Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development
Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. commonly known as cactus pear is the most agronomicallyimportant speci... more Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. commonly known as cactus pear is the most agronomicallyimportant species in Cactaceae. Turkey has important genetic resources of Opuntia spp.which should be characterized for further breeding strategies. In this study, molecularcharacterization of plant materials collected from different regions of Turkey in whichOpuntia species grown naturally, was performed by using Random Amplified PolymorphicDNA (RAPD) markers. DNA was successfully amplified by 50 RAPD primers. Among 250bands generated by the RAPD primers, 180 were polymorphic. The number of bandsdetected by a single primer set ranged from one to 12 (average of five bands/primer). Thepercentage of polymorphism was 72% based on RAPD data. All data were scored asdiscrete characters and unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA)dendrogram and principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) were performed. Based on theresults, Opuntia genotypes showed high genetic diversity and we showed that RAPDmarke...
Turunçgiller yetiştiriciliği yapılan en önemli ve yüksek tür çeşitliliğine sahip meyve gruplarınd... more Turunçgiller yetiştiriciliği yapılan en önemli ve yüksek tür çeşitliliğine sahip meyve gruplarından biridir. Taze olarak tüketilmesi ve farklı endüstrilerde ham madde olarak kullanılması turunçgillerin önemini artırmaktadır. Bu nedenle turunçgillerde yeni çeşit ve anaç geliştirme çalışmaları oldukça önemlidir. Melezleme çalışmaları sonucunda elde edilen değerli bitkilerin çoğaltılması için bitki doku kültürü çalışmaları güçlü bir alternatiftir. Bu çalışmada, Sunki mandarin X Rubidoux üç yapraklı melezlerinin in vitro koşullarda mikroçoğaltımında genotip ve farklı besin ortamlarının (Murashige and Skoog Medium -MS, Woody Plant Medium -WPM, Rugini Olive Medium -ROM) etkisi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca bitkilerin köklendirilmesi üzerine genotip ve farklı bitki büyüme düzenleyicilerin (indol bütirik asit - IBA ve naftalen asetik asit - NAA) etkisi araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen köklü bitkiler dış koşullara alıştırılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan genotiplerden mikroçoğaltım aşamasında en başarılı g...
Moleküler biyoloji çalışmaları üzerinde çalışılan bitkilerden yüksek kalitede DNA izolasyonu gere... more Moleküler biyoloji çalışmaları üzerinde çalışılan bitkilerden yüksek kalitede DNA izolasyonu gerektirmektedir. Bu nedenle, çalışmalarda kullanılacak bitkilerden kısa sürede ve saf olarak yüksek konsantrasyonda DNA izolasyonu son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada fındık, avokado, trabzon hurması, mandarin ve portakal türlerinden, MiniPrep DNA izolasyon yöntemi ve bu yöntemin modifiye edilmiş versiyonları kullanılarak DNA elde edilmiştir. Test edilen yöntemlerde ekstraksiyon tampon çözeltileri içinde 1) yalnızca CTAB, 2) CTAB ve PVP beraber (CTAB+PVP), 3) CTAB ve SDS (CTAB+SDS) beraber ve 4) yalnızca SDS olacak şekilde hazırlanmıştır. Bu izolasyon yöntemleri sonrasında elde edilen DNA’ların konsantrasyon ve kaliteleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Genel olarak tüm yöntemlerden yüksek konsantrasyonda DNA elde edilirken, hem bitki türleri hem de yöntemler istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek DNA konsantrasyonları fındık ve portakal türlerinde elde edilirken CTAB+SDS yöntemi ile elde e...
