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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Natural sciences/Biology

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


  1. Aquaculture Planning through PCSM A nascent concept in aquaculture planning.[1]
  2. Biology education - now redirects to Science education#Biology education
  3. Cascade Mycological Society (A Mycological Society cascademyco.org) ()
  4. Chin evolution in hominids ()
  5. Economic predator ()
  6. Experiments in biology (), alternatively biology experiment or experimental biology
  7. Fossil taxon ()
  8. Ichnotype ()
  9. Institute of Life Sciences ()
  10. Krill Paradox () The seemingly paradoxal relation between the number of whales and its effect on the number of krill. Are declining antarctic krill stocks a result of global warming or of the decimation of the whales
  11. male body shape ()
  12. Michigan Biologics Products Institute ()
  13. Milzman ()
  14. Miz tigers (Miz tigers are the tigers which are affected by Miz psychological disorder)
  15. Multiple Surface Use Mining Act of 1955 ()
  16. Net assimilation rate ()
  17. Pansporia ()
  18. Papillogenesis ()
  19. Patchiness in mathematical ecology ()
  20. ph and Germination (the effect of pH on germination)
  21. Society of Vertebrate Paleontologists - see the timeline of pterosaur research
  22. Vipio () - parasitic wasp family
  23. Wound healing in plants ()




  1. Baas-Becking hypothesis ()
  2. Excitability ()
  3. Freedom of inquiry ()
  4. Forcing factors ()
  5. Heterotroph hypothesis ()
  6. Hyperphagy ()
  7. Mycoextraction ()
  8. Osmotolerance() (Note: Xerophile exists)
  9. Specific productivity () has to do with how much product cells produce in a bio-reactor.
  10. Serial secondary endosymbiosis () The process by which a host cell with an endosymbiont phagocytizes a unicellular organism also containing an endosymbiont. The larger host cell exocytizes or lyses the initial endosymbiont, replacing it with the phagocytized organism. reference https://doi.org/10.1046/j.1529-8817.2001.01126.x and https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0022-3646.1990.00741.x. for introduction of concept.
  11. Terminal investment () When an organism devotes its energy into growth and only begins to produce offspring near the end of its life.

Tools & Techniques


Cell culture

  1. Cultured collagen()


  1. Agar stab ()
  2. Villin-Cre system ()


  1. Acridine dye ()
  2. CellTrackerBlue (dye) ()
  3. LifeAct (dye) ()


  1. Disc electrophoresis ()
  2. Urea gradient gel electrophoresis ()
  3. Zone electrophoresis (Exists only as redirect) ()


  1. Extended X-ray absorption fluorescence spectroscopy ()
  2. ROESY spectrum ()
  3. Solvent perturbation spectroscopy ()


  1. Ferguson plot ()
  2. Wilson plot method ()
  3. Bremer support () a.k.a. Decay index () An introduction
  1. Actinoplanes brasiliensis
  2. Catalase negative shigella species () - Put under Shigella?
  3. Mannheimia haemolytica - bacterial agent linked with bovine respiratory disease
  4. Microbacterium flavescens () - NCBI/wikispecies:Corynebacterium flavescens; Now under Corynebacterium
  5. MRSA ST 398 - MRSA strain found in livestock that is transmissible to humans.
  6. Pseudomonas aeruginosa group - species group of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  7. Rogue bacteria () - not sure what it is, probably an alias to opportunistic pathogens
  8. ST1:USA400 - strain of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  9. Subdoligranulum - a type of Oscillospiraceae, of interest in recent arthritis research



Before removing blue links from this list, please check them to make sure they actually cover the intended subject. For help on how to write about mycology, see WikiProject Fungi. (just begun)

