Papers by Akın Bakioğlu
Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Bu çalışma kent sosyolojisi perspektifinden mekânsal ayrışmanın sosyal ve siyasal temellerini Erz... more Bu çalışma kent sosyolojisi perspektifinden mekânsal ayrışmanın sosyal ve siyasal temellerini Erzincan kenti örneğinde ele almaktadır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden yararlanan araştırma, Erzincan’da ortaya çıkan mekânsal farklılaşmayı tarihsel ve güncel politikalar ekseninde tartışmaktadır. Kentlerin mekânsal ayrışma sürecinde etnisite temelli olarak dışlanan gruplar kent yoksulluğunun temel bileşenini oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma; neoliberal kent politikalarının bir sonucu olan kentsel dönüşümlerin derinleştirdiği eşitsizliklerin kentsel etnisite ve sosyal dışlama ile olan bağını ve ulusaşırı göç politikalarının kentsel yaşam alanını nasıl şekillendirdiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Günümüzde kentsel etnisite, kentsel dönüşüm politikaları, yerinden etme, soylulaştırma ve göç politikaları ile şekillenmektedir. Bu politikaların sonucu oluşan kentsel yapıdaki eşitsizlik derinleşmektedir ve etno-kültürel ayrımlara eşlik eden sınıfsal farklılıklar belirginleşmektedir. Bu çerçeveden hareket ede...
(flsf) Felsefe ve sosyal bilimler dergisi, May 20, 2023
Zonguldak Kömür Havzası, Türkiye’deki işçi sınıfı tarihine ilişkin mülahazalarda muhakkak göz önü... more Zonguldak Kömür Havzası, Türkiye’deki işçi sınıfı tarihine ilişkin mülahazalarda muhakkak göz önüne alınması gereken değişkenleri barındırır. Ülkenin yakın tarihinde tanıklık edilen birçok sınıfsal reaksiyonun ilk ve en parlak kıvılcımlarını içermesinin yanı sıra, havzanın uzun müddet ülke ekonomisinin katalizörlerinden birisi olarak gündeme oturması ve siyasal muhasebelerin temellerini oluşturması açısından önem teşkil etmektedir.
Osmanlı’nın son zamanlarından günümüze kadar geçen zamanda Türkiye’deki işçi sınıfı hareketleri açısından benzeri görülmemiş mücadelelere sahne olan Zonguldak Kömür Havzası, Türkiye’deki işçileşme sürecinin seyrinde mutlaka değinilmesi gereken deneyimlerle dolu bir tarihi içerir.
Havza tarihi anlatılarında sıkça kullanılan “mükellefiyet”, “grev”, “grizu” gibi kavramlarla neredeyse bütünleşen bu tarih, esasında Zonguldak’taki işçi sınıfının tarihidir.
Bu makalede Haziran-Eylül 2008 tarihleri arasında Zonguldak Kömür Havzası’nda 410 maden işçisiyle yaptığım ve “Maden İşçilerinde İş ve İş Dışı Yaşamın Sosyolojik Özellikleri” isimli yüksek lisans çalışmamda da kullanılan görüşmelerden elde edilen saha verilerinden yararlanılmıştır. Makale, maden işçisinin gündelik yaşam pratiklerini ve emek süreçlerini anlamayı ve açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır.
Conference Presentations by Akın Bakioğlu
15th Conference of the European Sociological Association , 2021
As populism escalates and numbers of authoritarian right-wing regimes and antidemocratic practice... more As populism escalates and numbers of authoritarian right-wing regimes and antidemocratic practices rise, politics is becoming more restricted and oppression within daily life is increasing. In addition to this, the COVID-19 pandemic and the strengthening domination over the individual’s body have had a transformative effect over tools of social pressure and legitimization of policies. Meanwhile, social fights taken to the streets have allowed for awareness of racist policies, but the global health crisis has been used to reorganize oppressive and racist discourse, and legitimize antidemocratic decision-making. Parallel to the world, the state of the pandemic in Turkey has set the stage for the increase and variation in tools of oppression over the individual’s daily life. Anti-authoritarian movements intrinsic to university culture throughout Turkish history have been one of the main actors of Turkish politics, and important determiners of the structure, content, means and development of social movements.