Bu araştırmada, turunçgillerde anaç olma özelliği olan yirmi üç genotipin genetik yapıları SSR (S... more Bu araştırmada, turunçgillerde anaç olma özelliği olan yirmi üç genotipin genetik yapıları SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markırları ile belirlenmiştir. Genotiplerin genetik ilişkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla toplam on SSR primer çifti kullanılmıştır. Kullanılan primerlerden Ci03C08 primeri istenilen amplifikasyonu vermediği için değerlendirmeye alınmamıştır. Değerlendirmeye alınan 9 mikrosatellit primer çifti her genotip için 1 ile 3 arasında değişen bantlar vermiştir. CI03D12a primer çifti, proje kapsamında çalışılan genotiplerle toplam 10 bant vererek en yüksek polimorfizm oranını sergilemiştir. Bu primer için elde edilen bantlar 238bp-258bp aralığında dağılmışlardır. Elde edilen genetik veriler ile genetik benzerlikler hesaplanmış ve genetik benzerliklere dayalı dendrogram elde edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında kullanılan genotipler arasındaki genetik benzerlikler tartışılmıştır.In this study genetic characterization of twenty-three Citrus rootstocks has been conducted by using SS...
Genetic engineering technologies have been taken part in the breeding strategies of fruit crops. ... more Genetic engineering technologies have been taken part in the breeding strategies of fruit crops. Several biotechnological methods can be applied to plant to have better ones in the process of fruit breeding. Among these methods, Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer is frequently used. Citrus species are the most widely grown fruit crops. Despite substantial genetic diversity and interspecific fertility, the genus Citrus includes some of the most difficult species to breed. This is due to several obstacles for conventional breeding. For this reason, biotechnological breeding methods are used in citrus breeding. Acetosyringone is one of the phenolic compounds secreted by injured plant cells and affects the transformation efficiency. This study aims to determine the effect of different acetosyringone concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 μM) on the transformation of rol genes in citrus genotypes and check whether the plantlets obtained after transformation carry the rol genes by molec...
Yeni nesil yuksek verimli DNA dizileme analizleri, temel biyolojik calismalar ve genetik arastirm... more Yeni nesil yuksek verimli DNA dizileme analizleri, temel biyolojik calismalar ve genetik arastirmalarda yuksek potansiyele sahiptir. Bu nedenle gunumuzde kullanilan en onemli teknolojilerden biri olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir.Bu teknolojiler dizileme yontemine gore; sentez araciligiyla dizileme, ligasyon araciligiyla dizileme ve tek molekul dizileme olmak uzere uc gruba ayrilir. Yeni nesil DNA dizileme teknolojisi genom karakterizasyonu, metagenetik, metilasyon analizi, kromatinlerin analizi, mRNA'larin profillenmesi gibi bircok amac icin kullanilmaktadir. Bu derlemede yeni nesil DNA dizileme yontemleri hakkinda genel bilgi verilmis, avantaj ve dezavantajlari tartisilmisve bitkilerde bu metotlarin kullanim alanlarina deginilmistir
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation represents an effective and universal method for transferri... more Agrobacterium-mediated transformation represents an effective and universal method for transferring target genes to plant species. The obtainment of dwarf rootstocks is one of the essential goals in breeding of fruit tree species and especially for citrus. In the present study, non-recombinant wild-type A. rhizogenes strain ATCC15834 was used to obtain dwarf citrus rootstock in in vitro conditions. Tuzcu 3131 Sour Orange, Carrizo citrange, Gou Tou Sour Orange, Swingle citrumelo and Troyer citrange were used as plant materials. Internodal stem explants were obtained from seedlings. Two different methods were applied for transformation. In the first treatment, explants were excised and inoculated with A. rhizogenes suspension and shaken at 80 rpm for 30 min, and explants were transferred to MS medium for 2 days in darkness at 24°C. After co-cultivation, the explants were cultured on MS medium containing 500 mg L-1 cefotaxime. In the second treatment bacterial cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 5000 rpm for 10 min, resuspended and diluted in bacterial suspension medium. The explants were immersed for 15 min in bacterial suspension and transferred to Petri dishes containing cocultivation medium (MS, 2 mg L-1 IAA, 1 mg L-1 2IP, 2 mg L-1 2,4-D) for 3 days at darkness. Then the explants were transferred to shoot regeneration medium (MS supplemented with 500 mg L-1 of cefotaxime and 1 mg L-1 of BAP). The presence of rol genes in the putative transformed plants was confirmed by PCR analysis. Based on molecular analysis, 13 clones containing rol genes were recovered from Troyer citrange, they were rooted in in vitro conditions, and maintained their vitality and continued to develop. Four clones containing rol genes were recovered from Carrizo citrange, they were rooted in in vitro conditions, but these clones were not survived during acclimatization.
Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 2018
Nar çok yıllık, çalı formunda, çok kuvvetli kök sistemine sahip bir subtropik iklim bitkisi olara... more Nar çok yıllık, çalı formunda, çok kuvvetli kök sistemine sahip bir subtropik iklim bitkisi olarak bilinmektedir. Mikrosatellitler yüksek organizmalara ait kromozomlar üzerinde ardışık olarak tekrarlanmakta olan 1-6 bp nükleotid gruplarından oluşmaktadır. Son yıllarda geliştirilen ve günümüzde en önemli teknolojilerden biri olarak karşımıza çıkan yeni nesil DNA dizileme teknolojileri yüksek doğrulukla, ultra hızlı dizileme yapabilmektedir. RNA dizileme gen ifadesinin kantitatif analizi için en güçlü ve yeni teknolojilerden biridir. Bu çalışmada yeni nesil dizileme teknolojileri kullanılarak narda mikrosatellit bölgelerinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla RNA-seq çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. RNA-seq analizlerinde 'Hicaznar' ve '33N26' çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Biyoinformatik çalışmalar sonucunda DNA üzerinde mikrosatellit bölgelerin tanımlanması sağlanmıştır. Çalışma sonunda yaklaşık 19,000 mikrosatellit belirlenmiştir. Bu bölgeler arasından rastgele seçilen 20...
Obtaining haploid plants is one of the important tool that shorten the plant breeding process. An... more Obtaining haploid plants is one of the important tool that shorten the plant breeding process. Anther culture is one of the method used for obtaining haploid plants. Anther culture studies are carried out for several plant species. In the present study, flowers at different sizes of W. Murcott mandarin were collected at the blooming period. Stage of mononuclear microspore of anthers was determined according to method of acetocarmine. Mononuclear microspore stage of anthers was observed in flowers 4-5 mm in diameter. Anther culture experiments were carried out with 4-5 mm in diameter anthers. In this study, temperature pre-treatment was performed at 4˚C and 25˚C for two days. Surface sterilization was performed in flowers and anthers were cultured in nutrient medium N6. Anther culture assays were performed with the three different concentrations of TDZ (0 mg l-1 TDZ, 0.1 mg l-1 TDZ, 0.5 mg l-1 TDZ). Half of anthers were cultured in dark condition while the other half in 16 hours light, 8 hours dark climate room conditions. Anthers containing mononuclear microspore stage were cultured and, changes occurring in the anther explants were discussed in the article.
Citrus fruits are one of the most important fruit groups cultivated in the world. Growth and deve... more Citrus fruits are one of the most important fruit groups cultivated in the world. Growth and development of plants are affected by abiotic factors such as salinity and drought. Global climate change will increase water stress risk in the near future. One of the aims of plant biotechnology is the development of plants tolerant to drought. In the present study, the effect of in vitro drought stress on Carrizo citrange and expression levels of drought related genes were investigated. Four different PEG concentrations (1%, 2%, 4% and 6%) and PEG-free MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L BA were used. The plants were subcultured 3 times at each 4 weeks. During each subculture period, the responses of plants to the drought were examined. Dry weight (gr), fresh weight (gr), shoot length (cm), and multiplication coefficient (unit / plant) were recorded. As a result of plant tissue culture studies, it was determined that plants continue to propagate in all media. However, there was a decrease in the multiplication coefficient in increasing PEG doses. In addition, expression levels of three different genes associated with drought in leaf samples from each subculture (SC) of plant were investigated and it was observed that genes had accelerating expression levels with increasing PEG doses. With these results, it has been revealed that drought-related genes are triggered
Today, fruit science have well been established in world trade networks and sophisticated cultura... more Today, fruit science have well been established in world trade networks and sophisticated cultural and postharvest technologies that allow fruits to be enjoyed throughout much of the year, instead of mere weeks per year like our ancestors experienced. Especially modern biotechnological methods including genetic engineering technologies have been taken part in breeding strategies of fruit crops. Several biotechnological methods can be applied to plant to have better ones in the process of fruit breeding. Genetic engineering is a powerful tool for plant improvement and has the potential to allow the integration of desirable characteristics into existing genomes. Transformation technology developed a path to transfer important genes into plant genome for enhancing resistance against fungal, viral pathogens, other pests, drought, and salinity as well as silencing undesirable genes and improvement in nutrient acquisition. Different gene transfer techniques could be employed for fruit spe...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology, 2020