  1. Boletus atkinsonii (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo)
  2. Boletus phaeocephalus (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo)
  1. Daedalea abortiva (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Peck) Pat. (1900)
  2. Daedalea aethalodes (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Mont.) Rajchenb. (1986) – Bolivia
  3. Daedalea africana (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) I.Johans. & Ryvarden (1980) – Zambia
  4. Daedalea allantoidea (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) M.L.Han, B.K.Cui & Y.C.Dai (2016) – China[4]
  5. Daedalea ambigua (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Berk. (1845)
  6. Daedalea americana (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) M.L.Han & B.K.Cui (2015)[5] – North America; Central America
  7. Daedalea candicans (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) P.Karst. (1911)
  8. Daedalea dickinsii (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Yasuda (1923)
  9. Daedalea dochmia (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Berk. & Broome) T.Hatt. (2005) – Cuba; Philippines
  10. Daedalea ealaensis (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Beeli (1929)
  11. Daedalea epidryphloeus (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) E.H.L.Krause (1928)
  12. Daedalea favoloides (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Murrill (1912)
  13. Daedalea fulvirubida (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Corner) T.Hatt. (2005)
  14. Daedalea hydnoides (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) I.Lindblad & Ryvarden (1999)[6] – Costa Rica
  15. Daedalea laciniata (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Pers.) Pat. (1900)
  16. Daedalea langkawiensis (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Corner (1987)[7]
  17. Daedalea ligneotexta (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Van der Byl (1924)
  18. Daedalea lusor (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Corner) T.Hatt. (2005)
  19. Daedalea microsticta (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Cooke (1882)
  20. Daedalea milliaui (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Beeli (1930)
  21. Daedalea moesta (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Kalchbr.) Rajchenb. (1986)
  22. Daedalea mollicula (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Lloyd (1922)
  23. Daedalea neotropica (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) D.L.Lindner, Ryvarden & T.J.Baroni (2011)[8]
  24. Daedalea ochracea (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Velen. (1922)
  25. Daedalea parasitica (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Velen. (1922)
  26. Daedalea pinicola (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Lázaro Ibiza) Sacc. & Trotter (1925)
  27. Daedalea proserpens (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) E.H.L.Krause (1928)
  28. Daedalea pseudodochmia (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Corner) T.Hatt. (2005)
  29. Daedalea radiata (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) B.K.Cui & Hai J.Li (2013)[9]
  30. Daedalea reflexa (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Lloyd (1922) – Philippines
  31. Daedalea roseola (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Lloyd (1922)
  32. Daedalea stevensonii (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) Petr. (1959)
  33. Daedalea sulcata (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Berk.) Ryvarden (1977) – Philippines
  34. Daedalea trametea (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo) (Quél.) Sacc. & Traverso (1910)
  1. Fusarium bubigeum (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo)
  2. Fusarium poae (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo)
  3. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. narcissi
  4. Fusarium udum (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo)
  5. Fusarium xyrophilum (wd | gwp gwe g | in it p powo)

Other tree of life articles

Requests listed in this section may belong somewhere else. Please help by moving them to a suitable location.
  1. Actinomyxida ()
  2. Array centrix ()
  3. Elaeomyxa Cerifera () also known as amethyst mushrooms, there seems to be some debate about how to classify these species see [8]
  4. Hemimastigote ()
  5. Metacellularity () as used by McMenamin in [9]. A type of multicellularity not involving a blastocyst stage. Found in some algae.
  6. Paracommensalism ()
  7. Placobdella ornata ()
  8. Pleistophora hyphessobryconis () - causes pleistophora disease, also known as neon tetra disease (NTD)
  9. Space-crowded effects ()
  10. Sucking pest
  11. Torulopsis taboadae - syn. Torulaspora delbrueckii?[10]
  12. Tree monitor
  13. Zoomastigna ()

Many of the subjects here are not associated with anatomy, but rather with Biology or Medicine.

Circulatory system


Digestive system


Lymphatic system


Muscular system


Nervous system


Reproductive system


Respiratory system


Skeletal system





  1. Cochlear cyanosis ()
  2. Connectopathy ()
  3. Cranial nerve lesion ()
  4. Extra skin ()
  5. False neon disease () - bacterial disease that shows very similar symptoms to pleistophora disease
  6. Gametocyst ()
  7. Gonococcal arthritis ()
  8. Ocular bobbing ()
  9. Osseous metaplasia of cartilage ring ()
  10. Pansinusitis ()
  11. Pantosomatitis () should redirect to Legionnaire's disease
  12. Paretic nystagmus ()
  13. Patellar dysplasia ()
  14. Peripheral arthritis ()
  15. Pleistophora disease (also known as neon tetra disease (NTD)) () - sporozoan disease caused by Pleistophora hyphessobryconis. Despite being a well-known condition, it is generally incurable and often fatal to the fish. However this disease is also generally preventable.[14] The disease cycle begins when microsporidian parasite spores enter the fish after it consumes infected material, such as the bodies of a dead fish, or live food such as tubifex, which may serve as intermediate hosts. The disease is most likely passed by newly acquired fish that have not been quarantined.
  16. Pulmonary pneumonitis ()
  17. Somnorexia ()
  18. Spinocellular atrophy ()
  19. Radiculopathy-cervical ()
  20. Vestibular syndrome ()
  21. Vulval Crohn's (Crohn's disease of the vulva) ()
  22. Zonata disease () a disease affecting California Mountain Kingsnakes)