The present study is a comparative historical analysis of how the effect of increasing authoritarian practices on individuality and collectivism have influenced social movements. This analysis is conducted on the student protests against the rector appointments at METU and Boğaziçi University, the two largest student protests of the last ten years in Turkey, occurring before and during the pandemic respectively. They are addressed in the light of information gathered from the students’ personal and organized social media posts, mass media and participant observation.
This study claims that what underlies different political, discursive and legal contexts is the dynamics of the allegedly temporal use of authoritarian power during the pandemic. Drawing students’ different actions, the future of social movements and alternative ways of popularisation are brought up for discussion.
15th Conference of the European Sociological Association, 2021
The historical capitalist process of formation illustrates live labor as the foundation of capita... more The historical capitalist process of formation illustrates live labor as the foundation of capital accumulation processes. In addition to this, it is clear that the exploitation of passive resources existing in nature is one of these processes. In the post-cold war era, other planets have become significant agenda items for the first time in history. As the number of countries that send humanless vehicles to the Moon increased, such vehicles were also sent to Mars. The most important one of these programs is NASA’s Mars Exploration Program. These programs conducted with the collaboration of nation states and multinational companies have the aim of searching and extracting precious minerals on the moon and asteroids. It is expected that this operation will proceed with mining activities, primarily conducted by autonomous robots, the production of these robots, humans establishing compounds on the Moon and Mars in order to diversify mining activities, and these minerals being processed on Earth.
How the technological infrastructure developing in the mining industry, inspection mechanisms, and mechanisms of occupational health and safety affect the prevention of accidents must also be discussed. All of these developments show that the various exploitations of nature are incorporated into capitalist processes of capital formation as they progress.
The present study aims to theoretically discuss the future of the working class in light of developing technologies, by relating the “exploration” of other planets and mining activities on Earth, within the framework of digital capitalism debates. This theoretical discussion will be conducted by comparing quantitative data from the mining industry on Earth and other planets.
Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği (BMMYK) güncel rakamlarına göre yaklaşık dört y... more Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği (BMMYK) güncel rakamlarına göre yaklaşık dört yıldır Suriye’de yaşanan iç karışıklıklar nedeniyle ülkelerini terk etmek zorunda kalan 3.977.211 Suriyeli bulunmaktadır. Çıkan iç karışıklıklar sonrasında, komşu ülkelere zorunlu olarak göç etmek durumunda kalan Suriyelilerin en çok bulunduğu ülke ise Türkiye’dir. Göç İdaresi Genel Müdürlüğü’nün 01.04.2015 tarihli verilerine göre Türkiye’deki kayıtlı Suriyeli sayısı 1.757.262 kişidir. Her ne kadar yukarıdaki rakamlar durumun ciddiyetini ortaya koysa da gerçek rakamların bilinenin üzerinde olduğu yaygın bir kanıdır.
Çeşitli ve geçerli nedenlerle kamplarda kalmak istemeyen mülteci ailelerin bir kısmına Ankara’da (AŞTİ’de ya da Kızılay ve Sıhhiye sokaklarında) rastlarız. Suriye’deki siyasi belirsizlik nedeniyle mültecilerin sayıları her geçen gün artmakta ve medyaya yansıyan bazı çatışmalar ciddi boyutlara ulaşabilmektedir. Bunlardan birinin yaşandığı ve Suriyeli mültecilerin evlerinin ateşe verilmesi ile sonuçlanan olayın geçtiği Altındağ’da Suriyeli sayısı gittikçe artmış ve yeni bir yaşam alanı oluşmuştur. Bu oluşumun ekonomik ve gündelik yaşam boyutunu irdeleyip eleştirel bir ‘sosyal dışlanma’ değerlendirmesi sunmak istiyoruz.
In this study, the Syrians, who escaped from the war and seeked asylum Turkey from 2011, will be ... more In this study, the Syrians, who escaped from the war and seeked asylum Turkey from 2011, will be evaluated through their 'native' and 'foreign' positions within their everyday and working lives in Siteler Furniture Industrial Zone. The study will focus on the formation of native -foreign identities in the relations between Turkish citizens living in the Ankara Siteler’s coming from in various parts of Turkey and, living and working around the Industrial Zone and refugees coming from Syria.
