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Silent Worship

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The song "Silent Worship" is a 1928 English-language adaptation for voice and piano by Arthur Somervell of Alessandro's aria "Non lo dirò col labbro" from Handel's 1728 opera Tolomeo (Ptolemy). It is the ninth song in Somervell's collection Ten Songs of Handel (8) and Giovanni Bononcini (2).[1] Other arrangements of Somervell's translation include voice accompanied by a symphony orchestra, and unison choir.[2]

Handel / Somervell comparison


Musically Arthur Somervell's song is a simple arrangement of the original Handel aria – with the orchestral parts reduced for piano, one or two slight changes in harmony, and the instrumental ending (postlude) omitted.

The text is treated quite differently in the two versions:

  • In the original Italian baroque aria as set by Handel, the first part of the aria uses a single couplet to express a single two-fold thought: "I will not say it with my lips, they do not have the courage". The words are repeated several times, to emphasize the lack of courage. The second part of the aria expresses a complement to the first, its antithesis – twice as many words for half as much music – and therefore not repeated: "Perhaps, with sparks from yearning eyes, my gaze will speak to reveal how I am consumed by flames". The first part of the aria is then repeated, in A–B–A da capo aria form.
  • Somervell's unrelated English text consists of a 16-line narrative, in which only a single line is repeated. Even the da capo – the reprise of the first part at the end – has a new paraphrase of the first text rather than the simple verbatim repetition which the baroque aria uses.

"Silent Worship" is featured in the 1996 film adaptation of Jane Austen's novel Emma, where it is sung by Gwyneth Paltrow (as Emma) and Ewan McGregor (as Frank Churchill). Somervell's English adaptation was done more than a century after Austen's 1815 novel, but the original Italian aria was recorded in Jane Austen's own handwritten songbooks.[3][4] In the film, Somervell's piano introduction to the song is shortened.

"Silent Worship"


Did you not hear my lady
Go down the garden singing?
Blackbird and thrush were silent
To hear the alleys ringing.

Oh saw you not my lady
Out in the garden there?
Shaming the rose and lily
For she is twice as fair.

Though I am nothing to her
Though she must rarely look at me
And though I could never woo her
I love her till I die.

Surely you heard my lady
Go down the garden singing?
Silencing all the songbirds
And setting the alleys ringing.

But surely you see my lady
Out in the garden there,
Rivaling the glittering sunshine
With a glory of golden hair.

"Non lo dirò col labbro"


Allessandro's cavatina in act 1 of Tolomeo:

Non lo dirò col labbro
Che tanto ardir non hà.

Forse con le faville
Dell'avide pupille,
Per dir come tutt'ardo,
Lo sguardo parlerà.

I will not say it with my lips
Which have not that courage.

Perhaps the sparks
Of my burning eyes,
Revealing my passion,
My glance will speak.

Score comparison


% Source: "Silent Worship" in Arthur Somervell: Ten Songs, (1928), pp. 34–37 – via IMSLP
\header {   tagline = ##f
  title = "Silent Worship"

\paper { paper-height = 60\cm
  system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 5) (padding . 5))
  system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator

\layout { indent = 0 \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t}

global = {
  \key g \major
  \time 4/4
  \tempo "Andante"

tenorVoice = \relative c' { \global \autoBeamOff
  \set Score.currentBarNumber = #6 \bar ""
  \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #f #t)
  b'8 c16 d c8 b a d r8 fis, | \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #f #f)
  g c16 [b] a8 g g fis r4 |
  b8 c16 b a8 g c b r8 b |
  e, fis16 [g] a8 g fis16 [e] d8 r8 d' |
  g, a16 [b] c8 c c b r a | fis g16 [a] b8 a16. [g32] g4. r8 |
  e fis16 g a8 g fis d'4 c8 | \tempo 4 = 62 b^"rall." a16 [g] fis8. g16 \tempo 4 = 68 g2 | R1
  b8 c16 d e8 d c16 [b] c8 r8 r8 | a8 b16 c d8 c b16 a b4 a8 |
  g a16 b c8 b a16 [g] a4 a8 | b e cis8. d16 d2 |
  b8 c16 d c8 b a d r fis, | g c16 [b] a8 g g fis r4 |
  b8 c16 b a8 g c b r b | e, fis16 g a8 g fis16 [e] d4 d'8 |
  g, a16 b c8 c c b r a | fis g16 [a] b8 a g4. r8 |
  e fis16 g a8 g fis d'4 \tempo 4 = 62 c16^"rall." c | b8 a16 g fis8. g16 \tempo 4 = 68 g2 | R1 \bar "|."