Turkey has an advantageous position for the cultivation of ornamental plants for reasons such as ... more Turkey has an advantageous position for the cultivation of ornamental plants for reasons such as favourable conditions, proximity to markets and cheap labour. In addition to classical production methods, biotechnological methods are used to meet the demand of Spathiphyllum, which is an indoor plant. In recent years, it has been started to be used in micropropagation of plants called temporary immersion system as well as classical tissue culture systems. Within the scope of the present study, micropropagation and rooting studies were carried out using classical tissue culture system and Plantform, one of the temporary immersion bioreactor systems, in the commercially important Spathiphyllum ‘Chico’ genotype. MS medium containing 1 mg L-1 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) was used in micropropagation experiments established in both systems, and Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 1 mg L-1 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was used in rooting experiments. The results of micropropagation and r...
Several citrus varieties produce apomictic seeds by the nucellar embryony (NE) mechanism. Nucella... more Several citrus varieties produce apomictic seeds by the nucellar embryony (NE) mechanism. Nucellar embryos are created from nucellus tissue and have an identical genetic constitution to the mother plant. Nucellar embryony is known to be an unusual feature of seed production in many citrus cultivars. The term "NE" refers to the development of identical embryos from the maternal tissue known as the nucellus surrounding the embryo sac. The authors aimed here to detect differentially expressed genes involved in the NE mechanism. Orlando tangelo (OT), producing apomictic seeds, and a clementine mandarin, Algerian tangerine ranch selection (AT), known as monoembryonic, were used for high-throughput transcriptome sequencing. First of all, histological analysis was used to determine the initial stage of the development of NE cells. Initial NE cells began to develop on the third day after anthesis. Based on the histological analysis, ovules of flower buds for OT were sampled at the balloon stage and 1, 3, and 5 days after anthesis; for AT only ovules of flower buds at the balloon stage and 3 days after anthesis were sampled for comparative transcriptome sequencing. Primary sequencings, known as "raw reads", were produced using Illumina HiSeq 2000. The raw reads were then filtered into clean reads aligned to the reference sequences. The full genome of Citrus clementina was used as the reference genome. Deep analyses based on gene expression and differentially expressed genes (DEGs), including gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis, were performed. A total of 2359 DEGs (1996 upregulated, 363 downregulated) and 2123 genes (1372 upregulated, 751 downregulated) were identified from the samples at the OT balloon stage, OT third day after anthesis and AT third day after anthesis, and OT third day after anthesis, respectively. These findings provide helpful information regarding citrus transcriptome changes for the NE mechanism and could help with the future identification and functional analysis of genes that are significant for polyembryony.
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduct... more Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Citrus is one of the world’s important fruit crops. Recently, citrus molecular genetics and biotechnology work have been accelerated in the world. Genetic transformation, a biotechnological tool, allows the release of improved cultivars with desirable characteristics in a shorter period of time and therefore may be useful in citrus breeding programs. Citrus transformation has now been achieved in a number of laboratories by variousmethods.Agrobacterium tumefaciens is usedmainly in citrus transformation studies. Particle bombardment, electroporation,A. rhizogenes, and a newmethod called RNA interference are used in citrus transformation studies in addition to A. tumefaciens. In this review, we illustrate how different gene transformation methods can be employed in different citrus species. 1.