Although Turkish citizens themselves migrated to reside in Siteler region, they have become native as they came into contact with the Syrians since they settled to the region before the Syrians. Syrians are attracted to the industrial districts of the provinces since they are able to get ahead in the labor area surrounded with low wages and double insecurity, these districts provide a cheap housing complex that is included in the scope of urban transformation. Thus, local small producers, crafts and landlords have a new income source.
The Syrians have made a strengthening effect on the furniture industry, which is being built on the basis of artisanal craftsmanship and has almost come to an end. Syrian workers who were previously engaged in craftsmanship have integrated quite easily and they became a cheap and qualified labour force within the region.
In-depth interviews were conducted with both local residents and Syrians in a qualitative research design, and native-foreign positions in the region were tried to be read through the employee-employee-employer relationship. The striking data obtained reveals the hierarchical competition of Turkish workers with Syrian refugees and its reflection on everyday life.
The problem of this study is the absorption of the reaction of labourers who work in conditions w... more The problem of this study is the absorption of the reaction of labourers who work in conditions without work assurance, against the working relationships which are invaded by informal networks, by leftist political ethos. Oppositional political ethos creates the main norms of labour control patterns in the wage relations of the workers of a bar in Ankara (capital city of Turkey) and known for its politically critical stance. In addition, the informal relations created by the employers on the level of “friendship” become one of the fundamental reference point of the strategies in order to increase the amount of monetary gain of the business. Surplus-friendship is the production of the surplus-value in that informal network. The friendship relations between the workers and the customers turn into the focal point of monetary gain for the employers. In the research, the interviews with the bar workers who strike due to their inability to subsist within the work environment without work assurance, and their employers are used alongside the empirical data collected through observation in duration of the strike (that strike was the first bar workers strike in Ankara and it was aimed to stop the consumption rather than production). Lastly, the effects of the worker strike on oppositional political circles are discussed and how employers besmeared the legal struggle started by workers to gain their rights, using an oppositional political rhetoric is unfold. In conclusion, the rhetorical conflict which appeared in one of the main resorts of the labour-capital relationship reflects upon the whole process.
14-15 Mart 2015, Ve Tarih Yürüyor... Türkiye'de Sınıfların İzini Sürmek Sempozyumu: "Baret, Kazma... more 14-15 Mart 2015, Ve Tarih Yürüyor... Türkiye'de Sınıfların İzini Sürmek Sempozyumu: "Baret, Kazma, Fener ve Bilinç": 90-91 Büyük Madenci Grevi'nden Soma'ya
Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, 15-17 Ekim 2014, Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi: "Mehmet Seyda'... more Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, 15-17 Ekim 2014, Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi: "Mehmet Seyda'nın Yanartaş Romanında İşçi Sınıfı"
University of Glasgow, 28-29 May 2014, Protest Conference: "Oral and Visual History of a Protest:... more University of Glasgow, 28-29 May 2014, Protest Conference: "Oral and Visual History of a Protest: 1990-1991 Zonguldak Miners’ Strike"
MA thesis by Akın Bakioğlu
Akın Bakioğlu, (2011). Maden İşçilerinin İş ve İş Dışı Yaşamlarının Sosyolojik Özellikleri (Danış... more Akın Bakioğlu, (2011). Maden İşçilerinin İş ve İş Dışı Yaşamlarının Sosyolojik Özellikleri (Danışman: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ümit AKÇA)
BOOK CHAPTERS by Akın Bakioğlu
Advances in Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences I, 2023
Today, millions of children around the world are forced to leave their places of birth due to war... more Today, millions of children around the world are forced to leave their places of birth due to war, conflict, repression, violence, and other human rights violations. These children often cross the borders of their countries to seek refuge in other countries and apply for refugee status. Therefore, it is of great importance for countries to make legal arrangements to protect the rights and needs of child refugees. This article discusses the practices carried out to protect unaccompanied refugee children in Turkey. The research focuses on the social work approach of the country's asylum regime in meeting the basic needs of unaccompanied children in Turkey such as education, shelter and health. The current legal framework, implementation processes and future recommendations regarding unaccompanied minors in Turkey constitute the main topics of this study.