  1. Agoraphobic autism ()
  2. Archallaxis ()
  3. Condition-dependant signaling ()
  4. Conservation of mechanism ()
  5. Convergent evolution in humans ()
  6. Corral Bluffs, a paleoarchaeological site in Colorado, USA
  7. Delbrueckii ()
  8. Design space () See e.g. Darwin's Dangerous Idea (redirect from animal space, a more zoology oriented term Dawkins has used)
  9. Domestication bottleneck ()
  10. Endogenisation () Spontaneous evolution between humans and the virus
  11. Eniologia ()
  12. Evidence of Evolution Predator-Prey Interaction ()
  13. Floating mat theory ()
  14. Flora of the Maastrichtian stage () Several links to "Flora and fauna of the Maastrichtian stage" redirect to a list of Maastichtian vertebrates only, which doesn't help with plants. What happened to the original article?
  15. Fractal evolution ()
  16. Friesenhahn cave, a site where hundreds of fossils have been uncovered
  17. Gender reproduction ()
  18. Goat evolution ()
  19. Mitochondrial divergence ()
  20. Natural selection in the wild () See John A. Endler. 1986. Natural selection in the wild. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 336 pp. (alternative, slightly broader in scope: natural selection in action, or perhaps examples of natural selection/occurrence of natural selection)
  21. Order for free theory () about complexity and evolution, some authors on the topic are S. Kauffman and Jeffrey Goldstein
  22. Oxygen isotope curve ()
  23. Phylogenetic supertree ()
  24. Proliferation hypothesis () see pages 298-302 in "Microbial Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach" Academic Press. 2006
  25. Revealing signal ()
  26. Reduplication (Evolution)
  27. Sexual selection in plants ()
  28. Structural adaptations ()
  29. The Superior Human? (2012) () A science documentary of evolution.
  30. Trait-group ()
  31. Genetic history of the hispanic people ()


  1. Echinoderm Studies ()
  2. Birder's World () ISSN 0895-495X; published bimonthly by Kalmbach Publishing (article request added November 11, 2011)

Molecular biology and biochemistry


Biochemicals and drugs


See also Wikipedia:Requested_articles/Applied_arts_and_sciences/Pharmacology

  1. Aquachelins () - siderophores
  2. Agnique () - A type of insecticide: [13]
  3. Alpha naphthoflavone ()
  4. Ameiotic parthenogenesis ()
  5. Ammonium alginate () - referred to in Dietary fiber
  6. Asaresinotannols () - see Asafoetida
  7. Bdellins ()
  8. Deoxymugineic acid () - a siderophore
  9. Echinochrome ()
  10. Flupyrimin () - a neonicotinoid insecticide
  11. Fusarinine C () - a siderophore
  12. Gherin ()
  13. Gynexin ()
  14. Iminobiotin () - used as tracer
  15. LD 55 ()
  16. 1-methylguanosine () - A modified nucleoside present in tRNA
  17. N,N-dimethylguanosine () - A modified nucleoside present in tRNA
  18. Norshin ()
  19. Pann leaf ()
  20. Perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene () (the basic structure of a steroid)
  21. Trocheliophorol ()
  22. Twilight drug ()
  23. Valproylamide () (not a specific drug, but a class of drug
  24. VPRX ()
  25. Watermelon frost ()
  26. Zeta inhibitory peptide () - An inhibitor of PKMzeta used for studying long-term potentiation and other aspects of memory


  1. DT40 cells ()
  2. Founder cell ()
  3. Gland thread cell () - a type of cell in Hagfish that secretes slime used for defense
  4. Henle-407 cells ()
  5. Subproteome () - the proteome that can be found in, for example, an organelle such as the lysosome

