11,000+ | This user has made over 11,000 contributions to Wikiquote. |
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- Wikiquote contributions log & pages created
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- Wiktionary contributions log
Off the Cuff
- Shall we not rejoice then and revel in the glorious liberty of extract, and quote to the thousandth line? Shall we not have pages like the Pyramids?
- Samuel Laman Blanchard, "Quotations" as reprinted in Sketches from Life (1846)
- Of all the many and (thanks to a free press) the ever-multiplying blessings attendant upon the "glorious constitution" of literature, not the least precious and profitable to a modern cultivator of systems and syllables, in pamphlets, magazines, and folios, is the right of Quotation.
- Samuel Laman Blanchard, "Quotations"
- A general disinterest in math and science education is not due to an overabundance of information, but to a deficiency or want of context. The lack of an evolutionary and historical storyline negates a valuable impetus for entry into more recent viewpoints of any subject matter.
- Abundance adduces waste!
- Existence is our penance for Being.
- Music, and art in general, is a kind of therapy, for the artist, and for those who imbibe of it.
- Isolation <=> Domination
Communication <=> Cooperation
- Give me the words of the man, not characterizations from minions or critics.
- An approach to full consciousness entails a pilgrimage toward the abandonment or subsumption of self-consciousness.
- Create your center-way, between slavery, freedom and subsidiary polarities.
- Recognition (or Rebirth) problem: is any being the same as one may attempt to recall from the past, or cast into the future?
- Life is Good... if you can wait long enough?
- Opposites attract... until the point of oblivion (or merger into harmonious, periodic & infinite motion)?
- Absence entails unity entails plurality &tc., &tc., &tc...
- A savior rises within followers, leading by the spirit which becomes their body and blood.
- ...Emptiness begat timespace begat energymatter begat lifedeath...
and We celebrate "an eternal Light that is Good!" and fills our negligible universe with the infinite.
- God is Good is...
- Try not to become what is feared.
- Respect the living and the dead, for there is experience of which you would not dream.
- Raise the dead by attempting to understand what was said.
- I have sadly reached the conclusion: "I am an idiot." My only saving grace: "I am not alone!"
- The keys to the future and past are obvious: inertia, and high speed or mass beg one forward; entering, through the written Word, forgotten thoughts of previous travelers, leads back. The problems relate to locating the finest of exits from, and finding the small, hidden entrances into, the finest of presence.
- Listening more than speaking comes easily with a slow realization that the unknown is vastly greater than the known.
- An aging life: abstraction of distraction.
- Democratic socialism might slow the acceleration of a capitalistic economy, its waste, and the destruction of life support systems provided by our singular Earth.
Wikiquotes initiated
- 1 (number) in-progress
- Abel, Niels Henrik in-progress
- Abstraction (mathematics) in-progress
- On Action at a Distance article by James Clerk Maxwell
- The Acquisitive Society by R. H. Tawney (1920)
- The Advance of Science in the Last Half-Century by Thomas Henry Huxley (1889) incomplete
- Animal cognition in-progress
- Arch in progress
- Archytas ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, statesman & strategist
- Aristarchus of Samos in-progress
- Aristotle: a Chapter from the History of Science by George Henry Lewes; in-progress...
- The Astonishing Hypothesis by Francis Crick 5 chapters completed, in-progress
- Atomic theory in-progress
- Barnes, Ernest, Bishop of Birmingham, contributor to the theory of transcendental functions; relativity commentary, in-progress
- Barrow, John D. in-progress
- Barus, Carl in-progress
- Bergland, Richard neurosurgeon & author The Fabric of Mind in-progress
- Bernoulli, Jacob in-progress
- Biologizing the Universe by naturalist B. B. Stoller, PH.D was DELETED by votes of Atcovi & Ningauble, due to lack of notability of the author or the book. Notification was not received prior to deletion. Unfortunate, since I could have moved the information to my personal web site prior to deletion, had I been notified.
- Bonica, John founding father of pain management: in-progress
- Bradley, James in-progress
- Bradwardine, Thomas one of the Oxford Calculators; in-progress...
- Burbank, Luther in-progress
- Carnot, Nicolas Léonard Sadi in-progress
- Carson, Kit in-progress
- Catenary in-progress
- Chambers, Robert (publisher born 1802) with quotes from Vestiges and Sanitary Economy.
