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List of Llanito words with meanings in English and Spanish

Llanito English Spanish Notes LWotD
Accepta To accept Aceptar
Antorcha Torch Linterna From the old meaning of torch (fire source) *
Aplica To apply Solicitar *
Apoimeng Appointment Cita Corruption of the English word.
Apologia Apology Disculpa Hispanised version of the English word. *
Beki Bacon Beicon *
Bolilla Sweet (confectionery) Caramelo Example *
Bufa Blister/Bubble Ampolla/Burbuja Example *
Cafetera Kettle Herbidor From the Spanish word for coffee pot *
Calamita Magnet Imán Possibly fom the Italian "calamita" or Maltese "kalamita" *
Canecombi Corned beef Example Corruption of "carne corned beef" *
Canilla Tap (valve) Grifo Possibly from South American Spanish "canilla" *
Carpeta Desk Escritorio *
Carrito lasho Cable car Teleférico Corruption of the Spanish "carrito del hacho" as peak it climbs to was known as El Hacho in Spanish times.
Cartón Credit/debit card Tarjeta de crédito/débito From the same Spanish word meaning cardboard. *
Cashonfinga Joke Cachondeo Corruption of the Spanish word. "Deo" being the Andalusian variant of the Spanish word for finger (dedo). *
Cavalin Piggyback A cuestas Example *
Cuarte Favour Favor *
Cuco Panties Bragas *
Cuecaro Porridge Gachas From the US oats brand "Quaker Oats" *
Cushin Cushion Cojín Corruption of the English word.
Embufa To inflate Hinchar Example *
Empavotao Dazed Atontado Example *
Empercoio Very dirty/filthy Muy sucio/mugriento Example *
Enfundirse to be mad/worked up Cabrearse/enfadarse Example *
Engambao Dazed Atontado Example *
Ennortao Clueless Despistado Possibly from the Spanish word "norteado" meaning disorientated.
Escarte Skirting Rodapié Corruption of the English word. *
Farola Lighthouse Faro From Spanish for lamppost "farola" *
Flete Scrub Friego Example *
Floosh Money Dinero From the Maltese "flus" of even meaning. *
Forme Construction foreman Capataz Corruption of the English word.
Formula Form Formulario Truncation of the Spanish word.
Gaite Kite Cometa Example *
Gallina Chicken (food) Pollo Using the Spanish noun for a live chicken instead of the Spanish for the food.
Grinlain Bus Autobus Corruption of the English words "Green Line". The word originates from the civilian evacuation of Gibraltar during WWII, those evacuated to London where provided with a bus service by the War Office operated by "Green Line Coaches". *
Hampa Pincer of a crustacean Pinza de un crustáceo Example *
Infeita Bicycle pump Bomba de aire From "inflate" *
Keki Cake Pastel Corruption of the English word.
Keo Home Hogar
Liberta Leave Permiso Literal translation of the the English word "liberty", a Navy term used in connection used in connection with sailors who get permission to leave the ship and go ashore. *
Likindoi Vigilant Vigilante Example *
Likirba Liquorice Regaliz From "liquorice bar"
Manchina Crane Grua From "machine" *
Manpawa Workers' union Sindicato obrero Corruption of the English words "man power".
Marchapie Pavement Acera From the Italian "marciapiede" *
Mebli Marble (toy) Canica Example *
Meskin Unfortunate person Persona desafortunada Possibly from Maltese "miskin" or Spanish "mezquino" *
Mikear to eye up Echar una mirada Example *
Misto Match Cerilla *
Molino Electric fan Ventilador From the Spanish meaning "mill". *
Mongolio Disabled person Discapacitado
Mongui Disabled person Discapacitado
Moya/Camoya Head Cabeza Example *
Muermo Vomit Vómito *
Nene Fringe (hair) Flequillo *
Nique Perfect/ideal Perfecto/ideal *
Numbero Number Número Corruption made up of the English and Spanish words. *
Ordena To order Hacer un pedido Literal translation of the English.
Paiplei Shoe whitener Betún blanco Corruption of the English words pipe clay *
Pan de lata Loaf of bread Pan de molde Example
Pasaport Passport Pasaporte Corruption made up of the English and Spanish words.
Pastiso Mess Lío/Desorden Example *
Pati Party Fiesta Corruption of the English word.
Patuca/o Rock Roca Example *
Pava Pound Libra Example *
Pavana Gull Gaviota Example *
Penshi Pension Pension Corruption of the English word.
Periwinki Periwinkle Bígaro Corruption of the English word.
Pescao Fish (food) Pez Using Spanish word for the food to mean the live fish.
Pica To knock Llamar a la puerta *
Piciaso Disaster Desastre Example *
Piola Perfect/ideal Perfecto/ideal Example *
Piperia Pipe (material) Tubería Corruption made up of the English and Spanish words. *
Pishin From the Italian "Piccino".
Pomparse to bodybuild/become muscular hacer culturismo Example
Pompora Soap bubble Burbuja/Pompa Example *
Pringa to steal Robar Example *
Pudinpe Baking tray Bandeja horneable Possibly from "pudding pan" *
Purish Example Example Example
Reporta to report Denunciar Example
Revenshinarse to be mad/worked up Cabrearse/enfadarse Example *
Rolipo Lollipop Piruleta Example *
Ropia Stick of rock Caramelo cilíndrico Example *
Rabashu Trainers (shoe) Zapatillas de deporte/tenis Corruption of the English words "rubber shoes". *
Savo Semen Semen *
Shangwi Done deal
Sharaban Bus Autobús From Maltese "xarabank" *
Shiteria Cheat Fullería Corruption made up of the English and Spanish words. *
Shoshi Woman (colloq) Mujer (colloq) *
Shuni Cute Entrañable Example *
Shunio/a Unwell Indispuesto
Shurri of inferior quality de poca calidad From the Andalusian word "chuchurrio" meaning withered.
Shuinga Chewing gum Chicle Curruption of the English name.
Tablita Ludo (board game) Parchís Example *
Tapete Carpet Alfombra From the Spanish for "small rug". *
Teatro Operating theatre Quirófano Literal translation of the English word "theatre"
Tenkiu Thank you Gracias Corruption of the English words.
Tipa Teapot Tetera Corruption of the English word *
Tiplai Plywood Contrachapado Corruption of the English words "three ply". *
Tishe Teacher Maestro Corruption of "teacher" *
Toyo Dumb Bobo Example
Tripea To err or hallucinate Equivocarse o alucinar Corruption of the English word "tripping".
Tufo Example Example Example
Tumbaleta Somersault Voltereta Example *
Vacancia Vacancy Oferta de trabajo Literal translation of the English word.
Vasila To show off Presumir
Viscosho Biscuit Galleta Corruption of the Spanish word "bizcocho", meaning sponge cake. *
Vrada Mate Colega Corruption of the English "brother".
Wipi Whip Látigo Corruption of the English word. *

