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El Vikivortaro
have, has, participo perfekta: had, participo prezenca: hav·ing
  • have: [1–13, 15–17]  hæv , [14]  hæf ; has: [1–13, 15–17]  hæz , [14]  hæs ; had:  hæd 
we have business to attend to:  wi(ː) ˈhæv ˈbɪz.ˌnɪs tu(ː) ə.ˈtɛnd tu(ː) , tamen we have to attend to business:  wi(ː) ˈhæf tu(ː) ə.ˈtɛnd tə ˈbɪz.ˌnɪs 
  • Sono :(lingvo -en-,
    dialekto -US-
    "to have"(lingvo -en-,
    dialekto -UK-
    "has"(lingvo -en-,
    dialekto -US-
    "had"(lingvo -en-,
    dialekto -US-


[1] havi; havas; havus; posedi; disponi (je)
[2] sperti, travivi
[3] (lingvon, fakon) koni, scipovi
[4] akcentita, ofte pasiva; familiare: (iun) trompi
[5] neformale: (iun) fiki
kun mezaj vortoj el la is-tempo:
[6] suferi (nevolonte ion malbonan sperti): someone had [object] [past participle] = al iu estis [la objekto] [participo perfekto] (vidu la ekzemplon)
[7] igi, ke io okazu; instigi, ke io estu farita; kaŭzi: someone had [object] [past participle] = iu igas [la objekton] [infinitivo] (vidu la ekzemplon)
[8] nur aktiva, kun infinitivo sen to: instigi (ordonipeti), ke iu faru ion: someone had [object] [infinitive] = iu devigis [objekton][infinitivo]
[9] instigi
[10] nur aktiva: manĝi, trinki
[11] ĉefe aktiva: havi, (kvaliton kiel piecon aŭ malrespekton) per agoj montri
[12] nur aktiva: (infanon) naski
[13] nur aktiva: in einer bestimmten Lage oder Haltung halten
[14] kun sekvanta to (kaj jen kun verbo, jen sen ĝi, do verbo povas esti subkomprenata): devi
[15] por konstruado de la perfekto [15a] (present perfect), de la pluskvamperfekto [15b] (past perfect) kaj de la perfekta futuro [15c] (future perfect) - (jam) estas ..itaj; (jam) estas ..intaj; (jam) ..is; (jam) estas ..itaj; (jam) estas ..intaj
[??] ĉu; surhavas; tenas; portas; ..igis, ke; disponas; allasis; kaŭzis; ..igi ..n; ..igis la ..n; igis ..n ..i; aranĝis ke; diris al ... ke ... ..u; ordoni, ke ..u; ordoni, ke ... estu ..ita; (por ke) ... estu ..ita; devigas al; entenas; devas; sperti; travivi; manĝi

neregula verbo

Persono Infinitivo Estanta tempo Estinta tempo Pasiva participo Aktiva participo
I, was, you, they to have have had had having
he, she, it has
La respondo al demando tia, kia "have you any sugar“ aŭ „have you got any sugar" estas brite (kaj altstil-usone) „yes, I have“ (aŭ, se ne, „no, I haven’t“). La respondo al „do you have any sugar?“ estas „yes, I do“ (respektive „no, I don’t“).[1]
[1] You have thirty seconds to explain why you're here.
Vi disponas je tridek sekundoj por klarigi kial vi estas ĉi tie.
[1] We don't have time to stay.
[2] I had a good time.
[2] I have a headache.
[2] We almost had an accident on our way over.
[3] Only I had failed to mention that Mitterand did not speak English. And Reagan has only a little French. An interpreter should have been called in.
[4] He's just having you (on)!
[4] I was had! / I've been had!
[5] He brags about how many women he has had.
[6] He had his car stolen.
[7] I had my hair cut.
Mi igis tondi miajn harojn.
[8] Julian had me feed his cats while he was on vacation.
[8] The police had the suspect put his hands up.
[9] Michaela is having a party next weekend.
[9] The candidates are having a debate next weekend.
[9] My favourite bands are having a show next weekend.
[10] I had a hamburger yesterday, so I'm having a salad today.
[10] What did you have for breakfast?
Kion vi havis por matenmanĝo?
[10] We have dinner at 6 o'clock.
[11] May God have mercy on your soul.
[11] And now you have the nerve to say that?
[12] She had her first child at age twenty.
[12] The couple couldn't have children, so they adopted.
[12] She's in the hospital having a baby!
[13] I had her trapped. (She was trapped.)
[13] I had the coins in a bag.
[13] He had his back to them when they walked in, so they didn't recognise him at first.
[14] We have to go.
Ni foriru.
Ni devas foriri.
[14] I didn't want to go, but my parents said I had to.
[14] You don't have to do this! There has to be another way!
[15] When she had finished her meal, she phoned her mother.
[15a] I have read the book.
Iam mi legis la libron.
[15b] He had read the book already.
[15c] She will have read the book by the time the book club meets.
[16] Had I known you were sick, I would have come. / If I had known you were sick, I would have come.
[17] Some have; others have not.
Iuj posedas, aliaj ne.
[1] possess, own
[1–2, 13–14] have got
[2] experience
[3] know
[5] sleep with, fuck, conquer
[10] eat, drink, partake of, consume
[12] bear
[14] must
Sencparencaj vortoj
[4] decieve, cheat
[6–7, 10] have got
[8] ask to, request; require, demand
[9] host, hold, put on
[11] show
[13] turn, hold
Esprimoj (parolturnoj)
(one can't) eat one's cake and have it, too (ofte ankaŭ: have one's cake and eat it, too)
(someone) (can / could / is to) be had = can be bought / bribed
(something) is to be had - estas (is)


every dog has its day
if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
„it's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got“ (Sheryl Crow)
it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
„we have nothing to fear but fear itself“ (FDR)
to have sex
Fontoj kaj citaĵoj
  1. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 7. Auflage (2007; ISBN 0194001164; ISBN 978-0194001168)


  1. (transitiva) havi
    De har store øjne.
    Ili havas grandajn orulojn.
  2. (helpa verbo) uzata kiel helpverbo pro formi la perfekton kaj la pluskvamperfekton
    Jeg ville male huset, men det havde manden allerede gjort.
    Mi volis farbi la domon, sed tion, la viro jam estis farinta.