- Clausius, Rudolf in-progress
- Commerce of the Prairies: or The Journal of a Santa Fé Trader, 1831–1839 by Josiah Gregg; edited map & uploaded groundhogs image for illustration; I originally & mistakenly entered this article as the "Josiah Gregg" Wikiquote article Dec-2011
- Concentration camp in-progess
- Concept in-progress
- Cosmological constant in-progress
- Dantzig, Tobias in-progress
- Dedekind, Richard in-progress
- Deductive reasoning in-progress
- Denton, Jeremiah in-progress
- Dickens, Charles: initiated Barnaby Rudge article
- Differential equation in-progress
- Diophantus of Alexandria in-progress
- Direct democracy in-progress
- Drucker, Peter years 1939-2001 quotes (25,156 bytes) Jan 10 - Jan 12 2005
- E (mathematical constant) in-progress
- Electromagnetism in-progress
- Electron in-progress
- Ellipse in-progress
- An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding sections I-XII "complete."
- Escapism in-progress
- Euler–Bernoulli beam theory In-progress/Incomplete
- Evans, Max NM Author/In-progress
- Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air by Joseph Priestly; 1st as new section under Priestley, then to new article.
- Farmer, J. Doyne in-progress
- Fermentation in food processing in-progress
- Flagg, Ernest architect/author Small Houses: Their Economic Design and Construction (1922) in-progress
- Flores, Dan author of Coyote America & The Natural West among others; incomplete, in-progress
- Force field (physics) in-progress
- Foundations of mathematics in-progress
- Gallegos, Michael Scott living artist, photographer, author, entrepreneur
- Generalized coordinates incomplete: in-progress
- Glass windows started this article in order to relate the subject to the rise of Renaissance art, but it did not develop properly, i.e., it was too encyclopedic. I self-nominated for speedy deletion and transferred the information to my personal research page.
- The Gnostic Religion by Hans Jonas in-progress
- Gordon, Cyrus H. in-progress
- Grassmann, Hermann in-progress
- Gravity in-progress
- Grosseteste, Robert (c. 1175 – 1253) medeival scientist/theologian in-progress
- Hallett, Steve author The Efficiency Trap & co-author Life Without Oil
- Heath, Thomas Little in-progress
- History of algebra in-progress
- History of banking in-progress
- History of chemistry in-progress
- A History of European Thought in the Nineteenth Century John Theodore Merz; INCOMPLETE-in progress
- History of the Inductive Sciences by William Whewell work in-progress...
- A History of Interest Rates by Sidney Homer
- History of logarithms in-progress
- History of mathematics in-progress
- History of medicine in-progress
- History of non-Euclidean geometry in-progress. Note: the title of this article was changed to Non-Euclidean geometry by CensoredScribe so that he could add one quote to it.
- History of optics in-progress
- History of science January 7, 2014 in-progress
- History of technology in-progress
- A History of the Theory of Elasticity and of the Strength of Materials: from Galilei to the Present Time by Isaac Todhunter, Karl Pearson; in-progress
- Hobson, John A. In-progress "The Evolution of Modern Capitalism" (10) "The Morals of Economic Irrationalism" (10)
- Hooke, Robert in-progress
- Hoover, John (consultant) How to Work for an Idiot, Unleashing Leadership, The Art of Constructive Confrontation, Bullwinkle on Business...
- Hunter, Robert (author) quotes from Poverty, Violence and the Labor Movement & Why We Fail as Christians
- Hyperboloid in-progress
- Inductive reasoning in-progress
- Inertia in-progress
- Insect Removed REDIRECT to the "Arthropod" article & Initiated "Insect" with (35) majority from existing Wkq articles; in-progress
- Iodine in-progress
- Jackson, Ketanji Brown United States District Judge who ruled on "Committee on the Judiary, United States House of Representatives, Plaintiff, v. Donald F. McGahn II" in-progress
- Jesus or Christianity A Study in Contrasts by Kirby Page was transferred for safe-keeping after the article was removed from for possible Possible Copyright Infringement by Collingwood, even though the entire book, Jesus or Christianity is available for download at the Internet Archive. The entire book is also available for purchase in print from publishers (e.g. BiblioBazaar, 2011 as a "reproduction of a book published before 1923") not holding the current copyright. Currently checking into copyright, originally held by Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. Sent a letter to Doubleday and e-mails to various other publishers inquiring as to current copyright holder. No response yet from Doubleday.