Concepts in biochemistry and molecular biology





  • Please sort these proteins into more specific categories below, if applicable
  1. Apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage ()
  2. Actagardine () - Lantibiotic
  3. Brahma (protein complex) ()
  4. Caudal protein ()
  5. Cdc2-related kinases ()
  6. Central acidic activation domain ()
  7. Didehydroaminobutyric acid () - amino acid
  8. Duramycin () - Lantibiotic
  9. Epidermin () - Lantibiotic
  10. Fertilization promoting peptide()
  11. Focal copy number amplification ()
  12. Gallidermin () - Lantibiotic
  13. Haloduracin () - Lantibiotic
  14. Hemagglutanin decapeptide ()
  15. ICT1 () a functional peptidyl transfer RNA hydrolase
  16. ileS ()
  17. Insertase ()
  18. Isotope coded affinity tag ()
  19. Leucine2alanine enkephalin ()
  20. leuS ()
  21. Mba1 () a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial protein
  22. Mersacidin () - Lantibiotic
  23. Methyllanthionine () - amino acid
  24. MRPL 44 () Mitochondria Specific Ribosomal Protein 44
  25. MRPL 45 () Mitochondria Specific Ribosomal Protein 45
  26. MRPL 47 () Mitochondria Specific Ribosomal Protein 47
  27. MRPL 49 () Mitochondria Specific Ribosomal Protein 49
  28. MRPL 52 () Mitochondria Specific Ribosomal Protein 52
  29. MRPL 58 () Mitochondria Specific Ribosomal Protein 58
  30. Nectine ()
  31. nRNP () - see anti-nRNP autoimmunity of lupus
  32. nRNP A () - see anti-nRNP autoimmunity of lupus
  33. nRNP C () - see anti-nRNP autoimmunity of lupus
  34. Plantaricin C () - Lantibiotic
  35. PCSK1N (): a precursor protein encoding peptides call SAAS, PEN and LEN, among others. See Uniprot, PLoS ONE, Journal of Neuroscience
  36. P-proteins ()
  37. P34cdc2 ()
  38. pyrG ()
  39. recG ()
  40. rplB ()
  41. Selenoprotein biosynthesis ()
  42. Seminalplasmin () (An antibiotic naturally present in seminal fluid, secreted by the prostate)
  43. Sialophosphoprotein
  44. SRB protein () associated with RNA Polymerase II. [14] [15] [16]
  45. Subtilin () - Lantibiotic
  46. Type-II DNA binding protein ()


  1. Alanine deaminase ()
  2. Bal 31 nuclease ()
  3. Deadenylase ()
  4. Deadenylation (rd to Polyadenylation#Deadenylation) ()
  5. E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RFWD3 ()
  6. Euglobulin ()
  7. Maxi (protein) () an antifreeze protein Type I, 3 kD and alanine rich from winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus
  8. Pseudoglobulin ()
  9. Termamyl ()
  10. Transasparaginase ()
  11. PLC-y1 ()
  12. Mechanoenzymes ()
  13. Qβ replicase ()
  14. Prolyl tRNA Synthetase () also known as PRS, involved in making charge prolyl-tRNAs for translation of RNA to proteins
  15. Non-muscle myosin II (the enzyme responsible for actomyosin contractility crucial for processes, like cytokinesis, axon and dendrite outgrowth, shape of cells) (relevant reviews in the topic: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32882840/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29550471/)

Receptor proteins


Protein families

  1. Atypical Protein Kinase C (aPKC) ()
  2. Neurexophilin, e.g. NRXN1, NXPH3 ()
  3. Ubiquitin-like modifiers () group of small proteins that modify other proteins post-translationally. See for example Vierstra: The Expanding Universe of Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-Like Modifiers, Plant Physiol. 160:1 (2012) 2-14. doi:10.1104/pp.112.200667
  4. Syncytin - there are separate pages for syncytin 1 and syncytin 2, but since there are many more there should be a page for the group - there are references in other pages to the group


