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From zine +‎ fan.





zinefan (plural zinefans or zinefen)

  1. (fandom slang, sometimes derogatory) A science fiction fan primarily interested in fanzines.
    • 1991 May 6, Richard Harter, “Re: Query about Sixth Fandom”, in alt.fandom.misc[1] (Usenet), message-ID <446@smds.UUCP>:
      Confan: Who cares about fanzines; cons are where the action is.
      Zinefan: Yeah, well when the history of fandom is written, we will write it.
      Confan: Yeah, but nobody will read it.
    • 1995 May 30, Moshe Feder, “Re: TAFF T-Shirts”, in rec.arts.sf.fandom[2] (Usenet), message-ID <D9Dpzt.569@dorsai.org>:
      Wake up fandom, not everyone here is large. If the equal rights of the slim are not recognized we could find ourselves in a mud-slinging contest that will make the zinefan vs. confan fight look like a sand-box squabble.
    • 2009 April, R. Graeme Cameron, “Letters of Comment”, in WCSFAzine[3], volume 3, number 3 (whole number #19), page 48:
      I’d love to see a complete list of active zinefen, find out how many there are.

Usage notes


Where a person is specified as a zinefan it is often in opposition to being a confan (fan of conventions) within science fiction fandom.