- Kandel, Eric neuropsychiatrist, In Search of Memory in-progress
- Kaufman, Henry in-progress
- Kelsey, Morton Episcopal priest, Jungian therapist, counselor and religious writer
- Kepler changed dummy "redirect" title into article on (1920) book by Walter William Bryant, staff member of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich
- Kern, Ken architect/author The Owner Built Home in-progress
- Lambert, Johann Heinrich in-progress
- La Mettrie, Julien Offray de in-progress
- l'Orme, Philibert de in-progress
- Laplace transform in-progress
- Laughlin, Robert B. - This article was later deleted by myself after I notified Dr. Laughlin and discussed the quoted materials. However, Wikiquote log indicates InvisibleSun deleted the article.
- Leakey, Richard in-progress..
- Leavitt, Henrietta Swan including 6 images
- Levaufre, Henri in-progress
- Levitin, Daniel ~20,000
- Life of Earth by Stanley A. Rice
- Lorentz, Hendrik in-progress
- Luminiferous aether in-progress
- Lyell, Charles and entries in section Principles of geology (1832) Vol.1 & section The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man (1863) in progress
- Man a Machine by Julien Offray de La Mettrie, in-progress
- Mantell, Gideon Algernon in-progress
- Mathematical induction in-progress
- Mathematical proof in-progress
- "The Mathematician in Modern Physics" by Carl Barus, added "Category:Science essays" for this article; in-progress
- Mathematics education in-progress
- Mathematics, An Introduction to by Alfred North Whitehead, in-progress
- Mathematics, from the points of view of the Mathematician and of the Physicist by E. W. Hobson, in-progress
- Mathematics and mysticism in-progress
- Matisse and Picasso by Jack Flam
- Matter in-progress
- Matter and Motion (1876) by James Clerk Maxwell (Incomplete)
- On the Method of Theoretical Physics by Albert Einstein
- Michelson–Morley experiment in-progress
- Mueller Report in-progress
- Nadolny, Sten in-progress
- Napier, John mathematician/theologian, inventor of logarithms, in-progress
- Narrative of the Texan Santa Fé Expedition by George Wilkins Kendall in-progress
- Natural philosophy in-progress
- Negative number in-progress
- Nicomachus in-progress
- Noether, Emmy in-progress
- Number Eliminated #REDIRECT to "Number theory" & INITIATED an actual article under "Number" heading. In-progress
- Page, Kirby with quotes from Something More, The Sword or the Cross, "What is War?" An American Peace Policy, The Personality of Jesus, Individualism and Socialism, Property & Now is the Time to Prevent a Third World War
- Pappus of Alexandria in-progress
- Partington, J. R. in-progress
- Peat, F. David in-progress
- Peckham, John Archbishop of Canterbury (1279–1292) & authored Perspectiva Communis, a standard optics reference through the 17th century
- Pecos Pueblo Land Grant in-progress, background info for a later wikip article
- Perea, Francisco in-progress
- Philolaus in-progress
- Philosophy of mathematics in-progress
- Philosophy of science in-progress
- Pilgrim's Progress,The Third Part of the: a pseudepigraphic sequel to The Pilgrim's Progress, misattributed to John Bunyan prior to 1852.
- Postman, Neil in particular, quotes from Teaching as a Subversive Activity (1969)
- Potassium nitrate in-progress
- Prescott, James W. in-progress
- Prime number in-progress
- Principle of least action accidentally saved too early; In-progress
- Quetelet, Adolphe introduced statistical methods into the social sciences
- Radio-activity 1904 book by Ernest Rutherford
- Rauschenbusch, Walter quoting Christianity and the Social Crisis (1907)
- Robertson, Howard P. in-progress
- Roszak, Theodore (scholar) in-progress
- The Sane Society split quotes from Ch.3,5,9 under Erich Fromm into new article & added quotes from all chapters.
- Santa Fe, New Mexico in-progress
- Schwartz, Jeffrey H. in-progress
- Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell, The in-progress
- A Short Account of the History of Mathematics by W. W. Rouse Ball Incomplete & in-progress...
- A Short History of Chemistry by Francis Preston Venable Incomplete & in-progress...