  1. Achromocyte () - also called achromacyte, achromatocyte, ghost corpuscle, or phantom corpuscle, an achromocyte is a decolorized crescent-shaped red blood cell
  2. AKR mice (A strain of laboratory mouse. AKR mice are useful in cancer, immunology, and metabolism research.) (Source)
  3. Amblyospora ()
  4. ampR gene ()
  5. Biogeek ()
  6. Biotin repressor () [17]
  7. Calyptogena () See [18] and [19]
  8. Cardiac hypoplasia ()
  9. Cell Image Library () (http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/home; https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/41/D1/D1241/1072323?searchresult=1)
  10. Chemostress ()
  11. Cholymicron ()
  12. Computational viewpoint ()
  13. Cryoultramicrotome ()
  14. Dilute Nutrient Broth () (DNB)
  15. Elovanoid - see this news report
  16. Estrone-3-Glucuronide (E1G) ()
  17. Farr's Law ()
  18. Foreign body granulomatous reaction ()
  19. In vitro runoff transcription assay ()
  20. Latherin ()
  21. Leucomaine ()
  22. Lipid Monolayer ()
  23. MasonGoldner () (Trichrome) stain
  24. Microbiodiversity ()
  25. Minimal medium A () (MMA)
  26. Myofibrillar myopathy ()
  27. NPxY motif ()
  28. P1 & P2 Centrifuges ()
  29. Peptic duodenitis ()
  30. Platelet glycoprotein GPIbIX complex ()
  31. Polyomavirus transforming antigen ()
  32. Popham Creek ()
  33. Postdisplacement ()
  34. Pre-segment () portion of protein chain
  35. Principal of complementarity ()
  36. Pro-segment () portion of protein chain
  37. Psychogenic shock ()
  38. Reticulopodia ()
  39. Ribbon representation () (protein structures as different forms of "pasta")
  40. Spirillum itersonii ()
  41. Stalk cell ()
  42. Ubiquitin Binding Domains () See [20] and [21]
  43. Ultraviolet irradiation therapy ()
  44. Universal minimum metabolic rate ()UMMR
  45. Vapour pressure gradient ()

Other biology terms

Requests listed in this section may belong somewhere else. Please help by moving them to a suitable location.
  1. ΦFX174 phage ()






  1. Ochre suppressor ()
  2. Oligo dT () -- redirect to Thymidine?
  3. Ompa ()
  4. Oozing plants ()
  5. Ooplasmic segregation ()
  6. Oozoid () see lifecycle of Salps
  7. Opal suppressor ()
  8. Oskar gene ()
  9. Ouchterlony double diffusion ()
  10. Oxygenbinding protein ()
  11. Pathogenesis in fungi ()
  12. Pectinella Magnifica ()
  13. Peptide antibiotic biosynthesis ()
  14. Phosphatidylinositol kinase ()
  15. Phosphorous isotope ()
  16. Pili phase variation ()
  17. Phytochrome Interacting Factor ()
  18. Polar plasma ()
  19. Polyamino acid ()
  20. Polyclone ()
  21. Polyglycine ()
  22. Pore gradient electrophoresis ()
  23. Prereplicative complexe ()
  24. Precession photograph ()
  25. Preferential binding ()
  26. Preferential hydration ()
  27. Processivity complex ()
  28. Prokinensis ()
  29. ProtonordicCroMagnoid type ()
  30. Pseudotentacle () Anatomical name for anemones' arms.
  31. Psychophilous ()
  32. Pumilio gene ()
  33. Purine ribonucleotide metabolism ()
  34. Pyrimidine ribonucleotide metabolism ()
  35. Reassociation (nucleic acid) ()
  36. Retroregulation ()
  37. Reverse translation ()
  38. Rhabditiform ()
  39. Scanning hypothesis ()
  40. Scattering intensity distribution ()
  41. Secretion vector ()
  42. Seminal ribonuclease ()
  43. Sequence code ()
  44. Serum dependence ()
  45. Skim feeding ()
  46. Slow-binding enzyme inhibition ()
  47. Small cytoplasmic RNA ()
  48. Small cytoplasmic RNP ()
  49. Solvent flattening ()
  50. Soybean trypsin inhibitor ()
  51. Spawning aggregation
  52. Splinter population ()
  53. Staggered cut ()
  54. Star sand () (possibly should redirect to a foram but I don't know which.)
  55. Sterol response element ()
  56. Stop-transfer sequence ()
  57. Stringency ()
  58. Structure database ()
  59. Substrate inhibition ()
  60. Superantigen toxin ()
  61. Switch region ()
  62. T complex ()
  63. Tac promoter ()
  64. Transposon immunity ()
  65. Telocentric chromosome ()
  66. Terminal redundancy ()
  67. Terrapin Institute ()
  68. Thiol proteinase ()
  69. Threading protein sequence ()
  70. Threonine operon ()
  71. Tibial anteversion ()
  72. Tiller angle ()
  73. Tilt aftereffect ()
  74. Tocsy spectrum ()
  75. Tolerance (immunology) () Immune tolerance exists
  76. Topogenesis ()
  77. Tracking dye ()
  78. Transfer free energy ()
  79. Transformation of fungi ()
  80. Transgenic technology ()
  81. Translation repressor ()
  82. Translational editing ()
  83. Transverse gradient gel electrophoresis ()
  84. Trigger factor ()
  85. Triple resonance ()
  86. Triple-helical protein ()
  87. Triton X114 ()
  88. tRNA ligase ()
  89. Tulip library ()
  90. Ty element ()
  91. Visual Preferential Looking Task (VPLT) ()
  92. Zones of physiological stress ()