International Theory, Research And Reviews In Social, Human and Administrative Sciences, 2023
Reinhart Koselleck and Walter Benjamin are the two thinkers most emphasized in terms of historica... more Reinhart Koselleck and Walter Benjamin are the two thinkers most emphasized in terms of historical theory today. The two thinkers look at historical events from a cultural and social projection, develop an understanding of culture and conceptual history, have a unique understanding of temporality, use theology creatively in their theories, criticize modernity and enlightenment, and interpret the present as a place and process that reveals history. These are approaches that have been effective in gaining a place in the theory literature. Another important feature of Koselleck and Benjamin is that they give an important place to the concept or thought of crisis in their philosophy of history. Both thinkers deal with the concept of crisis by associating it with the modern. Koselleck and Benjamin crisis; While discussing in the context of temporality, theology, apocalypse, revolution, salvation, the relationship between past-present-future and modernity, they basically point out the necessity of considering the concept or idea of crisis together with social and political history. Unlike Koselleck, Benjamin defends the idea of revolutionary intervention in crisis due to its connection with the idea of the revolutionary subject that will transform history. This study compares the historical theories of Koselleck and Benjamin, both in general terms and with a focus on the concept and thought of crisis. Because Koselleck and Benjamin’s approaches to the concept and thought of crisis can only be understood in the context of the two thinkers’ theories of history. Therefore, the study discusses the fundamental differences and similarities in both the historical theories of the two thinkers and their approaches to the concept and thought of crisis.
Yüz Karası Değil Kömür Karası: Zonguldak, 2017
Yüz Karası Değil Kömür Karası: Zonguldak içinde, Der. Atilla Barutçu ve Figen Uzar Özdemir, İstan... more Yüz Karası Değil Kömür Karası: Zonguldak içinde, Der. Atilla Barutçu ve Figen Uzar Özdemir, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, (2017), 69-78.
Emekçileri Okumak, 2014
Bakioğlu, A. (2014) Mehmet Seyda'nın Yanartaş Romanında İşçi Sınıfı ve Sınıf Kültürü. Mustafa Kem... more Bakioğlu, A. (2014) Mehmet Seyda'nın Yanartaş Romanında İşçi Sınıfı ve Sınıf Kültürü. Mustafa Kemal Coşkun (Ed.) Emekçileri Okumak içinde (s.103-122). İstanbul. Evrensel Basım Yayın.
Book Reviews by Akın Bakioğlu
Sociology Lens, 2024
The visual history of childhood could be written in various contexts and with various themes. For... more The visual history of childhood could be written in various contexts and with various themes. For example, the interaction of children with different visual devices, the representations of children on screen, why adults feel the need for images of children, or the reconciliatory role, innocence, or cruelty of childhood on screen… We have a wonderful and enlightening example narrating the historical journey of children on screen.
Papers by Akın Bakioğlu
Osmanlı’nın son zamanlarından günümüze kadar geçen zamanda Türkiye’deki işçi sınıfı hareketleri açısından benzeri görülmemiş mücadelelere sahne olan Zonguldak Kömür Havzası, Türkiye’deki işçileşme sürecinin seyrinde mutlaka değinilmesi gereken deneyimlerle dolu bir tarihi içerir.
Havza tarihi anlatılarında sıkça kullanılan “mükellefiyet”, “grev”, “grizu” gibi kavramlarla neredeyse bütünleşen bu tarih, esasında Zonguldak’taki işçi sınıfının tarihidir.
Bu makalede Haziran-Eylül 2008 tarihleri arasında Zonguldak Kömür Havzası’nda 410 maden işçisiyle yaptığım ve “Maden İşçilerinde İş ve İş Dışı Yaşamın Sosyolojik Özellikleri” isimli yüksek lisans çalışmamda da kullanılan görüşmelerden elde edilen saha verilerinden yararlanılmıştır. Makale, maden işçisinin gündelik yaşam pratiklerini ve emek süreçlerini anlamayı ve açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır.
Conference Presentations by Akın Bakioğlu
The present study is a comparative historical analysis of how the effect of increasing authoritarian practices on individuality and collectivism have influenced social movements. This analysis is conducted on the student protests against the rector appointments at METU and Boğaziçi University, the two largest student protests of the last ten years in Turkey, occurring before and during the pandemic respectively. They are addressed in the light of information gathered from the students’ personal and organized social media posts, mass media and participant observation.
This study claims that what underlies different political, discursive and legal contexts is the dynamics of the allegedly temporal use of authoritarian power during the pandemic. Drawing students’ different actions, the future of social movements and alternative ways of popularisation are brought up for discussion.