verse = \lyricmode { \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #0.5
  Did you not hear my la -- dy
  Go down the gar -- den sing -- ing?
  Black -- bird and thrush were si -- lent
  To hear the al -- leys ring -- ing.

  O saw you not my la -- dy
  Out in the gar -- den there?
  Sham -- ing the rose and li -- ly
  For she is twice as fair.

  Though I am noth -- ing to her
  Though she must rare -- ly look at me,
  And though I could nev -- er woo her
  I love her till I die.

  Sure -- ly you heard my la -- dy
  Go down the gar -- den sing -- ing?
  Si -- len -- cing all the song -- birds
  And set -- ting the al -- leys ring -- ing.

  But sure -- ly you see my la -- dy
  Out in the gar -- den there,
  Riv'l -- ing the glit'r -- ing sun -- shine
  With a glo -- ry of gol -- den hair. 
verseI = \lyricmode { \override LyricText.font-shape = #'italic
  Non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  che tan -- to~ar -- dir non hà __ ,
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  che tan -- to~ar -- dir non hà __ ,
  che tan -- to~ar -- dir non hà,
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  che tan -- to~ar -- dir non hà.
  For -- se con le fa -- vil -- le
  dell'a --- vi  -- de pu -- pil --- le,
  per dir co -- me tut -- to ar -- do,
  lo sguar -- do par -- le -- rà.
  Non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  che tan -- to ar -- dir non hà,
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro ___
  che tan -- to ar -- dir non hà, ___
  che tan -- to_ar -- dir non hà,
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  che ___ tan -- to ar -- dir non hà.

rightOne = \relative c'' { \global
  <b g>4 (<c fis,>8 <b g> a4 fis) |
  g4 (<a e>8 [<g c,>]) g [(fis)] \appoggiatura d d' c |
  <b g d>4 (<a e>8 [<g d>] <fis c> [<g b,>]) r <d b> ( | e8 [d <a' e> <g c,>] <fis d> <d a> <d' g, d>4) |
  <g, e b> <a e>16 (g fis e) <a c,>8 ([<g b,>]) e (a) | <fis d> [<g~ cis,>] <g d> <fis c> g (fis16 e d8) <g b,> |
  e ([d] a' g fis) fis (g) a | <g b d,> <a e a,>16 g <fis d a>4 <g d b> g'8 fis16 e |
  <d g,>8 <c a>16 <b g> a8. [g16] <g b,>2 |
  b8 (c16 d <e e,>8 <d d,> <c g e>4. <b g e>8) | a b16 a <d g, d>8 <c fis, c> <b g d>4. <a d>8 |
  g4 (<fis c>8 <g b,> <d a> <g cis, g> fis a) | \tempo 4 = 62
  <b d,> <g e> a g fis( \tempo 4 = 68 fis16 g a8 <fis d a>) |
  <g d b>4 (<a a,>8 <g b,> \stemDown <d a>4 <d b>) \stemUp | g4 <a e>8 <g c,> g fis r <a d, a> |
  <g b,>4 <a e>8 <g d> <fis c> <g b,> <b d,> <d, g,> |
  e d <a' e> <g c,> <fis d> <d a> <d' g, d>4 |
  <g, e b> a16 (g fis e) <a c,>8 ([<g b,>]) e (a) | <fis d> (<g cis,>) g8. (fis16) g8 (fis16 e d8 <g b,>) |
  e ([d] a' g fis) fis (g) <a d,>| <b g d> <a e a,>16 g <fis d a>4 <g d b> g'8 fis16 e |
  <d g,>8 <c a>16 <b g> a8. g16 <g d b>2 \bar "|."

