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אֵיכָה ('eikhá)

  1. how, alas
    • Tanach, Deuteronomy 1:12, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      אֵיכָה אֶשָּׂא לְבַדִּי טָרְחֲכֶם וּמַשַּׂאֲכֶם וְרִיבְכֶם׃
      Eikhá esá l'vadí ṭor'ḥakhém umasa'akhém v-riv'khem!
      How can I myself alone bear your cumbrance, and your burden, and your strife?
    • Tanach, Isaiah 1:21, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      אֵיכָה הָיְתָה לְזוֹנָה קִרְיָה נֶאֱמָנָה מְלֵאֲתִי מִשְׁפָּט צֶדֶק יָלִין בָּהּ וְעַתָּה מְרַצְּחִים׃
      Eikhá haytá l-zoná qiryá ne'emaná m'le'atí mishpáṭ tzédek yalín bah v-'atá m'ratzḥim!
      How is the faithful city become a harlot! She that was full of justice, righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers.
    • Tanach, Lamentations 1:1, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      אֵיכָה יָשְׁבָה בָדָד הָעִיר רַבָּתִי עָם הָיְתָה כְּאַלְמָנָה רַּבָּתִי בַגּוֹיִם שָׂרָתִי בַּמְּדִינוֹת הָיְתָה לָמַס׃
      Eikhá yashvá vadád ha'ír rabáti 'am! Haytá k-almanáh! Rabáti va-goyím, saráti va-mdinót, haytá la-mas!
      O how has the city that was once so populous remained lonely! She has become like a widow! She that was great among the nations, a princess among the provinces, has become tributary.

Proper noun


אֵיכָה ('eikhá)

  1. (biblical) Lamentations (a book of the Old Testament of Bible, and of the Tanakh)





Further reading