How the technological infrastructure developing in the mining industry, inspection mechanisms, and mechanisms of occupational health and safety affect the prevention of accidents must also be discussed. All of these developments show that the various exploitations of nature are incorporated into capitalist processes of capital formation as they progress.
The present study aims to theoretically discuss the future of the working class in light of developing technologies, by relating the “exploration” of other planets and mining activities on Earth, within the framework of digital capitalism debates. This theoretical discussion will be conducted by comparing quantitative data from the mining industry on Earth and other planets.
Çeşitli ve geçerli nedenlerle kamplarda kalmak istemeyen mülteci ailelerin bir kısmına Ankara’da (AŞTİ’de ya da Kızılay ve Sıhhiye sokaklarında) rastlarız. Suriye’deki siyasi belirsizlik nedeniyle mültecilerin sayıları her geçen gün artmakta ve medyaya yansıyan bazı çatışmalar ciddi boyutlara ulaşabilmektedir. Bunlardan birinin yaşandığı ve Suriyeli mültecilerin evlerinin ateşe verilmesi ile sonuçlanan olayın geçtiği Altındağ’da Suriyeli sayısı gittikçe artmış ve yeni bir yaşam alanı oluşmuştur. Bu oluşumun ekonomik ve gündelik yaşam boyutunu irdeleyip eleştirel bir ‘sosyal dışlanma’ değerlendirmesi sunmak istiyoruz.
Although Turkish citizens themselves migrated to reside in Siteler region, they have become native as they came into contact with the Syrians since they settled to the region before the Syrians. Syrians are attracted to the industrial districts of the provinces since they are able to get ahead in the labor area surrounded with low wages and double insecurity, these districts provide a cheap housing complex that is included in the scope of urban transformation. Thus, local small producers, crafts and landlords have a new income source.
The Syrians have made a strengthening effect on the furniture industry, which is being built on the basis of artisanal craftsmanship and has almost come to an end. Syrian workers who were previously engaged in craftsmanship have integrated quite easily and they became a cheap and qualified labour force within the region.
In-depth interviews were conducted with both local residents and Syrians in a qualitative research design, and native-foreign positions in the region were tried to be read through the employee-employee-employer relationship. The striking data obtained reveals the hierarchical competition of Turkish workers with Syrian refugees and its reflection on everyday life.
MA thesis by Akın Bakioğlu
BOOK CHAPTERS by Akın Bakioğlu
Book Reviews by Akın Bakioğlu
Osmanlı’nın son zamanlarından günümüze kadar geçen zamanda Türkiye’deki işçi sınıfı hareketleri açısından benzeri görülmemiş mücadelelere sahne olan Zonguldak Kömür Havzası, Türkiye’deki işçileşme sürecinin seyrinde mutlaka değinilmesi gereken deneyimlerle dolu bir tarihi içerir.
Havza tarihi anlatılarında sıkça kullanılan “mükellefiyet”, “grev”, “grizu” gibi kavramlarla neredeyse bütünleşen bu tarih, esasında Zonguldak’taki işçi sınıfının tarihidir.
Bu makalede Haziran-Eylül 2008 tarihleri arasında Zonguldak Kömür Havzası’nda 410 maden işçisiyle yaptığım ve “Maden İşçilerinde İş ve İş Dışı Yaşamın Sosyolojik Özellikleri” isimli yüksek lisans çalışmamda da kullanılan görüşmelerden elde edilen saha verilerinden yararlanılmıştır. Makale, maden işçisinin gündelik yaşam pratiklerini ve emek süreçlerini anlamayı ve açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır.
The present study is a comparative historical analysis of how the effect of increasing authoritarian practices on individuality and collectivism have influenced social movements. This analysis is conducted on the student protests against the rector appointments at METU and Boğaziçi University, the two largest student protests of the last ten years in Turkey, occurring before and during the pandemic respectively. They are addressed in the light of information gathered from the students’ personal and organized social media posts, mass media and participant observation.
This study claims that what underlies different political, discursive and legal contexts is the dynamics of the allegedly temporal use of authoritarian power during the pandemic. Drawing students’ different actions, the future of social movements and alternative ways of popularisation are brought up for discussion.