rightTwo = \relative c'' { \global
  d,2 d | b8 c16 d s4 <d a>4 <d a'> |
  s2. r8 s8 | g,4 s2. |
  s4 c4 d s4 | s2 b4. s8 |
  g4 c8 d16 e s8 d4 s8 | s2. <b' g>4 |
  d,8 [e] <g d> <fis c> s2 |
  <g d>4 g s2 | fis8 <fis d> s2. |
  e8 d s2 <d a>4 | b <cis a> <d a>4. s8 |
  s4 d \stemUp fis2 \stemDown | b,8 c16 d s4 <d a> r8 s8 |
  s1 | g,4 s2. |
  s4 c d e | s4 d8 c b4. s8 |
  g4 c8 d16 e s8 d4 s8 | s2. <b' g>4 |
  d,8 [e] <g d> <fis c> s2 \bar "|."

left = \relative c' { \global
  g4 (a8 g fis4 d) | e8. (d16 c8 fis,) d' (d,) r fis |
  g4 (c8 b a g g'4) | c,8 (b c a d c b b') |
  e,4 a8. (g16) fis8 (g) c,4 | d8 e d16 d, d'8 e (d16 c b8) g |
  c (b a b16 c d8) b (e,) fis | g c d d, g g'16 fis e8 d16 c |
  b8 c d d, g2 |
  g'8 (a16 b c8 b a e a, c) | d (c' b a g d g, b) |
  c (b a g fis e d fis) | g e a~ <a a,> <d d,> (d16 e fis8 d) |
  g,4 (fis8 g d'4 b) | e8. [d16 c8 a] d a d, fis |
  g4 c8 b a g4 b8 | c b c a d c b b' |
  e,4 a8. (g16) fis8 (g) c,4 | d8 e d16 d, d'8 e (d16 c b8 g) |
  c (b a b16 c d8 b e, fis) | g c d d, <g g,> g'16 fis e8 d16 c |
  b8 c d d, <g g,>2 \bar "|."

tenorVoicePart = \new Staff \with { midiInstrument = "tenor sax" } %"synth voice"}
\addlyrics { \verse }
\addlyrics { \verseI }

pianoPart = \new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "right" \with { midiInstrument = "harpsichord" \consists "Merge_rests_engraver" }
  << \rightOne \\ \rightTwo >>
  \new Staff = "left" \with { midiInstrument = "harpsichord" }
  { \clef bass \left }

\score {
  \layout { }
  \midi { \tempo 4=68 }

% Source: Georg Friedich Händels Werke, vol 75, 1878, plate H.W. 76, pp. 11–12 (via IMSLP)
% omitting 5-bar instrumental pre- and postludes.
\header { tagline = ##f
  title = "Non lo dirò collabro" }

\paper { paper-height = 40\cm
  system-system-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 5) (padding . 5))
  system-separator-markup = \slashSeparator

\layout { indent = 1.5\cm short-indent = 0.5\cm \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
   \context { \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves }
   \context { \Voice \remove "Dynamic_engraver" }

global = { \key e \major \time 4/4 }

violin = \relative c'' { \global
  \set Score.currentBarNumber = #6 \bar ""
  \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #f #t)
  \repeat volta 2 {
  \tempo "Andante" gis8\p a16 b a8 gis fis b r dis, |
  \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #f #f) e a16 gis fis8 e e dis r4 |
  gis'8 a16 gis fis8 e a gis r4 | cis,8 dis16 e fis8 e dis16 cis b8 r8 b' |
  e, fis16 gis a8 a a gis4 fis8 | dis e16 fis gis8 fis16 e e4 r4 |
  cis8 dis16 e fis8 e dis b'4 a8 \tempo 4 = 62 }
  \alternative {
    { gis8 fis16 e dis8. e16 e8 \tempo 4 = 68 e, e'\f dis16 cis 
      b8 a16 gis fis8. e16 e4 r4 |
      gis'8\p a16 b cis8 b a16 gis a8 r8 gis | fis gis16 a b8 a gis16 fis gis8 r8 fis |
      e fis16 gis a8 gis fis16 e fis8 r fis | gis cis ais4 b2 }
    { gis8 fis16 e dis8. e16 e4 r4 \bar "|." }