Llanito study


Panorama forum 21/04/08


Hi! I'm new here. I've been following discussions on the forum for a while now but as this is a topic which I am particularly interested in, I've decided to register.

Llanito is extremely dificult to define. It's not a language in it's own right and it seems that not even expert linguists can decide whether it should be considered a dialect, patois, pidgin, creole or vernacular. It is also not regulated by any institution, which means that it is used in a considerably free manner where many sentence structures can be used to mean the same thing.

However, what can be said about Llanito is that it is the spoken language of Gibraltar. It is primarily based on Andalusian Spanish and includes various degrees of code-switching into British English. It allows for many Spanish words and phrases to be Anglicised as well as allowing many English words and phrases to be Hispanised. In addition to this Llanito includes a large pool of words and pharases foreign to both main constituent languages. These are said to include those from Maltese, Portuguese, Italian of the Genoese dialect and Haketia (a largely extinct Jewish-Moroccan language). It is said that over 500 words are of Genoese and Jewish origin. Llanito is unique to Gibraltar and is very different from [i]Spanglish[/i] (many travelers who come into contact with Llanito tend to confuse them). Some Llanito words (but not phrases) can be heard in the neighbouring Spanish towns of La Línea de la Concepción and San Roque (to a lesser extent). However, it cannot be said that Llanito is [i]spoken[/i] there as only isolated words are in use and includes no code-switching.

[quote author=garrettgibbons link=board=general&num=1203623171&start=0#5 date=04/21/08 at 07:43:51] Also, you always hear that Llanito has Maltese and Arabic words in it. ¿What are these palabras? Nunca he visto ninguna explanation about which come from Maltese. [/quote]

There are indeed a number of words of Maltese origin. Here are a few which I can think of off the top of my head together with the original Maltese word and Spanish/English translations:

Mesquín (from miskin) - En. "[i]pour soul[/i]" Sp. "[i]pobrecito[/i]"

Floosh (from flus) - En. "[i]money[/i]" Sp. "[i]dinero[/i]"

Charaban (from xarabank) - En. "[i]bus[/i]" Sp. "[i]autobús[/i]"

Calamita (from kalamita) - En. "[i]magnet[/i]" Sp. "[i]imán[/i]"

[i]Note: The accents on Llanito words are only added to show how they should be pronounced when reading them as if you were reading Spanish.[/i]

I hope this helps and that I can be of further help.