How the technological infrastructure developing in the mining industry, inspection mechanisms, and mechanisms of occupational health and safety affect the prevention of accidents must also be discussed. All of these developments show that the various exploitations of nature are incorporated into capitalist processes of capital formation as they progress.
The present study aims to theoretically discuss the future of the working class in light of developing technologies, by relating the “exploration” of other planets and mining activities on Earth, within the framework of digital capitalism debates. This theoretical discussion will be conducted by comparing quantitative data from the mining industry on Earth and other planets.
Çeşitli ve geçerli nedenlerle kamplarda kalmak istemeyen mülteci ailelerin bir kısmına Ankara’da (AŞTİ’de ya da Kızılay ve Sıhhiye sokaklarında) rastlarız. Suriye’deki siyasi belirsizlik nedeniyle mültecilerin sayıları her geçen gün artmakta ve medyaya yansıyan bazı çatışmalar ciddi boyutlara ulaşabilmektedir. Bunlardan birinin yaşandığı ve Suriyeli mültecilerin evlerinin ateşe verilmesi ile sonuçlanan olayın geçtiği Altındağ’da Suriyeli sayısı gittikçe artmış ve yeni bir yaşam alanı oluşmuştur. Bu oluşumun ekonomik ve gündelik yaşam boyutunu irdeleyip eleştirel bir ‘sosyal dışlanma’ değerlendirmesi sunmak istiyoruz.
Although Turkish citizens themselves migrated to reside in Siteler region, they have become native as they came into contact with the Syrians since they settled to the region before the Syrians. Syrians are attracted to the industrial districts of the provinces since they are able to get ahead in the labor area surrounded with low wages and double insecurity, these districts provide a cheap housing complex that is included in the scope of urban transformation. Thus, local small producers, crafts and landlords have a new income source.
The Syrians have made a strengthening effect on the furniture industry, which is being built on the basis of artisanal craftsmanship and has almost come to an end. Syrian workers who were previously engaged in craftsmanship have integrated quite easily and they became a cheap and qualified labour force within the region.
In-depth interviews were conducted with both local residents and Syrians in a qualitative research design, and native-foreign positions in the region were tried to be read through the employee-employee-employer relationship. The striking data obtained reveals the hierarchical competition of Turkish workers with Syrian refugees and its reflection on everyday life.
This book aims to analyze the formation and daily life of the working class, the impact of changing working conditions on the class and the reconsideration of historical processes through class theories. The book also presents a panorama of studies on class perspectives in Turkey. Research on social classes in relation to economic, cultural, political and social analysis should not be limited to mass, popular and long-term labor movements. Studies focusing on micro areas of life are also important. In field research conducted by social scientists, reflecting the historical and cultural background of the working class in different geographical areas in Turkey makes an important contribution to the literature. Because it is a fact that the working class has different experiences under different conditions. The book brings together recent studies using class literature. Field research and theoretical discussions on the formation, history, culture and resistance of the working class in different geographical regions of Turkey present a geographical panorama of the working class.
"The author... listened to the voices of those who organized in the trade union base in 1991 and those who participated in the Ankara march that started from Zonguldak, and chose the path of understanding, uncovering and explaining the background of the strike and march by looking at life... The continuation of the 'voice of the grassroots' movement in the past, spreading the whispers of resistance at the grassroots. The influence of the workplace unity committees on the organization of the resistance, the first marches in the streets of Zonguldak, the strike and the march of Ankara are discussed and explained in the book based on the testimonies." CAN SAFAK
önceki kongrelerde de olduğu gibi, güncel sosyolojik gelişmelerin tartışıldığı bir platform
olarak Türkiye’deki sosyolojik gündemin paylaşılmasına önemli katkılarda
bulunmuştur. İlk kongrenin düzenlendiği 1993 yılından günümüze kadar Türkiye’de
faklı alanlarda yapılan sosyolojik çalışmalar ulusal kongre aracılığıyla meslektaşlar ve
sosyoloji ile ilgili diğer akademisyenlerle paylaşılmaktadır.