- Sitter, Willem de in-progress
- Socinianism in-progress
- Solipsism in-progress
- Spacetime in-progress
- Speed of light in-progress
- Stein, Clarence architect co-author Primer of Housing (1927) in-progress
- Stevin, Simon in-progress
- The Systeme of the World: in Four Dialogues Salusbury's translation of Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei Initiated article as "The System of the World in Four Dialogues"; was moved to corrected title article by Mdd. Incomplete/In-progress
- Taylor, Brook in-progress
- Temple, George Frederick James in-progress
- Theory of the Earth (1788) by James Hutton
- Theory of everything in-progress
- The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen in progress...
- Theory and Practice of Banking by Henry Dunning Macleod in-progress
- Theory of tides in-progress
- Thin-shell structure in-progress
- Torroja, Eduardo Spanish structural engineer & concrete shell pioneer; in progress
- A Treatise on the Art of Brewing by Friedrich Accum in-progress
- Unification in science and mathematics in-progress
- Vallejo, Mariano Guadalupe in progress...
- Viète, François in-progress
- Wallis, John in-progress
- Weak interaction in-progress
- Whitrow, Gerald James in-progress
- Whyte, Lancelot Law in-progress
- Woodhouse, Robert in-progress
- Zuckmayer, Carl German playwright & memoirist (A Part of Myself) in-progress
Wikiquotes to be initiated/expanded
- Christian Mysticism (1899) by William Ralph Inge
- Lindsay, Robert Bruce
- Macaulay, Rose needs be expanded
- Henry Osborn Taylor & The Mediaeval Mind
- Whitrow, Gerald James author: The Structure and Evolution of the Universe: An Introduction to Cosmology (1949) & "Why Space Has Three Dimensions" British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 6, no. 21 (1955)
Wikiquote Stubs expanded
- removed {scientist-stub} tags
- Airy, George Biddell added section "Popular Astronomy: A Series of Lectures Delivered at Ipswich (1868)" with (11); added section "Quotes about Airy" with subsections 1) "Sketch of Sir G. B. Airy (1873)" (10) with AiryGBPopSciMnthlyMay1873Vol3No1.jpg & 2) "Autobiography of Sir George Biddell Airy (1896)" (17) with AiryGBNatureV18Oct1878CHJeens.jpg.
- Guth, Alan expanded 3 quote article to 23+, added sections "The Early Universe (2012)" & "Quotes about Guth"
- Herschel, William expanded 5 quote article to 36+, adding sections "Sir William Herschel: His Life and Works (1881)" "Caroline Herschel, Memoir and correspondence of Caroline Herschel (1879)" & "Edward Singleton Holden, Sir William Herschel: His Life and Works (1881)"
- Hertz, Heinrich in-progress; expanded & removed Removed physicist-stub tag; added section "Electric Waves: Being Researches on the Propagation of Electric Action with Finite Velocity Through Space (1893)" & 9,000 quotes volume
- Huygens, Christiaan extended Introduction; added section "Cosmotheoros (1695)" with (7); & section "Quotes about" with (8)
- Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob expanded 2-quote article to 4 + added sect. "Quotes about Jacobi" with (15) + an Ext link
- Landau, Edmund added (5) to main section & added section "Quotes about" with (8) in-progress
- Maupertuis, Pierre Louis expanded from (1) quote article to (26): added sections "Accord de différentes loix de la nature qui avoient jusqu’ici paru incompatibles (1744)" with (8) + image; "Les Loix du Mouvement et du Repos, déduites d'un Principe Métaphysique (1746)" with (13); "Quotes about Maupertuis" with (2); in-progress
- Pearson, Karl added section "Quotes" with subsection "The Grammar of Science (1900)" with (14) + (2) quotes about + Image:Karl Pearson, 1912.jpg In-progress
- Principle of locality expanded 1-quote article to (17) + "See also" section
- Riemann, Bernhard was not tagged as a Stub, but it had only "Quotes about.." section with (1) quote prior to adding "Quotes" section with (35+) under "Gesammelte Mathematische Werke (1876)" and more under "Quotes about.." in-progress
- Rittenhouse, David expanded 1 quote article to 14; added section "Quotes about Rittenhouse" with subsection "The Teaching and History of Mathematics in the United States (1890)"
- Sarton, George expanded 2 quote article to include A History of Science with Vol.1 and 2 headers and 29 quotes
- Smith, Henry John Stephen added 2 Images, 3 new sections including 14 quotes & extended existing quotes with source links; in-progress
- Special relativity expanded a 1-quote article to a much fuller article
- Thomson, J. J. added "Quotes about" section with (8) & added (3) under "Sourced"
- Uncertainty principle removed tag after expanding article (10 quotes, 7 External links, expanded Intro... in-progress)
- Unified field theory expanded 2 quotes to 13; added "See also" section & external link + in-progress
- von Fraunhofer, Joseph added section "Quotes about" with (9); added (5) under "Quotes"
- Weyl, Hermann expanded 1 quoted article to 27+, adding sections "Space—Time—Matter (1952)" & "Quotes about Weyl"
- Wilczek, Frank expanded 5-quote article to 40+ with book & article subsections
- Witten, Edward expanded 1 quote article to 28+ and added section "Quotes about Witten"
Wikiquotes contributed to
- Acton, Lord added "Quotes about Acton" with subsections: "Introductory Memoir, Letters of Lord Acton.." + "Introduction, The History of Freedom.." & appended quotes to "The History of Freedom in Antiquity (1877)"
- Albert, Prince Consort quoting the Inaugural Address of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations (1851)
- Archimedes added sections "On Spirals (225 B.C.)" (2), "On the Equilibrium of Planes" (7), "The Method of Mechanical Theorems" (7); and under "About Archmedes" Heath's note that the sphere's volume was found prior to the surface... order of propositions do not necessarily follow that of discovery.
