composer Rafael Moritsovich Plaksin (Russian: Рафаэль Морицович Плаксин).[1][2][3] The music was composed by prolific Soviet composer Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Abramov (Russian: Александр Александрович Абрамов), in 1970.

A Persian language version of this song is also adopted by the National Liberation Army, the armed wing of the People's Mujahedin of Iran.[4]


Russian original[5] Romanization of Russian English translation

Если на Отчизну нагрянет беда,
Позовёт солдата труба.
Армия моя, ты на страже всегда!
Ты – моя любовь и судьба!

Обыкновенная, судьба нелёгкая военная.
Любовь суровая, но верная.
Готовы мы на ратный труд.
Мы все испытаны ни раз, ни два боями-маршами.
Мы от солдата и до маршала – одна семья!

Наш Октябрь с нами в походном строю!
С нами песни красных бойцов,
Первый день войны, и победный салют,
И судьба погибших отцов…


Мчатся наши годы,
Но жизнь молода!
И поёт как прежде труба.
Армия моя, ты на страже всегда!
Ты – моя любовь и судьба!


Jesli na Otčiznu nagrjanet beda,
Pozovjot soldata truba,
Armija moja, ty na straže vsegda!
Ty – moja ljubovj i sudjba!

Obyknovennaja, sudjba neljogkaja vojennaja.
Ljubovj surovaja, no vernaja.
Gotovy my na ratnyj trud.
My vse ispytany ni raz, ni dva bojami-maršami.
My ot soldata i do maršala – odna semjja!

Naš Oktjabrj s nami v pohodnom stroju!
S nami pesni krasnih bojcov.
Pervyj denj vojny, i pobednyj saljut,
I sudjba pogibših otcov…


Mčatsja naši gody,
No žiznj moloda!
I pojot kak prežde truba.
Armija moja, ty na straže vsegda!
Ty – moja ljubovj i sudjba!


If trouble suddenly breaks out in the Motherland,
A soldier will sound the trumpet
My army — forever you guard the frontier!
You, my heart, and fate above all!

A weight upon destiny for those in the military
Love is harsh but true as true can be
We're all ready for military service
We all! We all have seen our share of battle marches and declare!
We, from the soldier to the marshal, are all one family!

Our October with us in marching formation!
With our songs about Red soldiers
The first day of the war and the victory fireworks
And the fate of our dead fathers…


Life remains young as we dash through the years
The trumpets never cease their call
My army – you're always on guard!
You, my heart, and fate above all!


See also



  1. ^ "Вячеслав Малежик".
  2. ^ http://malezhik.ru/photos/6/7d087211.jpg [bare URL image file]
  3. ^ http://malezhik.ru/photos/6/14bc30d0.jpg [bare URL image file]
  4. ^ "National Liberation Army (NLA) Iran - Arteshe Azadi Iran". YouTube.
  5. ^ Source (for the Russian lyrics): http://www.sovmusic.ru/text.php?fname=arm_moya