Journal of the Professional Association for Cactus Development
Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. commonly known as cactus pear is the most agronomicallyimportant speci... more Opuntia ficus-indica Mill. commonly known as cactus pear is the most agronomicallyimportant species in Cactaceae. Turkey has important genetic resources of Opuntia spp.which should be characterized for further breeding strategies. In this study, molecularcharacterization of plant materials collected from different regions of Turkey in whichOpuntia species grown naturally, was performed by using Random Amplified PolymorphicDNA (RAPD) markers. DNA was successfully amplified by 50 RAPD primers. Among 250bands generated by the RAPD primers, 180 were polymorphic. The number of bandsdetected by a single primer set ranged from one to 12 (average of five bands/primer). Thepercentage of polymorphism was 72% based on RAPD data. All data were scored asdiscrete characters and unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA)dendrogram and principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) were performed. Based on theresults, Opuntia genotypes showed high genetic diversity and we showed that RAPDmarke...
Turunçgiller yetiştiriciliği yapılan en önemli ve yüksek tür çeşitliliğine sahip meyve gruplarınd... more Turunçgiller yetiştiriciliği yapılan en önemli ve yüksek tür çeşitliliğine sahip meyve gruplarından biridir. Taze olarak tüketilmesi ve farklı endüstrilerde ham madde olarak kullanılması turunçgillerin önemini artırmaktadır. Bu nedenle turunçgillerde yeni çeşit ve anaç geliştirme çalışmaları oldukça önemlidir. Melezleme çalışmaları sonucunda elde edilen değerli bitkilerin çoğaltılması için bitki doku kültürü çalışmaları güçlü bir alternatiftir. Bu çalışmada, Sunki mandarin X Rubidoux üç yapraklı melezlerinin in vitro koşullarda mikroçoğaltımında genotip ve farklı besin ortamlarının (Murashige and Skoog Medium -MS, Woody Plant Medium -WPM, Rugini Olive Medium -ROM) etkisi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca bitkilerin köklendirilmesi üzerine genotip ve farklı bitki büyüme düzenleyicilerin (indol bütirik asit - IBA ve naftalen asetik asit - NAA) etkisi araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen köklü bitkiler dış koşullara alıştırılmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan genotiplerden mikroçoğaltım aşamasında en başarılı g...
Moleküler biyoloji çalışmaları üzerinde çalışılan bitkilerden yüksek kalitede DNA izolasyonu gere... more Moleküler biyoloji çalışmaları üzerinde çalışılan bitkilerden yüksek kalitede DNA izolasyonu gerektirmektedir. Bu nedenle, çalışmalarda kullanılacak bitkilerden kısa sürede ve saf olarak yüksek konsantrasyonda DNA izolasyonu son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada fındık, avokado, trabzon hurması, mandarin ve portakal türlerinden, MiniPrep DNA izolasyon yöntemi ve bu yöntemin modifiye edilmiş versiyonları kullanılarak DNA elde edilmiştir. Test edilen yöntemlerde ekstraksiyon tampon çözeltileri içinde 1) yalnızca CTAB, 2) CTAB ve PVP beraber (CTAB+PVP), 3) CTAB ve SDS (CTAB+SDS) beraber ve 4) yalnızca SDS olacak şekilde hazırlanmıştır. Bu izolasyon yöntemleri sonrasında elde edilen DNA’ların konsantrasyon ve kaliteleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Genel olarak tüm yöntemlerden yüksek konsantrasyonda DNA elde edilirken, hem bitki türleri hem de yöntemler istatistiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek DNA konsantrasyonları fındık ve portakal türlerinde elde edilirken CTAB+SDS yöntemi ile elde e...