  1. Aftershaft ()[25]
  2. Amorphous sediment ()
  3. Antibiotic use in agriculture () Dealt with in part by a number of separate articles, but own page justified due to scale of industry, amount of science and discussion.
  4. Comb. prov. - pretty sure it means "provisional combination" (or something like that) for a new binomial name but would love the full explainer. TY!
  5. Corporeal morphology ()
  6. Culminicorn ()
  7. Diffuse competition ()
  8. Distributed motion ()
  9. Final electron acceptor ()
  10. Functional morphology ()
  11. Heel-to-toe walking ()
  12. Huachipa Zoo (Parque Zoológico de Huachipa) in Lima, Peru - first organization to successfully breed the Titicaca water frog (Telmatobius culeus)
  13. Hypoptilum ()[26]
  14. List of extinct amphibians in the wild
  15. Locophore ()
  16. Loose circumcision ()
  17. Mesial drift ()
  18. Plasmid-maintenance mechanisms ()
  19. Polyzoism () - see Eucestoda
  20. Residue substitution - genetics ()
  21. Riboregulators ()
  22. Satellite Colony ()
  23. Stereoencephalotomy ()
  24. Vector incrimination ()
  25. lion cut (a.k.a. lion clip) (ja:ライオンカット), a kind of dog trimming style.

See also



  1. ^ https://peerj.com/preprints/2856/?td=wk
  2. ^ wolbachia
  3. ^ Tedersoo, Leho; Sanchez-Ramırez, Santiago; Koljalg, Urmas; Bahram, Mohammad; Doring, Markus; Schigel, Dmitry; May, Tom; Ryberg, Martin; Abarenkov, Kessy (22 February 2018). "High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses". Fungal Diversity. 90 (1): 135–159. doi:10.1007/s13225-018-0401-0.
  4. ^ Han, Mei-Ling; Chen, Yuan Yuan; Shen, Lulu; Cui, Bao-Kai (2016). "Taxonomy and phylogeny of the brown-rot fungi: Fomitopsis and its related genera". Fungal Diversity. 80: 1–31. doi:10.1007/s13225-016-0364-y. S2CID 256069014. Open access icon
  5. ^ Han, M.-L.; Vlasak, Josef; Cui, Bao-Kai (2015). "Daedalea americana sp. nov. (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) evidenced by morphological characters and phylogenetic analysis". Phytotaxa. 204 (4): 277–286. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.204.4.4.
  6. ^ Lindblad, I.; Ryvarden, L. (1999). "Studies in neotropical polypores. 3. New and interesting Basidiomycetes (Poriales) from Costa Rica". Mycotaxon. 71: 335–359.
  7. ^ Corner, E.J.H. (1987). Ad Polyporaceas IV. Beihefte zur Nova Hedwigia. Vol. 86. Lubrecht & Cramer. p. 11. ISBN 978-3443510084.
  8. ^ Lindner, D.L.; Ryvarden, L.; Baroni, T.J. (2011). "A new species of Daedalea (Basidiomycota) and a synopsis of core species in Daedalea sensu stricto". North American Fungi. 6: 1–12. doi:10.2509/naf2011.006.004. Open access icon
  9. ^ Li, H.-J.; Cui, B.-K. (2013). "Two new Daedalea species (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) from South China". Mycoscience. 54: 62–68. doi:10.1016/j.myc.2012.07.005.
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