- Art Sorted by author instead of by quote; added Tolstoy & John Dewey Quotes/Links;Nietzsche (7); Erich Fromm, The Sane Society; R.H. Tawney, The Acquisitive Society; Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class (3); T.S. Eliot, Tradition and the Individual Talent + Aldington in "Quotes about Eliot"
- Augustine of Hippo: predating Descartes' "I think therefor I am," Quotes about Augustine quoted Pascal's The Art of Persuasion & minor edits to The City of God, quote XI,26
- Aurelius, Marcus extensive additions in progress in Meditations: Books VII, VIII, IX, X
- Bacon, Roger Quotes from Perry, Crombie, McKeon, Kline; Quotes about from Bridges, Lewes, Priestley, Stevenson, White & Thompson; added diagram of the eye image
- Bernard of Clairvaux 12 quotes: Ludlow's Age of the Crusades & 1: Pages's Jesus or Christianity, both in section "Quotes about Bernard"
- The Bible John Chapters 1-4
- Blanchard, Samuel Laman added section "Sketches from life (1846)" with a multitude of quotes; also section "Quotes about Blanchard" with Edward Bulwer-Lytton's Memoire
- Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 1st Viscount Lord Bolingbroke's Philosophical Works: Church Fathers didn't adhere to the word of God
- Buddha, Gautama added: Anguttara Nikaya - The Heart; Samyutta Nikaya - Soma and Mara, Bamboo Acrobats; The Gospel of Buddha - Ch. 58 The Buddha Replies to the Deva
- Campbell, Joseph added 7 quotes from the Introduction by Bill Moyers to the Power of Myth section. These entries were then moved to the section "Quotes About Campbell" by Kalki, and probably rightly so. He also linked many common words in the quotes to Wikiquote articles and bolded relevant portions of the text. Under the section The Hero with a Thousand Faces, entered the following number of quotes: Ch.1 (4 & split/added to existing quote), Ch.2 (6), Ch.3 (1)
- Cavendish, Henry added section Quotes about Cavindish quoting Biot & several from Wilson
- Conservatism: (4) quotes from Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class
- Democritus: added section "Source Book in Ancient Philosophy (1907)" Tr. Charles Montague Bakewell with (56) quotes.
- Descartes, René: Quotes about Descartes quoted Pascal's The Art of Persuasion & Miguel de Unamuno's The Tragic Sense of Life, White & Thuan; moved my Meditations entries to new article
- Dyson, Freeman added section The Scientist As Rebel (2006) with (6)
- Eddington, Arthur added section "Science and the Unseen World (1929)" with (44)
- Eliot, T. S. added Art/Order quote+ to "Tradition and the Individual Talent (1919)" and Richard Aldington in "Quotes about Eliot"
- Epictetus: extensive additions to the Golden Sayings; also added section "Quotes about Epictetus" & quoted Pascal's Pensées
- Euclid 4 quotes by Cajori & 1 by Halstead & 1 Robert Simson under Quotes about Euclid
- Galen added section Quotes about Galen with Maimonides quote from Guide for the Perplexed.
