Derek McNeill is a seasoned traveler, explorer, and publisher with a passion for sharing the transformative power of solo adventures. With a lifetime of journeys across six contine...ver másDerek McNeill is a seasoned traveler, explorer, and publisher with a passion for sharing the transformative power of solo adventures. With a lifetime of journeys across six continents, McNeill brings a wealth of firsthand knowledge about navigating new cultures and landscapes with confidence and curiosity. Beyond the thrill of discovery, McNeill is a committed advocate for sustainable energy, travel and a healthy green future. As a practicing 'conservationist', McNeill focuses on ways we as a responsible species can protect and honor the natural world.
Through writing, speaking, and mentorship, McNeill has inspired others to explore, mindfully, deeper connections to nature and encourages positive contributions to the world we live in, wherever we are. One example of the urge to write about his experiences was whilst touring the Greek islands in the early 80s.He saw Solar Power's future potential. He was amazed at how many Greek island homes were already 'Sun energy' self sufficient, a futuristic idea at that time. Decades later and after much research, McNeill, with much help and many resources, has compiled this comprehensive guide on the subject of Solar Power for the DIY Solar energy enthusiast.ver menos