Bu araştırmada, turunçgillerde anaç olma özelliği olan yirmi üç genotipin genetik yapıları SSR (S... more Bu araştırmada, turunçgillerde anaç olma özelliği olan yirmi üç genotipin genetik yapıları SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markırları ile belirlenmiştir. Genotiplerin genetik ilişkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla toplam on SSR primer çifti kullanılmıştır. Kullanılan primerlerden Ci03C08 primeri istenilen amplifikasyonu vermediği için değerlendirmeye alınmamıştır. Değerlendirmeye alınan 9 mikrosatellit primer çifti her genotip için 1 ile 3 arasında değişen bantlar vermiştir. CI03D12a primer çifti, proje kapsamında çalışılan genotiplerle toplam 10 bant vererek en yüksek polimorfizm oranını sergilemiştir. Bu primer için elde edilen bantlar 238bp-258bp aralığında dağılmışlardır. Elde edilen genetik veriler ile genetik benzerlikler hesaplanmış ve genetik benzerliklere dayalı dendrogram elde edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında kullanılan genotipler arasındaki genetik benzerlikler tartışılmıştır.In this study genetic characterization of twenty-three Citrus rootstocks has been conducted by using SS...
Genetic engineering technologies have been taken part in the breeding strategies of fruit crops. ... more Genetic engineering technologies have been taken part in the breeding strategies of fruit crops. Several biotechnological methods can be applied to plant to have better ones in the process of fruit breeding. Among these methods, Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer is frequently used. Citrus species are the most widely grown fruit crops. Despite substantial genetic diversity and interspecific fertility, the genus Citrus includes some of the most difficult species to breed. This is due to several obstacles for conventional breeding. For this reason, biotechnological breeding methods are used in citrus breeding. Acetosyringone is one of the phenolic compounds secreted by injured plant cells and affects the transformation efficiency. This study aims to determine the effect of different acetosyringone concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 μM) on the transformation of rol genes in citrus genotypes and check whether the plantlets obtained after transformation carry the rol genes by molec...
Yeni nesil yuksek verimli DNA dizileme analizleri, temel biyolojik calismalar ve genetik arastirm... more Yeni nesil yuksek verimli DNA dizileme analizleri, temel biyolojik calismalar ve genetik arastirmalarda yuksek potansiyele sahiptir. Bu nedenle gunumuzde kullanilan en onemli teknolojilerden biri olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir.Bu teknolojiler dizileme yontemine gore; sentez araciligiyla dizileme, ligasyon araciligiyla dizileme ve tek molekul dizileme olmak uzere uc gruba ayrilir. Yeni nesil DNA dizileme teknolojisi genom karakterizasyonu, metagenetik, metilasyon analizi, kromatinlerin analizi, mRNA'larin profillenmesi gibi bircok amac icin kullanilmaktadir. Bu derlemede yeni nesil DNA dizileme yontemleri hakkinda genel bilgi verilmis, avantaj ve dezavantajlari tartisilmisve bitkilerde bu metotlarin kullanim alanlarina deginilmistir
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation represents an effective and universal method for transferri... more Agrobacterium-mediated transformation represents an effective and universal method for transferring target genes to plant species. The obtainment of dwarf rootstocks is one of the essential goals in breeding of fruit tree species and especially for citrus. In the present study, non-recombinant wild-type A. rhizogenes strain ATCC15834 was used to obtain dwarf citrus rootstock in in vitro conditions. Tuzcu 3131 Sour Orange, Carrizo citrange, Gou Tou Sour Orange, Swingle citrumelo and Troyer citrange were used as plant materials. Internodal stem explants were obtained from seedlings. Two different methods were applied for transformation. In the first treatment, explants were excised and inoculated with A. rhizogenes suspension and shaken at 80 rpm for 30 min, and explants were transferred to MS medium for 2 days in darkness at 24°C. After co-cultivation, the explants were cultured on MS medium containing 500 mg L-1 cefotaxime. In the second treatment bacterial cells were pelleted by centrifugation at 5000 rpm for 10 min, resuspended and diluted in bacterial suspension medium. The explants were immersed for 15 min in bacterial suspension and transferred to Petri dishes containing cocultivation medium (MS, 2 mg L-1 IAA, 1 mg L-1 2IP, 2 mg L-1 2,4-D) for 3 days at darkness. Then the explants were transferred to shoot regeneration medium (MS supplemented with 500 mg L-1 of cefotaxime and 1 mg L-1 of BAP). The presence of rol genes in the putative transformed plants was confirmed by PCR analysis. Based on molecular analysis, 13 clones containing rol genes were recovered from Troyer citrange, they were rooted in in vitro conditions, and maintained their vitality and continued to develop. Four clones containing rol genes were recovered from Carrizo citrange, they were rooted in in vitro conditions, but these clones were not survived during acclimatization.
Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 2018
Nar çok yıllık, çalı formunda, çok kuvvetli kök sistemine sahip bir subtropik iklim bitkisi olara... more Nar çok yıllık, çalı formunda, çok kuvvetli kök sistemine sahip bir subtropik iklim bitkisi olarak bilinmektedir. Mikrosatellitler yüksek organizmalara ait kromozomlar üzerinde ardışık olarak tekrarlanmakta olan 1-6 bp nükleotid gruplarından oluşmaktadır. Son yıllarda geliştirilen ve günümüzde en önemli teknolojilerden biri olarak karşımıza çıkan yeni nesil DNA dizileme teknolojileri yüksek doğrulukla, ultra hızlı dizileme yapabilmektedir. RNA dizileme gen ifadesinin kantitatif analizi için en güçlü ve yeni teknolojilerden biridir. Bu çalışmada yeni nesil dizileme teknolojileri kullanılarak narda mikrosatellit bölgelerinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla RNA-seq çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. RNA-seq analizlerinde 'Hicaznar' ve '33N26' çeşitleri kullanılmıştır. Biyoinformatik çalışmalar sonucunda DNA üzerinde mikrosatellit bölgelerin tanımlanması sağlanmıştır. Çalışma sonunda yaklaşık 19,000 mikrosatellit belirlenmiştir. Bu bölgeler arasından rastgele seçilen 20...
Obtaining haploid plants is one of the important tool that shorten the plant breeding process. An... more Obtaining haploid plants is one of the important tool that shorten the plant breeding process. Anther culture is one of the method used for obtaining haploid plants. Anther culture studies are carried out for several plant species. In the present study, flowers at different sizes of W. Murcott mandarin were collected at the blooming period. Stage of mononuclear microspore of anthers was determined according to method of acetocarmine. Mononuclear microspore stage of anthers was observed in flowers 4-5 mm in diameter. Anther culture experiments were carried out with 4-5 mm in diameter anthers. In this study, temperature pre-treatment was performed at 4˚C and 25˚C for two days. Surface sterilization was performed in flowers and anthers were cultured in nutrient medium N6. Anther culture assays were performed with the three different concentrations of TDZ (0 mg l-1 TDZ, 0.1 mg l-1 TDZ, 0.5 mg l-1 TDZ). Half of anthers were cultured in dark condition while the other half in 16 hours light, 8 hours dark climate room conditions. Anthers containing mononuclear microspore stage were cultured and, changes occurring in the anther explants were discussed in the article.
Citrus fruits are one of the most important fruit groups cultivated in the world. Growth and deve... more Citrus fruits are one of the most important fruit groups cultivated in the world. Growth and development of plants are affected by abiotic factors such as salinity and drought. Global climate change will increase water stress risk in the near future. One of the aims of plant biotechnology is the development of plants tolerant to drought. In the present study, the effect of in vitro drought stress on Carrizo citrange and expression levels of drought related genes were investigated. Four different PEG concentrations (1%, 2%, 4% and 6%) and PEG-free MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L BA were used. The plants were subcultured 3 times at each 4 weeks. During each subculture period, the responses of plants to the drought were examined. Dry weight (gr), fresh weight (gr), shoot length (cm), and multiplication coefficient (unit / plant) were recorded. As a result of plant tissue culture studies, it was determined that plants continue to propagate in all media. However, there was a decrease in the multiplication coefficient in increasing PEG doses. In addition, expression levels of three different genes associated with drought in leaf samples from each subculture (SC) of plant were investigated and it was observed that genes had accelerating expression levels with increasing PEG doses. With these results, it has been revealed that drought-related genes are triggered
Today, fruit science have well been established in world trade networks and sophisticated cultura... more Today, fruit science have well been established in world trade networks and sophisticated cultural and postharvest technologies that allow fruits to be enjoyed throughout much of the year, instead of mere weeks per year like our ancestors experienced. Especially modern biotechnological methods including genetic engineering technologies have been taken part in breeding strategies of fruit crops. Several biotechnological methods can be applied to plant to have better ones in the process of fruit breeding. Genetic engineering is a powerful tool for plant improvement and has the potential to allow the integration of desirable characteristics into existing genomes. Transformation technology developed a path to transfer important genes into plant genome for enhancing resistance against fungal, viral pathogens, other pests, drought, and salinity as well as silencing undesirable genes and improvement in nutrient acquisition. Different gene transfer techniques could be employed for fruit spe...