- Galilei, Galileo added Letter (1624) to Francesco Ingoli (1578-1649), Letters to Giovanni Battista Baliani (1582-1666), Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632); later compared "men who... extol... inalterability" to Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed "If man were never subject to change... could be no generation... would be one single being"
- Gamow, George Dysan quote on Rutherford's dependence on the Gamow factor & friendship; under "Quotes about"
- Gauss, Carl Friedrich (3) General Investigations of Curved Surfaces of 1827 and 1825; (3)Theory of the Motion of the Heavenly Bodies moving about the Sun in Conic Sections
- von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Teichmann quote under "Attribute" & White quote under "Quotes about Goethe"
- Gould, Stephen Jay contributing substantially to section - Leonardo's Mountain of Clams and the Diet of Worms
- Greene, Brian Elegant Universe on Superstring theory; added "Quotes about" section with (2) from Dyson
- Hamming, Richard added sections Methods of Mathematics Applied to Calculus, Probability, and Statistics (1985) w/38 & The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn (1991) w/32
- Hammond, James Henry (2) slavery quotes from Selections from the Letters and Speeches...
- Herder, Johann Gottfried added section "Quotes about Herder" with White quote + evolution related quotes in section "Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit (1784-91)"
- Hitchens, Christopher: rearranged and contributed to God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
- Hobbes, Thomas added section "Quotes about Hobbes" with quotes from Christopher Hitchens & H. L. Mencken
- Huxley, Thomas Henry (T.H.) added section "Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature (1863)" with 35 quotes
- Infinity initiated extensive quotes by Aristotle (~25), also initiated quotes by Thomas Aquinas (1), David Hume (1), Morris Kline (10), Leibniz (2), Blaise Pascal (8).
- Jeans, James added Section on Physics and Philosophy (1942)
- Jeffers, Robinson The Double Axe and Other Poems (1977): "the earth Will scratch herself and smile and rub off humanity, Vast is the night. How you have grown... how tall!" + Dyson's "he was no scientist, but expressed the scientist's vision" under "Quotes about"
- Jesus (2) Dyson's The Scientist As Rebel & (2) Page's Jesus or Christianity both under "Quotes about... 20th Century"
- Jevons, William Stanley added sections "The Substitution of Similars, The True Principles of Reasoning (1869)" (3); "Quotes about Jevons" (1); The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method (1874) Vol. 1 (4)
- Lecky, William Edward Hartpole p.254 quote from History of European Morals & cited page#'s for other quotes
- Lanier, Jaron expanded single quote article: added section "One Half of a Manifesto," The New Humanists: Science at the Edge (2003) with (12)
- Leibniz, Gottfried added link to compare his "best of all possible worlds" to Maimonides' (Guide for the Perplexed) "Whatever is formed of matter receives the most perfect form possible in that species of matter." Added section Quotes about Leibniz with 3 from Russell's History of Philosophy & William letter to Jacob Herschel.
- Liberalism: (3) quotes from Locke's Thoughts Concerning Education & expanded Intro to include historical usage of the term liberal
- Locke, John: Some Thoughts Concerning Education extensive quotes
- Lovelock, James (4) + added section "Quotes about Lovelock" with (4) more
- Maimonides extensive quotes from Guide for the Perplexed, especially Part III.
- Luther, Martin added section "Quotes about Luther" with quotes from Page's Jesus or Christianity & White's The Warfare of Science
- Mendeleev, Dmitri Faraday Lecture; "Quotes about": several
- Mill, John Stuart added section Quotes about Mill with Thorstein Veblen quote from The Theory of the Leisure Class.