viola = \relative c' { \global
  \repeat volta 2 {
  e8\p fis16 gis fis8 e dis gis r8 dis | cis4 r8 cis8 b4 r4 | R1*5 }
  \alternative {
    { r2 r8 gis' gis a
      e8 e e dis e4 r |
      r2 cis8 dis16 e fis8 e | dis cis b cis16 dis e8 b e dis
      cis4 dis8 e dis fis b dis, \tempo 4 = 62 | b e dis fis dis \tempo 4 = 68 dis16 e (fis8) dis }
    { R1 }

tenorVoice = \relative c'' { \global \autoBeamOff
  \repeat volta 2 {
  gis8 a16 b a8 gis fis b r dis, | e a16 gis fis8 e e [dis] r4 |
  gis8 a16 gis fis8 e a gis r4 | cis,8 dis16 e fis8 e dis16 [cis] b8 r8 b' |
  e, fis16 gis a8 a a (gis4) fis8 | dis e16 fis gis8 (fis16) e e4 r4 |
  cis8 dis16 e fis8 e dis b'4 a8 }
  \alternative {
    { gis8 \tempo 4 = 62 fis16 e dis8. e16 e4 r4
      R1 | gis8 a16 b cis8 b a16 [gis] a8 r8 gis | fis gis16 [a] b8 a gis16 [fis] gis8 r8 fis |
      e fis16 [gis] a8 gis fis16 [e] fis8 r fis | gis cis ais8. b16 b2 }
    { gis8 fis16 e dis8. e16 e4 r4 }

verse = \lyricmode { \override LyricHyphen.minimum-distance = #1.0
  \repeat volta 2 {
  Non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  che tan -- to ar -- dir non hà __
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  che tan -- to ar -- dir non hà, __
  che tan -- to ar -- dir non hà,
  non lo di -- rò col -- lab -- ro
  che }
  \alternative {
    { tan -- to ar -- dir non hà.
      For -- se con le fa -- vil -- le
      dell' a -- vi  -- de pu -- pil -- le,
      per dir co -- me tut' ar -- do,
      lo sguar -- do par -- le -- rà. }
    { tan -- to ar -- dir non hà. }

contrabass = \relative c { \global
  \repeat volta 2 {
  e'4 a,8 e b' gis r8 b | cis a fis a b b,16 cis dis8 b |
  e4 a8 gis fis e r4 | a8 gis a fis b a b gis |
  cis b cis dis e e, a4 | b8 cis16 a b8 b, e fis gis e |
  a gis fis gis16 a b8 gis cis, dis }
  \alternative {
    { e a b b, e dis cis b16 a |
      gis8 a' b b, e4 r4 |
      e8 fis16 e a8 gis fis4 r8 a | b a gis fis e4 r8 gis |
      a gis fis e b' b, dis b | e cis fis fis, b b'16 cis dis8 b }
    { e, a b b, e4 r4 }

violinPart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Violino I, II"
  shortInstrumentName = "Vl."
  midiInstrument = "violin"
} \violin

violaPart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = \markup { \column { "Violino III" \line { "e viola" } } }
  shortInstrumentName = \markup { \column { "Vl. III" \line { "& Vla." } } }
  midiInstrument = "viola"
} { \clef alto \viola }

tenorVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Alessandro"
  shortInstrumentName = "A."
  midiInstrument = "tenor sax" } %"synth voice"}
  { \clef alto \tenorVoice }
  \addlyrics { \verse }

contrabassPart = \new Staff \with {
  instrumentName = "Bassi"
  shortInstrumentName = "B."
  midiInstrument = "contrabass"
} { \clef bass \contrabass }

\score {
  \layout { }
\score { \unfoldRepeats
  << \violinPart \\ \violaPart \\ \tenorVoicePart \\ \contrabassPart >>
  \midi { \tempo 4=68 }