Dokuzuncu kongre “Toplum 4.0” üst başlığı ile çağrıya çıkmış ve kongrede sunulmak
üzere 505 bildiri başvurusunda bulunulmuştur. Bilim kurulunun bilimsel
değerlendirmesinin ardından kongrede sunulmak üzere 336 bildiri kabul edilmiştir. Kabul
edilen bildirilerin 282 tanesi sunulmuştur. Kongre 100 oturumla gerçekleştirilmiş,
“Dijital Sosyoloji”, “Toplumsal Cinsiyet”, “Çocuk sosyolojisi”, “Göç Sosyolojisi” ve
“Kent Sosyolojisi” temaları en çok oturum sayısı alan konular olmuştur.
Bu kitapla 9. Ulusal Sosyoloji kongresinde sunulan bildirilerin 72 tanesinin tam metinlerini
This research deals with the cultural outcome of the immigration wave between Turkey and Germany that has started in 1960s. After the Berlin Wall being built overnight, the need for a workforce in Federal Republic of Germany was increased. Following this, a worker recruitment agreement was signed with Turkey which laid the foundations of a migration path that will continue for ages between Germany and Turkey.
In the process of 60 years of becoming a citizen after being a guest worker, a new culture which bears grave traces of both cultures has emerged because of the contact and interaction of the two cultures. The culture is referred to as “Kanak” or “Kanaken,” which is seen in the neighborhoods occupied by those who came from especially Turkey. Basically, the Kanak culture is a diasporic culture in which Turkish and German words are spoken simultaneously. This culture contains a dominant culture criticism through universal cultural values even though it has ethnocentric aspects.
The first generation of workers experienced serious difficulties adapting to society and therefore only existed in Germany with its workforce. However, along with the second generation, the third generation, who were adapted enough into society to produce art and literature, had an inevitable change due to its transformation from being a sheer source culture bearer into a culture producer.
Language is one of the most important elements of cultural construction. The first-generation immigrants’ lack of language skills and embodiment of their daily life around affinity and workplace forced them to use a more limited language.
The elements that determine the existence of immigrants as an ethnic group, attitude of the residents, migration policies and immigrants’ future expectations. Groups that are away from the common religious belief and dominant ethnic origin are received as “the other” by the dominant groups. Intentions can vary because of the conditions and opportunities in the destination country.
Similarly, migration policies undergo a change after accepting the immigrants. This mutualism shows us that integration is not a one-sided term, but it is a mutual act of construction. Integration does not contain the acceptance of the culture that a person faces or is in.
Besides the usage of the diasporic langue in the daily life, we witness a variety of meanings, ideas, and emotions through its usage in music and literature works. The term Kanak was used as an insult against the Turkish people who spoke half German, half Turkish. Today, it is used by the people who see themselves as Kanaks. The lines that we use to define today’s Kanak culture are the lines that were drawn by Zaimoğlu, who used these to voice Kanaks. According to this, Kanaks are defined as anti-racist, libertarian and people who are not into mainstream culture industry metas. The term was originally used as an insult to Turkish immigrants because of their contrast, such as speaking half German half Turkish, their clothing, looks, religious tendencies, with the dominant cultural elements, but in time, Turkish immigrants adopted this this term later on. Kanak culture became an intricate intersection of both rejected and adjusted points in both geographies for the immigrants’ children who lived in German society. As a source of conflictive elements, the Kanak culture is an initiative by itself which aims to remove the social inequalities against the dominant, dismissive and similarizing culture.
The relations between domination and subordination have a cultural context as well as a political one. This cultural context, as much as it contains the consent-generating mechanisms of power, can also provide the subordinated with tools for counter-action and enable them to develop micro-politics. Subaltern groups have the power to erode domination by producing these micro-politics on historically familiar cultural grounds and in the ordinary spaces of everyday life. Humor, laughter, language games, irony and symbolic reversals are some of these micro-political tools. Therefore, subalterns are able to create various tactics, symbols, forms of violation and resistance that are different from conventional political tools to disrupt the domination-subordination relationship. These micro-politics are addressed through Michel De Certeau's tactics, James C. Scott's speech under domination and Mikhail Bakhtin's concept of carnival. These concepts refer to the cultural actions, ways of thinking and political language that subalterns develop against the mechanisms of domination. In this form of action, culture and collective rituals provide the symbolic means of violation, while the body offers a surface of resistance that renders domination fragile. This form of action has an implicit power to erode the domination from the inside, within the domain of the dominator, and can be defined as the performance of cultural resistance as a body politics.
Keywords: Subaltern, Tactics, Cultural action, Carnival, Body politics.