- Montaigne, Michel de added section "Quotes about Montaigne" & quoted Pascal's Pensées
- Newton, Isaac Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John (1733)
- Oppenheimer, Robert added (3) Freeman Dyson, The Scientist As Rebel quotes under "Quotes about Oppenheimer"
- Paine, Thomas: The Rights of Man (1791) on aristocracy (6) + sorted & added Wikisource Part labels/links; no generation controlling posterity to the end of time
- Paracelsus added section "Quotes about Paracelsus" quoting McNeill, Plagues and Peoples on syphilus
- Pascal, Blaise Split Pensées into sections and added extensive quotes to Sect. VI, II, III, I, X; added section "The Art of Persuasion" with extensive quotes
- Piaget, Jean added The Moral Judgment of the Child (1932) with extensive quotes (in progess)
- Peirce, Charles Sanders added section The Law of Mind (1891) Note: I started a new article with wrong spelling "Pierce," my entries were transferred to the correct article "Peirce" by InvisibleSun
- Philo Kirby Page quote from Jesus or Christianity in section "About Philo"
- Plotinus added 4 quotes from Taylor's The Mediaeval Mind, Ch.3 in Quotes about Plotinus section
- Politics Art, Equality, freedom, liberty, and rights, Campaign Finance, War, Military & Peace, War Iraq; Voting & Participation; International Affairs, United Nations & World Government
- Priestley, Joseph added to "Quotes about Priestley" & "An History of the Corruptions of Christianity (1782)"
- Quotations Hugh Walker; Edgar Allan Poe; Arthur Thomas Malkin; W. Blackwood; Samuel L. Blanchard
- Qur'an: added Maulana Muhammad Ali translation sections: The Opening, The Cow, The Family Amran, The Women, The Food, The Cattle, The Elevated Places, Voluntary Gifts, The Immunity, Jonah & Hud.
- Raleigh, Walter quote from Testimony by Robert Chambers
- Reason Epictetus, "Golden Sayings" #'s 81,101; David Hume, "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding" (13); Zeno of Citium, as quoted in De Natura Deorum by Cicero (1)
- Russell, Bertrand
- A History of Western Philosophy contributed substantially prior to UDScott separating this section of Bertrand Russell into a separate article which wiped out my contributions from the history of the new article; refer to Bertrand Russell article history.
- The Problems of Philosophy - extensive contributions
- Rutherford, Ernest added section "Quotes about Rutherford" with (4) from Freeman Dyson's The Scientist As Rebel
- Sagan, Carl added section "The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God (2006)" with (34)
- Socrates added the section Phaedo and extensive contributions within it; Epictetus, "Golden Sayings" #64
- Spencer, Herbert added section for his article "The Development Hypothesis" (1852) with introduction and 11 quotes
- Spinoza, Baruch contributed extensively to Ethics Sections which was later split out to the separate article by UDScott... see Spinoza History Oct 22 - Dec 11 2010.
- Spring, Gardiner added "Quotes about Gardiner Spring" with Kirby Page quote
- Theology (3) from Dyson's "The Scientist As Rebel"
- Tolstoy, Leo added sections: A "Letter to a Hindu" (+9,000) and "What is Art?" (+24,000)
- Treatise on the Gods Initiated section "Treatise on the Gods" under article Mencken, H. L., with quotes from chapters 1,3,4 & 5. UDScott later cut the section from Mencken & transferred it to the new article loction, where work continues.
- de Unamuno, Miguel added extensive quotations and chapter headings to section: The Tragic Sense of Life (1913)
- da Vinci, Leonardo added "Quotes about Leonardo" (8) & "XXIX Precepts of the Painter" (10)
- White, Andrew Dickson added sections "Seven Great Statesmen" and "Autobiography" with relevant quotes. Moved History of the Warfare of Science/Theology (initiated by me) to separate article.
- Wilson, E. O. major additions to On Human Nature Ch. 3-5
- Young, Thomas (scientist) expanded 2-quote {{scientist-stub}} to 13, with added sections "Outlines of Experiments and Inquiries Respecting Sound and Light" (1800)" (3); "An Introduction to Medical Literature, Including a System of Practical Nosology (1823)" (2); & "Quotes about Young" with subsection "Life of Thomas Young (1855)" by Peacock (4)... In-progress
Wikiquotes: minor contributions
- Bacon, Francis: Novum Organum Book II, Aphorism 29 as quoted in David Hume, "Enquiry... Human Understanding"
- Berkeley, George: About Berkeley - quoted David Hume, "Enquiry... Human Understanding"
- Beauty quoted David Hume, "Enquiry... Human Understanding"
- Gump, Forrest bolded & linked Gump's "both destiny & accidental-like" to complementarity
- Huygens, Christiaan from Treatise on Light, relating to the scientific method vs. mathematics
- Morris, William: Quotes about Morris quoted from Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class
- Nietzsche, Friedrich Quotes about Nietzsche: H. L. Mencken; Russell (3)
- Pythagoras: Simon Singh (1) "Fermat's Last Theorem;" Davis & Hersh (1) from "The Mathematical Experience"
- Ruskin, John: Quotes about Ruskin quoted from Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class
- Simon Singh: quote about Pythagoras in "Fermat's Last Theorem"