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology, 2020
Turkey has an advantageous position for the cultivation of ornamental plants for reasons such as ... more Turkey has an advantageous position for the cultivation of ornamental plants for reasons such as favourable conditions, proximity to markets and cheap labour. In addition to classical production methods, biotechnological methods are used to meet the demand of Spathiphyllum, which is an indoor plant. In recent years, it has been started to be used in micropropagation of plants called temporary immersion system as well as classical tissue culture systems. Within the scope of the present study, micropropagation and rooting studies were carried out using classical tissue culture system and Plantform, one of the temporary immersion bioreactor systems, in the commercially important Spathiphyllum ‘Chico’ genotype. MS medium containing 1 mg L-1 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) was used in micropropagation experiments established in both systems, and Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 1 mg L-1 Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was used in rooting experiments. The results of micropropagation and r...
Several citrus varieties produce apomictic seeds by the nucellar embryony (NE) mechanism. Nucella... more Several citrus varieties produce apomictic seeds by the nucellar embryony (NE) mechanism. Nucellar embryos are created from nucellus tissue and have an identical genetic constitution to the mother plant. Nucellar embryony is known to be an unusual feature of seed production in many citrus cultivars. The term "NE" refers to the development of identical embryos from the maternal tissue known as the nucellus surrounding the embryo sac. The authors aimed here to detect differentially expressed genes involved in the NE mechanism. Orlando tangelo (OT), producing apomictic seeds, and a clementine mandarin, Algerian tangerine ranch selection (AT), known as monoembryonic, were used for high-throughput transcriptome sequencing. First of all, histological analysis was used to determine the initial stage of the development of NE cells. Initial NE cells began to develop on the third day after anthesis. Based on the histological analysis, ovules of flower buds for OT were sampled at the balloon stage and 1, 3, and 5 days after anthesis; for AT only ovules of flower buds at the balloon stage and 3 days after anthesis were sampled for comparative transcriptome sequencing. Primary sequencings, known as "raw reads", were produced using Illumina HiSeq 2000. The raw reads were then filtered into clean reads aligned to the reference sequences. The full genome of Citrus clementina was used as the reference genome. Deep analyses based on gene expression and differentially expressed genes (DEGs), including gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis, were performed. A total of 2359 DEGs (1996 upregulated, 363 downregulated) and 2123 genes (1372 upregulated, 751 downregulated) were identified from the samples at the OT balloon stage, OT third day after anthesis and AT third day after anthesis, and OT third day after anthesis, respectively. These findings provide helpful information regarding citrus transcriptome changes for the NE mechanism and could help with the future identification and functional analysis of genes that are significant for polyembryony.
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduct... more Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Citrus is one of the world’s important fruit crops. Recently, citrus molecular genetics and biotechnology work have been accelerated in the world. Genetic transformation, a biotechnological tool, allows the release of improved cultivars with desirable characteristics in a shorter period of time and therefore may be useful in citrus breeding programs. Citrus transformation has now been achieved in a number of laboratories by variousmethods.Agrobacterium tumefaciens is usedmainly in citrus transformation studies. Particle bombardment, electroporation,A. rhizogenes, and a newmethod called RNA interference are used in citrus transformation studies in addition to A. tumefaciens. In this review, we illustrate how different gene transformation methods can be employed in different citrus species. 1.
Papers by Ozhan Simsek